Bush Goes to School

by bohra_ajay on June 20, 2006, 08:19:00 AM
Pages: [1]
Author  (Read 697 times)
George Bush goes to a primary school to give a speech.

After his talk he offers question time.

One little boy puts up his hand and George asks him what his name is?


"And what is your question, Bob?"

"I have 3 questions.
First, Why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, Why are you President when Kerry got more votes?
And third, What happened to Osama Bin Laden?

Just then the bell rings for recess.

George Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.

When they resume George says, "OK, where were we?Oh that's right --- question time. Who has a question?"

A different little boy puts up his hand .

George points him out and asks him what his name is?


"And what is your question, Steve?"

"I have 5 questions.

First, Why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?

Second, Why are you President when Kerry got more votes?

Third, What happened to Osama Bin Laden?

Fourth, Why did the recess bell go 20 minutes early? And fifth,

Where is "Bob"? !!
«Reply #1 on: June 20, 2006, 04:14:12 PM »

good post..... :D
«Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 06:17:22 AM »
thanx ...

 this incident goes with Laloo Prasad in Bihar too Winking
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