~***Health Tips***~

by Sonu on March 19, 2007, 11:06:31 PM
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*DeSi KuRi WaLaIti sTyLe*
«Reply #15 on: March 21, 2007, 03:00:04 AM »
******Thank you in Eagle Gang walon ko do .....*****
«Reply #16 on: March 21, 2007, 09:25:20 PM »
haan......in logon ko zyaada zaroorat hai...:D
«Reply #17 on: March 26, 2007, 03:32:11 AM »
Asthma...Causes. ..Triggers. ..&
how to help yourself ?

Many things can cause asthma symptoms to start; these are called triggers. Every child's asthma triggers are different. Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out exactly what your child's asthma triggers are. Work with your child's doctor or nurse to identify your child's specific triggers. It is important to try to control your child's exposure to the triggers that make his or her asthma worse.
Irritants and allergies are the two main types of asthma triggers:
Irritants are substances that irritate the nose, throat, or airways. Common irritants include:

• Cigarette smoke
• Strong smells
• Colds or other respiratory illnesses
• Chemicals
• Air pollutants
• Weather conditions
Many children with asthma also have allergies, which can make asthma worse. With allergies, a child's immune system becomes sensitive to allergens, which can include:

• pollen
• pet dander
• dust mites
• mold and mildew
• cockroaches
These allergens can increase inflammation (swelling) in the airways and trigger asthma. With continued inflammation, the airways become even more sensitive to triggers.

Other triggers
Exercise can trigger an asthma attack, often because of the inhaled cool and dry air. Long-term strenuous activities such as long distance running, are most likely to induce asthma. Swimming is the least likely.
Respiratory Infections and Sinusitis
Infections can cause irritation of the airways, nose, throat, lungs, and sinuses, and worsens asthma.
Gastroesophageal Reflux
GERD, characterized by persistent reflux of stomach acids, is also sometimes found in children with asthma. Symptoms may include heartburn, coughing, belching, or infants spitting up.
Sensitivity to Medications
These medications may cause asthmatic attacks due to sensitivities or allergies:

• aspirin
• non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen
• sulfites used as preservatives in food and beverage
Before giving your child any medication, including over-the-counter, talk with your child's physician.
Emotional Anxiety and Nervous Stress
Reactions from stress and anxiety are considered to be more of an effect than a cause. They can cause fatigue, which may affect the immune system and, in turn, increase either asthma symptoms or bring on an attack.
How to limit exposure to irritants:

• Smoke - Do not allow family and friends to smoke anywhere inside the house. Do not allow smoking in the car at any time. Smoke is very irritating in an enclosed area and its odor may be trapped in the car's upholstery for a long period of time and continue to trigger symptoms. When eating out, always sit in non-smoking sections of restaurants. You should also have non-smoking childcare providers.
• Strong perfumes/odors - Your child should avoid things that have a strong smell such as cleaning products, perfumes, hair spray, tar, fresh paint, gasoline, insect sprays, and room deodorizers. Avoid spraying these things and using cleaning solutions when your child is home.
• Germs - Teach your child to wash her hands often, which will decrease her likelihood of catching a cold or the flu. Many children with asthma should get the flu shot each year. Check with your child's doctor to see if this is right for your child.
• Chemicals - Your child should avoid being near things like coal, chalk and talcum powder. Air pollutants Weather conditions -- changes in temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and strong winds
• Air pollutants - Keep your child away from air pollutants such as smog and exhaust from cars or factories as much possible.
How to limit exposure to allergies:
If you think your child may have allergies, talk to your child's pediatrician or nurse about getting a referral to an allergist. An allergist can do skin tests on your child to find out exactly what he is allergic to and what your child should avoid so he can breathe easier.

• Dust
Dust mites, tiny insect-like creatures found in mattresses, carpets and upholstered furniture, thrive in warm, humid conditions and feed on the shed scales of human skin. You can prevent allergy symptoms caused by dust mites by limiting your child's exposure to them. Pay attention to the room(s) where your child spends most of her time.

