engg students life.

by sunny_bunny on July 20, 2006, 05:35:10 AM
Pages: [1]
Author  (Read 604 times)
Our University's Engg anthem :

"Fight fight never surrender, after May there is December....
Where there is a will there is way, after December there is May!"


1). The lecturers dont teach.The students dont
study.The only guy who benefits is the one who owns
the 'dhaba' next to the college.

2).Rules are made to be broken.

3).Promises are made to be broken.

4).Deadlines are made to be extended...ALWAYS!

5).Guys always think the chics in the college next
lane are more beautiful.

5).The geeks are the most pampered lot during the
internal exams.

6).The lab assistants are the most respected
people(during the lab exams i.e)

7).The watchmen are the people most bribed.

glasses2.The HOD is the person most respected(heights of
sycophancy here).

9).The principal is the person most abused and
insulted(behind the back i.e)

10).Dropping subjects is 'cool'.(arre yaar..drop the
idea of dropping subjects plzz).

11).There is always a lecturer in the college who cant
speak proper 'english'.

12).Night-out is the second most important tool to ace
the exams.
13).All time u will be in debate with students of other
branch as their branch is d BEST.

14).The most important tool..the bhramastra..is the
'chit' in which the words can be understood only by
the person who wrote them(in most of the cases i.e)
15).The freshers are the most sought after..be it in
the canteen,the 'free' periods or for completing the
16).One has to live in constant fear of a DROP all
 through the engg carrier as according to new revised
stringent RULES any thing can happen to ANYONE.

17).The second-years are the ones with the 'I am the
don-of-the-college' feeling iff one not has  MECHANICS KT of
1st sem.....( BAP of all papers of ENGG).

18).The third years are the ones with the
'so-many-backlogs' feeling and the poor souls get down
to studying after bossing around in the college
for so long. but the fun still continues.

19).The fourth years have no connection with the
college whatsoever...with no interest in
ragging,pulling each other`s legs,the bday parties,the
bday bums et al which they enjoyed so much till
now.All they want is a good placement and a
'1st-class' tag attached to their memo.

20).The first three years are spent in cursing the
college, the people there, the system et al.

21).But towards the end of the fourth year, people tend
to feel nostalgic abt the pure unadulterated fun they
have had for 4 years.  Now the very system they
disliked,the very canteen they cursed,the time that
they spent there, the bday bums they suffered..all
these seem like heaven to them.
......................THIS THE HOW OUR ENGINEERING COMPLETES.................
«Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 05:44:51 AM »
:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Isn't it so true  :wink:
«Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 09:09:51 AM »
well said sunny.....
bilkul sahi likha hai.... Usual Smile Usual Smile Usual Smile
«Reply #3 on: July 20, 2006, 09:27:18 AM »
Sahi pehchaanaa.....Very True...[/b]
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