I made a boo boo............!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Friend_4uall on June 22, 2005, 06:51:12 PM
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«Reply #15 on: June 25, 2005, 06:06:08 AM »
thats a nice one Isha :lol: ....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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«Reply #16 on: June 25, 2005, 04:51:29 PM »
When we were small kids...we used to go to our native place in summer vacations...... I was probably 6-7 years old....in the village there was this woman who was deaf and dumb by birth and she always wore a very long kurta on a skirt, was completely bald and always carried a 'laathi' .... She used to pass our house while carrying her buffaloes to the fields... she used to make peculiar sounds from her mouth and i was really scared of her !!!! n whenever she would see me..she would just run towards me ...n i used to shriek so loudly out of fear and run like anything....i hated her !!!!

Later on she died... n now i realize she actually used to love me !!! whenever i remember this i start smiling on my reaction...also feel sorry for the poor woman !!!!
«Reply #17 on: July 21, 2005, 01:45:31 PM »
Always be sure about the verbal invitations to attend parties......................!!!

Once i had a funny experience, i was invited by a friend at his home for a family function.......But the invitation was a verbal one....over the telephone.....and it was mentioned Saturday.....but the coming Saturday in the next week............... Phir kyaa thaa ........I was at their house on the first saturday itself............and i had take make reasons for being there........like i never disclosed to them that i came for the party...!!!

Well not so funny......but still.. bear with me...!!!
«Reply #18 on: July 21, 2005, 02:43:26 PM »
Thats actually funny .................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
«Reply #19 on: July 22, 2005, 06:33:58 AM »
it actually is funny.........................................LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
«Reply #20 on: July 22, 2005, 07:17:42 AM »
Many times in college i used to forget the date of sessional tests .... and would come prepared for it in advance..... !!!!! and my friends would laugh and tease me for being so studious :oops:

Not funny actually... but still when i remember this..it leaves a smile on my face... !!!!
«Reply #21 on: July 22, 2005, 07:27:03 AM »
Quote from: "Talat"
Many times in college i used to forget the date of sessional tests .... and would come prepared for it in advance..... !!!!! and my friends would laugh and tease me for being so studious :oops:

Not funny actually... but still when i remember this..it leaves a smile on my face... !!!!

well it bring smile on my face when i read Usual Smile
«Reply #22 on: July 22, 2005, 07:31:45 AM »
To me ..............again.................... !!!!!!! Usual Smile Usual Smile Usual Smile
«Reply #23 on: July 22, 2005, 07:51:55 AM »
lol good incidents everyone..

well this was a year back... during my presentations... we were a grp of 6 ppl... and we had our tax presentation.. we were asked to make a TAX newspaper and fill in NEws etc etc in the paper.. and make it look like a proper newspaper.. everythg in it has ot b related to tax( be it true or false) be it games.. ads.. news or bollywood news..  and we are asked to present it in a very creative way...

we decided we wud enact a play kind of thing wid students in the coll reading the news and sharin it wid their frds.. so me n m frd decided we wud take up the bollywood news... and the whole thing was" kareena kapoor's house was raided by a TAx officer but wen he saw he frgot bout the raid and proposed her..."

and iw as made to say this.. i very confidently walked ot my frd and said " u knw wot... kareena kapoors house was raided... and the officer who raided her house u know wot he did? "
my frd: "wot"  
me: " shit i frgot ... whom did he propose? " lol

and everybody started laughing.. even our prof... thankfully.. he dint cut our marks... and everythg went well...
«Reply #24 on: July 22, 2005, 08:03:51 AM »
Thats a nice one Nishi ....................... !!!!!!!!!!!
«Reply #25 on: July 25, 2005, 07:20:09 AM »
And iw as made to say this.. i very confidently walked ot my frd and said " you knw wot... kareena kapoors house was raided... and the officer who raided her house you know wot he did? "
my frd: "wot"
me: " shit i frgot ... whom did he propose"

This part sure is funny nishita!!!!!!! LOL
«Reply #26 on: June 28, 2006, 10:39:05 AM »
nice experiances shared :D
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«Reply #27 on: June 28, 2006, 11:10:10 AM »
Well.. I have very latest such  experience.. very very latest...
Its that ..
I saw this thread and thought to check it and found that there is similar thread started earlier but I kept on reading thinking it to be 1-2 days old but when I saw Nishita's post then I thought to check the date and found that is a year old thread. .... I would rather call it googlie  thread Usual Smile

Well, Garfield left a comment over it so it got highlighted among new thread. Anyways. ..

I have one to share, its also latest .. few weeks old.

Recently we went for long journey and we were travelling using MAPs. so usually we have to stop and ask the people for particular road, city or direction.
Well, in one such case  we stopped at one place with no one on our side of road so I decided to move out of car to ask the people.(there were 8 people in car including me and I was sitting on lift middle row) Well.. I found few around 10 meters away and I was asking them.. and when returned .. arnd 2 meters away from car, it suddenly started moving and gone like rocket.. they left me .. and you know. as was long journy.. i had every thing in car, no phone, no money, not even sleepers in foot ( I was actually trying to sleep while in car) and soon car got disappeared from my site. Then a man on scooter came to me and asked "were u with that car ?" (he was the same guy who was also telling the direction to my father(who was driving atm on the side of car while I was on left side) . So it was very much ..... akward condition, rather mixed feelings as people were looking at me with so much surprisse.. that how come this can happen.. tongue3 and I was telling them that dont worry.. thats my father, they will sure return. But ultimately that scooter guy offered me to give lift and he turned back with me in order to look for my people tongue3 .. well.. after 1- 2 kms they were stopped and were looking for me..Actually they were not sure that where they lost me !! .. awkward tongue3

Well, when I retured.. it was all laughing .. and still when I think of this..
ie. I was standing at  clueless.. barred foot, .. at place I don't even know the name. .. lolz

One think still amazes me.. ie. how come they were not able to note my absense ..
This was latest..
«Reply #28 on: June 28, 2006, 11:23:57 AM »
thats amazing :D
«Reply #29 on: June 30, 2006, 06:21:21 PM »
It must have been quite awkward Ricky !! Very funny !!
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