• beds - Beds should have wooden or metal frames. Don't have your child sleep on a couch or hide-a-bed sofa. If your child sleeps in a bunk bed, he should sleep in the top bunk.
• mattress/box spring - Cover mattresses and box springs with zippered, dust-proof covers and put electrical or duct tape over the zippers.
• pillows - Put pillows in dust-proof covers. Pillows should be made of Dacron or other synthetic fiber. Never use foam, feather or "down" pillows.
• bedding - Wash bedding (sheets, pillowcases, blankets and comforters) in very hot water, which kill the dust mites. Dry the bedding in a dryer instead of hanging outdoors where pollen may stick to them while wet. Do not use wool or down blankets.
• floor coverings - Avoid having wall-to-wall carpeting in your home. If you can't get rid of carpeting, vacuum it often (at least twice a week) and change the vacuum filter or bag periodically. Vacuum when your child with asthma is away and will not return to the room for several hours because of the dust that can be stirred up. Use multi-layered vacuum bags instead of regular single layer bags. Wood, tile, or vinyl flooring should be mopped at least weekly, and avoid using rugs on these floors.
• closets - Closets should store only clothing and should also be dusted and cleaned as often as the rooms. Keep clothes in closets, and not lying around the room.
• furnace (heating) - Electric or gas heat is better than wood stoves or kerosene heaters. Change air filters on the furnace every month and cover furnace outlets with filters. This will catch dust from the furnace before it can get into the air.
• air purifier - HEPA filter units can help to remove airborne allergens.
• air conditioners - Change or clean filters in either window units or central air-conditioning systems each month. Keep windows closed, especially in the summer.
• walls - Try not to put up pennants, pictures, wreaths, flower arrangements or other dust catchers on the walls.
• window coverings -Put up window shades instead of heavy curtains or Venetian/mini blinds. If you have curtains, wash them each month in hot water.
• humidifier - Humidifiers can make dust mites grow because of the high humidity. Instead, use a dehumidifier and keep humidity at less than 50 percent in your home.
• furniture -Instead of upholstered (stuffed) furniture, furnish your home with trendy wooden or plastic furniture. Avoid open shelving that will constantly need to be dusted.
• playing - Keep your child from jumping on beds or playing on carpeted floors, and avoid fabric toys or stuffed animals. If your child has stuffed animals, wash them in hot water often, or place them in the freezer overnight at least once a week to kill the dust mites and then shake them out. Store other toys in a toy chest with the lid closed to keep them from collecting dust.
• sleeping and napping - Your child should nap or sleep in her own dust-free bed only. When traveling, make sure she takes a non-allergic pillow with her. Do not have stuffed animals in the bed. If necessary, limit them to one or two favorites and clean them as above.

• Pollens
Pollens can be high between February and November in many areas. If your child is allergic to pollen, keep the windows in your car and in your house closed and use air conditioning to keep cool instead.
• Animal dander
Pets with fur or feathers can cause trigger allergies. Avoid having pets with fur or feathers if your child is allergic to pet dander, and avoid visiting other homes where there are certain pets.
• Mold/Mildew
Mold and mildew grow in dark, humid areas with poor ventilation. Make sure no place in your home allows mold or mildew to grow.

• outdoors - Avoid damp, shady areas where mold or mildew can grow. Clean up fallen leaves and avoid cutting the grass when your child is around. If your child is allergic to grass, trees or pollens, have him shower or bathe, shampoo, and change his clothes when he comes inside.
• bathrooms and kitchens - Use exhaust fans when cooking or using the shower to help keep mold or mildew from growing. Clean the area with cleansers that contain bleach.
• in the house - Use the air conditioner, and avoid using humidifiers, where mold/mildew can grow in the water tank. If you use one, clean it daily with bleach. It's better to keep indoor humidity to less than 50 percent. Use a dehumidifier instead, and clean it daily also.

• Cockroaches
The substance that cockroaches leave behind can cause allergies in some people. Cockroaches are often found in warm climates and in homes in cities, but they also can be found in cooler climates because of the use of central heat. Use roach traps or a professional exterminator to get rid of cockroaches.
How exercise can help:
Even though exercise can trigger asthma symptoms, your child should not limit his participation in sports and exercise, unless told to by his pediatrician. Exercise is good for the heart, lungs and a child's overall health.
Some sports such as running long distances and playing basketball may be harder for your child to do, but there are many activities which are great for children with asthma such as swimming, golf and karate.
Always make sure your child has a warm-up and cool-down period before and after exercising, and alert coaches or instructors that your child has asthma. Have your child use her reliever medication 15 to 20 minutes before starting exercise, or as directed by her physician. If your child needs her quick reliever more than twice weekly, talk to your child's health care provider about a daily controller medicine.

"It takes a minute to have a crush an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone" Be in touch..
«Reply #18 on: March 27, 2007, 02:50:53 AM »
The Top 7 Signs of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors .......
With very special thoughts FROM .....DR. PRATIBHA SAMUEL The Top 7 Signs of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
by Dr. Robert Anthony

Are you being held back from success by self-defeating behaviors?
Learn how to recognize and overcome them.
Having trouble reaching all your goals?
Are you going for what you want,
but feeling like something is road-blocking the way?
Are you finding yourself "not" doing some
of the things you know you should be doing?

You may be a victim of sabotage---self- sabotage. How do you know, and what can you do about it? Read on and see.

1. Focusing on what is not working, not right or missing from your life.
Problem: Notice how often you speak about and think about what is not working, not right, or missing from your life. This only attracts more of the things you don't want.

Action: Ask yourself a new question: "What's going right?" or "What IS working?" Begin to notice all the things, no matter how small, that are working well. Keep an evidence journal and each day write down everything, I do mean everything, that is working and you will attract more of what is working!

2. Being stuck in fear:
Problem: Do you worry a lot about the future and what is going to happen or might happen? Are you thinking about your fears so much that you are paralyzed and take no action because of fear of what might occur?

Action: It is time to put your focus on the present. We can't control or predict the future or other people's behaviors. All we can control is our own, right here, right now.
Ask yourself the question "What is the worst thing that could happen?" Then, let go and know that rarely do the scenarios we create in our heads occur.
Take a moment to put things into perspective
by writing down the things you can not change,
the things you want change, and accept that the Universe,
God, Spirit, whatever you call it will take of the rest.
It always does!

3. Feeling you have no value.
Problem: Do you forget all your accomplishments and lack pride in who you are and what you have accomplished? If you obsess about the past or your lack of success or lack of achievement, then you'll be stuck in noticing how much you lack as a person. If you often criticize yourself or can't accept compliments, it's a definite sign that you have fallen into this trap.

Action: You can choose to notice what you do that is good and the things you can be proud of, no matter how small they may seem.
Each day keep a log of what you are grateful for about YOU.
When you hear your mind chattering about
what you haven't done right or well, turn down the volume and turn up the volume to hear the voice that
knows the TRUTH about who you are and
how you add value to the world.

Acknowledge yourself for at least 5 things
each and every day that you did well.
Each day, compliment yourself on something
you did that you feel good about.
Notice your small successes and
accept the compliments others give you.

4. Comparing yourself to others.
Problem: Do you constantly compare yourself to others and then feel badly when compared to them? Comparison doesn't motivate us to do more or be better, instead it makes us feel we'll never be good enough and we aren't right now.

Action: Write out the 5 qualities you like best about yourself. Then write out what you value most in your life.
When you go to a place of comparison, notice how similar you are with the other person vs. what is different.
Begin to create a list of adjectives that describe you -

at least 25 positive words about your greatness.
Whenever you notice yourself in a comparison mode,
think of some of the adjectives that describe YOU.
5. Self-Sabotage û getting what you want and then losing it.
Problem: Do you not believe that you deserve to have what you want? When you get what you want, why do you often lose it or mess it up? What is the true story underneath - maybe that you think aren't good enough to have it?

Action: List all the things you have accomplished that faded away. Simply notice these things, but don't place
any judgment on the fact they disappeared.
How did they bring you satisfaction?
How did they make you feel?
What is the limiting belief that
you have that tells you inside
why you can't have what you want?
Be quiet, be still and listen to it.

Write down how you felt
when you had what you wanted.
Write down how you feel now,

without it.
Then write a "bridge belief":
A very, very small belief that feels
a little bit better than what you now feel.
Each week, create a new bridge belief,
not matter how small, that you can really believe.
By using these bridges as stepping-stones,
you'll shift your limiting beliefs
slowly and be on the other side of the
bridge and able to maintain it
because you will have
a new belief inside of you.

6. You chase away relationships.
Problem: Do you always feel something is missing in your relationships or find fault with the other person? Perhaps you are afraid of intimacy. Underneath this is usually a fear of abandonment or exposure that causes you to distance yourself from others.

Action: Create a list of the qualities you value in a relationship and the qualities you want to attract in your partners.
Express what you want and don't want to the
other person and allow them to express the same to you.
Create time to acknowledge the other person on a regular basis.
Notice when you feel afraid.
Don't try to push the feelings away.
Know that the feelings are there and that is fine.
Then, in that moment,
focus on what feels good about the relationship.

7. Having no purpose.
Problem: Do you feel you have no purpose in life? We all have some purpose for being on the planet and it is time to notice yours.

Action: Write down all the things that are important to you û
the thing you want to create in your life.
Then write out what you want to contribute to the world.
From your writing, create a statement of purpose
for yourself that you can read each and every day.

Then stop worrying about not knowing your purpose
and start creating what you desire now.
It doesn't matter what you want in the future.
So start creating something you want in your life NOW.
This action will ultimately put you in alignment
and bring you closer to your overall purpose.
«Reply #19 on: March 27, 2007, 03:20:42 AM »
Top 10 Foods for a Good Night's Sleep

What is the secret to getting a solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep? Head for the kitchen and enjoy one or two of these 10 foods. They relax tense muscles, quiet buzzing minds, and/or get calming, sleep-inducing hormones - serotonin and melatonin - flowing. Yawning yet?

Bananas. They're practically a sleeping pill in a peel. In addition to a bit of soothing melatonin and serotonin, bananas contain magnesium, a muscle relaxant.

Chamomile tea. The reason chamomile is such a staple of bedtime tea blends is its mild sedating effect - it's the perfect natural antidote for restless minds/bodies.

Warm milk. It's not a myth. Milk has some tryptophan - an amino acid that has a sedative - like effect - and calcium, which helps the brain use tryptophan. Plus there's the psychological throw-back to infancy, when a warm bottle meant "relax, everything's fine."

Honey. Drizzle a little in your warm milk or herb tea. Lots of sugar is stimulating, but a little glucose tells your brain to turn off orexin, a recently discovered neurotransmitter that's linked to alertness.

Potatoes. A small baked spud won't overwhelm your GI tract, and it clears away acids that can interfere with yawn-inducing tryptophan. To up the soothing effects, mash it with warm milk.

Oatmeal. Oats are a rich source of sleep - inviting melatonin, and a small bowl of warm cereal with a splash of maple syrup is cozy - plus if you've got the munchies, it's filling too.

Almonds. A handful of these heart-healthy nuts can be snooze-inducing, as they contain both tryptophan and a nice dose of muscle-relaxing magnesium.

Flaxseeds. When life goes awry and feeling down is keeping you up, try sprinkling 2 tablespoons of these healthy little seeds on your bedtime oatmeal. They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a natural mood lifter.

Whole-wheat bread. A slice of toast with your tea and honey will release insulin, which helps tryptophan get to your brain, where it's converted to serotonin and quietly murmurs "time to sleep."

Turkey. It's the most famous source of tryptophan, credited with all those Thanksgiving naps. But that's actually modern folklore. Tryptophan works when your stomach's basically empty, not overstuffed, and when there are some carbs around, not tons of protein. But put a lean slice or two on some whole-wheat bread mid-evening, and you've got one of the best sleep inducers in your kitchen.

What if none of these foods help you get your zzz's? Check out your sleep habits with this quick RealAge test to find out what?s keeping you up at night.    http://www.realage. com/health_ guides/RLS/ intro.aspx
For an extra treat, here's the ultimate sleep-inducing snack...

Lullaby Muffins

Makes 12 low-fat muffins
Between the bananas, the whole wheat, and the honeyed touch of sweetness, these muffins are practically an edible lullaby.

羕 2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour
羕 1/2 teaspoon salt
羕 1 tablespoon baking powder
羕 2 large, very ripe bananas
羕 1/3 cup applesauce
羕 1/4 cup honey
羕 1/2 cup milk or soymilk

Preheat oven to 350F. In a large bowl, combine the flour (make sure it's whole-wheat pastry flour or you'll produce golf balls, not muffins), salt, and baking powder. In a blender, puree the bananas; add the applesauce, honey, and milk. Blend well. Pour the banana mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until just moistened. Line muffin tins with paper muffin cups, pour in batter, and bake 30 minutes or until tops are lightly brown and slightly springy.
Nutrition Facts

Per serving: 119 calories; 1g fat; 2.5g protein; 27g carbohydrates; 10g sugars; 133mg sodium; 3g fiber; 35mg magnesium
«Reply #20 on: April 04, 2007, 03:54:45 AM »
Hair Care

The structure of hair is like the scales on the skin of a fish that has overlapping scales around a central core called the cortical. Smoother overlapping more shiny and smooth the hair looks. This also leads to easy combing while a tangled or roughed-up structure makes the hair look rough and dull.

Diet and lifestyle are two major factors that influence the health of the hair. Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of any particular vitamin and mineral affects the quality of hair and problems like dandruff, thinning hair, balding, premature graying etc. spoil the hair.

In an individual the condition of the hair is a reflection of the complete constitution of him. If the person is not healthy then the health of the hair will be deplorable.

Example: If a person has vata constitution, the hairs are dark, dry, coarse, wiry or frizzy and tend to tangle easily, are prone to dullness, split ends and dandruff. The constitution comprising of Pitta has hair that is light brown, blonde or red and tend to grow gray or thin prematurely and are fine and silky with a tendency to become oily. Hairs are thick, wavy and shiny if the composition is of kapha.

Regularly cleaning and brushing the hair is very important. When the hairs are brushed, oil-producing glands in the scalp get stimulated. This natural oil makes the hair glossy and healthy. To give extra shine to the hair, after washing rinse the hair with some lemon juice mixed in a cup of warm water.

Some common hair related problems are as follows:


Dry skin flaking off the scalp and itchiness is referred to as dandruff. The aggravation of Vata generally causes this dryness.


Add 1 teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut or neem oil. Store it in glass container. Dosage: Massage this oil into the scalp before bed.
Mix 1 teaspoon of castor, mustard and coconut oil each and massage into the scalp.
Mix one part of lemon juice with two parts of coconut oil. Massage into the roots of the hair regularly.
Dosage: Wash with warm water after three to four hours or leave overnight.

Hair loss

when the amount of hair lost grows higher than the normal hair fall that takes place due to the change in environment, increasing age or growth of new hairs, it is referred to as hair loss problem that needs special care. Improper or poor diet, exposure to a lot of chemicals or cosmetics, hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety and mental tension are some causes of hair loss.

Massage the scalp gently with coconut or almond oil daily for 10 to 15 minutes.
Boil neem leaves in water. Cool, strain and rinse hair with it.
Increase green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts in the diet. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soya beans, whole grains and nuts.
Premature graying of hair

Graying of hair is a natural process that happens with increasing age, but if the hair starts graying before the age of 35, it is termed as premature graying that occurs due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha. Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, and acidic foods increases pitta and leads to graying prematurely.

Apply a paste made from 2-Tsp. henna powder, 1-tsp. curd, 1-tsp. fenugreek seed powder, 1 tbsp. coffee, 2-tbsp. mint juice and 2-tbsp. basil juice. Apply this paste to the hair for two hours. For a darker color, leave this paste in for 3 to 4 hours. Wash hair with any natural shampoo.
Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 tea spoon everyday.
Itchy scalp

Aggravation of Pitta dosha, stress, allergic reaction to shampoo, air conditioning, pollution and central heating lead to an itchy and red scalp, with tiny pimples or sores, dull and dry hair.

Add 1 teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut oil and store it in glass container.
Dosage: Massage this oil into the scalp before bed.

Grind some jasmine roots with lime juice. Wash the hair and scalp with it. The causes for these hair conditions are as follows:
Excess of Pitta dosha in the body is the chief cause of hair problems.
Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats and excessive smoking.
Eating too much fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods.
Intake of too many chemical medicines, low blood circulation, anemia, general weakness after disease, stress, anxiety and mental tension.
Chronic diseases like typhoid fever, presence of dandruff or lice and hormonal imbalance.
Use natural shampoo or soap to clean the hair.
Use amla (embilica officinalis), Shikakai (Acacia concinna) for washing the hair.
Enhance oiling and massaging of scalp.
Use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three times in a week.
Use medicated oils like 'Mahabhringraj oil', 'Amala oil' and 'Arnica oil'. Put oil on the scalp and massage gently in the roots of the hair.
Maintain a regular bowel movement everyday.
The diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soybean and vitamin A.
Do regular physical exercise.
A special Ayurvedic preparation made from Bhringraj (Eclipta elba), Amala, corals, iron and black sesame seeds is very useful and even stops the graying of hair.
Rub the scalp vigorously after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation, and activates the sebaceous glands.
A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is good to drink to induce hair growth. The juice of alfalfa mixed with that of carrot, and lettuce juice is also good to take.
Daily application of coconut oil mixed with lime- juice on the hair is also beneficial. Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also good.
Washing the hair with a paste of cooked Urad dal (black beans) and fenugreek (methi) 2-3 times a week.
A paste of licorice made by grinding it in milk can be applied in the bald patches. It induces hair growth. A paste of seeds of lemon and black pepper may also be applied on the bald patches.
«Reply #21 on: April 04, 2007, 03:57:27 AM »
Nail Care

The condition of nails reflect the quality of tissue production in the body as nails are considered to be the waste product of bones (asthi dhatu) Healthy nails are pink, smooth and evenly shaped.

The root cause of nail disorders like splitting and flaky nails, white spots, vertical ridges or discoloration of the nail bed is an improper diet. Vata type nails are irregular in shape, pale, rough and brittle and bitten. A person with Pitta as the predominant dosha has oval, soft, strong and flexible nails while Kapha type nails are square, thick, large and very white.

Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, dairy products, nuts, dried fruit and dark green leafy vegetables encourage healthy nail growth. To make the hands soft and nourish the nails, prepare a cream of almond oil and honey and leave it on overnight.
«Reply #22 on: April 04, 2007, 03:59:07 AM »
Skin Care

Being the mirror, the barometer of an individual's health, skin is the clue to one's Ayurvedic constitution. This can be understood by the types of skin that one has. Example: If vata is predominant the skin of a person is dry, rough, cold, thin with fine pores and wrinkled. In case of pitta constitution, the skin is delicate, fair and red toned with freckles, moles or acne and burns easily. If the constitution is of kapha dosha the skin of a person is oily, smooth, moist and thick with a tendency towards large pores.

If the skin is not cared properly and neglected it suffers from premature aging, becomes dull and blemished. Regular consumption of milk, honey and yogurt are good nourishment for skin and prevents premature aging.

Following are some common skin problems and ayurvedic remedy for preventing and curing the same.

Acne and Pimples

The aggravation of tridosha or the three energies of the body results in the occurrence of acne, pimples and blackheads. In all pitta dosha is effected the most and it happens so due to the excessive intake of alcohol, tea, coffee, spicy, oily and fried foods.

Stress, tension, pollution and chemicals are also among the major causes that aggravates Pitta dosha and result in acne, boils, pimples and rashes.

A paste made from one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and turmeric mixed with milk, is very good. A paste of nutmeg and water is also beneficial.
Half a cup of Aloe Vera pulp can be taken internally (Do not take internally if pregnant) or applied externally to the skin. Dosage: Twice a day.
Before going to bed, was the face thoroughly and then apply a paste of 1 Tsp. coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder.
For pimples, apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Remove after one hour.
A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves, applied and washed off with warm water before going to bed prevents pimples.

Imbalance of Bhrajaka Pitta that colors the skin and can be compared to melanin causes blackening, pigmentation and discoloration of skin. Excessive exposure to the sun, irregular eating, sleeping habits and consumption of foods and drinks that aggravate pitta are responsible for the aggravation of bhrajka pitta also.

Grind five almonds and mix with 1 teaspoon of fresh cream and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this paste to the face and neck. Leave on for about fifteen minutes.
Apply papaya juice, or mashed papaya, to the affected areas.
Grind equal amounts of sesame seeds and turmeric in a small quantity of
Water Apply to the face or discolored skin.
Make a paste from basil (tulsi) leaves and water to use on the affected skin.
Premature Aging

This is due to the aggravation of vata dosha, which naturally increases with age. Thus aging is something that can be prevented to come to early but can't be cured as such. It's a natural ongoing process and beyond human limit to control it.

Aging causes dryness and wrinkling of the skin. Factors like excessive thinking, stress, tension, over work, strain, irregular sleeping and eating habits and cold or dry foods enhance aging. Foods containing artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and chemicals also aggravate the Vata dosha and fasten aging.

Massage the face with ghee, almond oil or coconut oil before going to bed.
Use grated cucumber in a face pack.
Apply fresh aloe Vera gel to the skin.
«Reply #23 on: April 04, 2007, 04:01:07 AM »
Foot Care

In the complete human body feet are the mist strained and worked out part, but inspite of this are the most neglected one also. Lack of proper care for feet result in many problems like corns and bunions, cracks, infections and ingrown nails.

Massaging the feet each night with oil is relaxing and keeps them soft and supple. In winter warm oil can be used with sesame or mustard oil. In summer coconut oil provides a cooling effect.


If the shoes are to tight, pinch or do not fit properly corns appear due to the pressure put on the bony areas of the foot and also interfere with the circulation of blood ultimately leading to corns.

· The sap from a marigold stem, milky juice from green figs or papaya juice are all good remedies. Apply to the affected area frequently.
A slice of lemon can be placed on the corn and bandaged in place overnight.
Cracks on heels

Walking barefoot on rough surfaces or excessive exposure of bare feet to the sun, wind or water causes cracks on the heels and soles apart form the aggravation of Pitta and Vata doshas, which cause dryness and roughness of the feet.

Take about three tablespoons of bees wax and mix one teaspoonful sesame oil in it. Warm it a little and apply on the affected areas.
Use warm sesame oil or ghee on the affected areas.
Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon of mango tree sap and 1 tablespoon water to the cracked skin.
«Reply #24 on: April 04, 2007, 04:02:57 AM »
Eye Care

Among the five sensory organs, eyes are the most beautiful expressive organs we have that also have the capability of vision. Kapha eyes are usually large and clear with thick lashes. Pitta eyes are sharp, penetrating and sensitive and are prone to itchiness or redness. Vata eyes are small, nervous and dry.

To prevent eye form damage its care is very necessary. It is best to avoid poor light when reading or using computers or watching television for long hours. Very intense light or using very hot or very cold water on the face and head is also not healthy for the eyes. Applying few drops of almond, coconut or sesame oil around the eyes prevents dark circles.

Dry or dull eyes

The aggravation of Kapha dosha causes dull eyes, while an increase of Vata leads to dryness.

Use a few drops of honey, ghee or sesame oil in the eyes.
Boil 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds in 1 cup of water until it has reduced to half. Cool and use as eye drops.
Wash the feet in warm water and massage with oil.
Tense or blood shot eyes

Aggravation of Pitta dosha due to stress, smoke or pollution leads to red sore eyes. Fatigue and insufficient or irregular sleep also causes tense or blood shot eyes.

Put 3 drops of rose water in the eyes.
Soak a cotton pad in rose water, milk or aloe vera juice and apply to closed eyes for 10-20 minutes while laying down comfortably.
Place a slice of cucumber on each eye for some time.
Boil 2 or 3 figs and 1 tablespoon of raisins in 1 cup of milk. Drink each morning.
Weak eyesight

Alochaka Pitta is responsible for maintaining eyesight and it weakens with age. Proper caring for the eyes is one preventative measure that helps.

Grind about half a cup each of almonds, raw sugar and aniseeds. Divide into 40 doses and take one each day with a cup of warm milk.
Meditate daily on the flame of a candle.
Rinse the eyes with water daily. Rest eyes if working for long periods.
Mix some cardamom seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey. Eat daily.
«Reply #25 on: April 04, 2007, 04:04:48 AM »
Mouth Care

It is said that a clean mouth is a healthy mouth. Pleasant breath, clean teeth and healthy gums all contribute to a beautiful smile. Bad breath is usually a sign of poor digestion, which is why cleaning the teeth or using mouth gargles only relieves the problem temporarily. To permanently eliminate bad breath the eating habits or diet should be monitored. Fasting for a day, and then adopting a light, easily digestible diet can eliminate this problem.

Consuming aloe Vera gel, or ginger and lemon juice, also helps improve digestion. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of mint, or chewing parsley or basil leaves can improve breath.


Healthy teeth are white, evenly spaced, level and clean. Unhealthy teeth are discolored, uneven, and are present in greater or less than the normal number.

Teeth problems occur due to poor diet or bad eating habits, tobacco, tea, coffee, sweet and sticky foods (sweets, chocolates, raisins) and very cold or hot food can lead to discoloration or decay. Ayurveda emphasizes on cleaning the teeth twice daily, in the morning and evening.

After eating it is necessary to rinse and gargle to remove food particles that may be stuck between teeth. Eating hard, crunchy fruits and vegetables (Apples, carrots) is good for the teeth. For discolored teeth salt mixed with lime or lemon juice to brush the teeth. To ease toothache, apply a couple of drops of cinnamon or clove oil to the base of the aching tooth.


Healthy gums are red, regular, compact and hard while unhealthy gums are spongy, dark red or very pale and may bleed.

Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime), guavas or pomegranates should be included in the diet to ensure healthy gums as these fruits contain large quantities of vitamin C. Massaging the gums daily with a mixture of salt, black pepper, turmeric and sesame oil is also beneficial.


The internal conditions of the digestive system is reflected by the tongue. According to ayurveda the condition of coating on the tongue determines physical disorders that may be present while a mucus like coating on the tongue demonstrates the presence of Ama (a toxic byproduct of poor digestion or improper eating habits).

Ayurvedic oral hygiene includes:

Cleaning the teeth and tongue daily with specially designed metal tongue scraper and gentle use of toothbrush.
«Reply #26 on: April 04, 2007, 04:08:18 AM »
Reduce Weight Naturally

In ayurveda, Charak Samhita describes eight different types of bodies that are disease prone. Out of these, the obese body is described as the one afflicted with the most diseases and troubles. Obesity is the condition or physical state of the body when excessive deposition of fat takes place in the adipose tissue.

Extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles and thus, overweight people are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. Chief cause of obesity is overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating or mixing non-compatible food items in one meal.

To decrease weight and get rid of obesity three things must be kept in mind:
Controlling eating habits.
Regular exercise.
Avoiding the causes of weight gain
Diet recommended to lose weight
Early morning
Juice of half a lemon mixed in a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey.

Wheat or Mung bean sprouts and a cup of skimmed milk.

A glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice.

Salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes. Steamed or boiled vegetables
Whole grain bread or whole wheat chapatis (Indian bread) and a glass of buttermilk.
Roasted cumin seeds, green coriander leaves, a little salt and some grated ginger mixed in the buttermilk.

Coconut water
Dry fruits
Lemon tea
Fresh vegetable soup

Whole grain bread or chapatis
Steamed vegetables
Seasonal fruits except banana and apple.
Home Remedies for Losing Weight
Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.
Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.
Milk products like cheese, butter etc. and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat.
Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. A chutney of green mint with some simple spices can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.
Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.
Regular intake of carrot juice.
Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.
Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful in loosing weight.
Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
Dosage: One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.
Fasting on honey and lime- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. For this, mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water.
Dosage: Take several times a day at regular intervals.
Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.
Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat.
Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming or rowing.
The gum of Commiphora Mukul called 'guggulu' is the drug of choice for the treatment of obesity.
Preparation of Home Remedies
According to ayurveda home remedies are prepared in the same way and with the same purpose as other ayurvedic medicines. The main aim is to obtain the maximum therapeutic benefit while making it palatable.

Some common methods of preparing home remedies are:
The juice may be taken from the fresh leaves, flowers or stems of the herb. The part of the herb used should be crushed or ground in a mortar and pestle, to make a paste. This paste should be put in a piece of cloth and squeezed to take out the juice.
Dosage: One to two tablespoons twice a day.

Dried herbs are used for powders. The herbs are usually dried in a cool, shady and well-ventilated place, although some herbs are dried in direct sunlight. The herbs are then ground into a fine powder and stored in a dry, airtight bottle. The powder may be taken with water, or if specified, with milk or honey.
Dosage: Half to one teaspoon twice a day

A decoction is prepared by boiling the herb in water (ratio: 1 part herb to 16 parts water). The herbs are broken into pieces and soaked in water overnight. This mixture is then boiled until it reduces to one quarter of the original volume. It is then filtered and stored in a glass bottle.
Dosage: One to two tablespoons twice a day.

Herbs are soaked in water to make an infusion (ratio: 1 part herb to 8 parts water). Hot infusions result from adding herbs to hot water, or gently heating but not boiling the mixture. This is strained and taken internally. Herbal teas are forms of hot infusions. Cold infusions are made from soaking the herb overnight. Honey can be added.
Dosage: half to one cup once or twice day.

A paste can be made from either fresh or dried herbs. The flowers, roots, stems, leaves or bark are ground and mixed with water. Pastes are mainly used for external application, in cases of cuts, burns and swellings. The paste should be thick enough to be applied in a layer to the skin.

The herbs should be first dried separately and then mixed together in a powder form, in fixed proportions. Water or herbal juice can be added to this powder to make a paste, from which tablets of a specific size or weight are made. Tablets remain potent longer than juices, powders, pastes or decoctions.
Dosage: 1 or 2 tablets twice a day.

Medicated ghee and oil
Ghee is cooked with herbal juices, decoctions or pastes. The ghee should be heated with the herbal mixture at a moderate, controlled temperature. High temperatures can easily burn the ghee or oil, destroying its effectiveness. Medicated ghee and oils are either used internally or massaged externally.
Dosage: Half to one tablespoon.
«Reply #27 on: April 04, 2007, 04:14:29 AM »
Constipation - Causes and Ayurvedic Remedies

Hard and dry stool daily
Improper dietary habits
Eating excessive non vegetarian, fried, greasy, fast foods
Insufficient intake of water
Indigestion of food products
Production of toxins in the intestines
Aggravation of vata dosha
Avoid laxatives
In severe cases, triphla or avipatikar churna
Potency / Virya
Castor oil mixed with the same quantity of honey
Few drops to one teaspoon of castor oil may
Soak one date (seed removed) overnight in half a cup of water. In the morning mash the date with water and remove the pulp. Dosage: One teaspoon of this water three or four times a day.
Regular use of this mixture helps cure constipation.
Dos and don'ts
Infants: Increase the sugar and water content in the diet (e.g.: One teaspoon of honey)
Children: More green vegetables, milk, raisins and fruits like papaya, orange, grapes and figs in the diet.
Do not take the child in the lap, instead put her in a cradle (if newborn)
Allow the baby to move her hands and feet.
Older children: Keep them active.
Do not allow children to watch TV or play indoor games, encourage them to play outdoors.
«Reply #28 on: April 04, 2007, 04:16:37 AM »
Cough and Cold

Nasal discharge
Dry or wet cough
Mild to moderate fever
Low immunity of the respiratory system
Accumulation of Kapha dosha
Talashdi churna
Samsarkara kas
Potency / Virya
Massage the child's chest with warm olive oil or warm ghee (add a pinch of salt for extra potency) for 1 to 2 minutes followed by a steam inhalation.
Turmeric powder mixed in warm milk. Dosage: A pinch to tsp. of turmeric (according to the child's age) mixed in one cup of warm milk.
Fresh Ginger juice with honey. Dosage: Half teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with one teaspoon of honey.
Regular dose of half a teaspoon of Chawayanprash

1 gram of dry Ginger powder, black pepper powder, cardamom powder, clove powder, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder. Add an equal quantity powdered sugar (i.e. 6 grams). Mix 1-4 grams of this mixture in honey or warm water. Dosage: Twice daily.

Dos and don'ts
Avoid cold and frozen foods, yogurt, banana and sour fruits
Take fresh and homemade preparations, hot drinks
Feet, head and chest should be properly covered
«Reply #29 on: April 04, 2007, 04:19:28 AM »

Constipation / diarrhea
Abdominal pain
Huge appetite
Itching of anus

The occurrence of the following worms in different parts of body in children causes this ailment:
Kaphaj- produced in the stomach
Raktaj- produced in the blood vessels
The worm Purishaj (produced in the intestines) encompasses all the following worms also, which are responsible for infestation:
Thread worm
Hook worm
Tape worm
Krimimudger ras
Krimikuthar ras
Potency / Virya
Onion juice removes thread worms.
Dosage: Three drops to one teaspoon twice daily
Neem powder removes all types of worms.
Dosage: 1 to 4 grams twice daily.
Pinch of asafoetida wrapped in small pieces of jaggery.
Dosage: Half an hour before meals.
7 - 12 year
20 grams of jaggery in the morning
After 10 minutes give Celery seeds (Ajwain) + salt (2 grams of celery seeds and one gram of salt) with warm water. This recipe eliminates all types of worms.
Dos and don'ts
Avoid too many sweets and puddings, very fried, greasy and fast foods.
Take more green vegetables and fresh fruits.
Use only boiled water
Personal hygiene
Restrict diet to only home made foods
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