My personal reasearch on schizophrenia:
Schizophrenia relates to a chemical imbalance in the brain. This I believe essentially results from some deep emotional trauma, sudden or otherwise. Because life is full of different kinds of emotions like, hunger, love, hate, desire, security, etcetera, therefore, schizophrenia could result from any of them.
People experiencing schizophrenia hear voices, see visions, feel someone is watching them most of the time, experience delusions in the form of a belief, form conceptions that can mislead or deceive them, experience hallucinations in the form of voices and find their brain bombarded with brilliant ideas or revelations at a time. Some can also begin to feel they are superior to others on earth and few will go so far as to actually believe they are God or God ordained and were chosen for a purpose and so preach the same. This is the reason I believe what has given rise to, Moses, Yahweh, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Mahavir, Rama, Krishan, etcetera.
Different schizophrenics can experience different symptoms or their different combinations. The movie, 'A beautiful mind,' if it was entitled, A Brilliant Mind instead, it would be closer to the truth because that's what a schizophrenic's mind becomes, brilliant!
"There is strong evidence that schizophrenic patients have an excess number of dopamine receptors."
"Drugs that are most potent in treating schizophrenia are also the most effective blockers of dopamine receptors. These results suggest that schizophrenia may be the result of excessive dopamine activity."
"A general theory is proposed that attributes the origins of human intelligence to an expansion of dopaminergic systems in human cognition. Dopamine is postulated to be the key neurotransmitter regulating six predominantly left hemispheric cognitive skills critical to human language and thought: motor planning, working memory, cognitive flexibility, abstract reasoning, temporal analysis/sequencing, and generativity."
"It is entirely possible that it is not the size, but rather the structure of the brain that determines how intelligent a species is. Fred H. Pevic feels that dopamine plays a key role in the evolution of intelligence in hominid species."
Simply put, I feel it's your heart that unscrewed your brain or mind in the first place through emotional turmoil and imbalanced your brain chemicals thereby changing the affinity, so it's only your heart that can bring the balance back. You need to keep it happy!

There's a difference between wisdom and enlightenment. Wisdom comes through experience but enlightenment or revelation comes through pain, emotional pain. The more emotional pain we see in our life, the more enlightened we tend to become. I feel what happens is that our degree of emotional pain forces us to become schizophrenic but it doesn't have to be so, only that the probability of its being so would be high and not low. Becoming schizophrenic changes the chemical affinity of our brain, giving us a higher dopamine level or whatever and thus making us more brilliant and imaginative than before. This higher brilliance, imagination or consciousness is what brings us closer to the Higher Consciousness or God and so we become more aware or enlightened regarding life in general.
Perhaps this is why most schizophrenics emphasize that God is speaking to them, perhaps He is. I believe He is. But because God is essentially just or a Justice System therefore God has to be both God and the Devil, or how would He exact justice? Therefore, when God speaks to the schizophrenic, the Devil does too sometimes. For the same reason, a schizophrenic needs to be very perceptive about what is from God and what is from the Devil. If schizophrenics just live responsibly and do the righteous thing, they'll be just fine I believe. Also, God only gets close to those who are not close to anyone else, therefore, if schizophrenics wish to leave schizophrenia behind, they MUST
'find meaningful company,' loving company, otherwise God starts to be close to schizophrenics and this is God's way of communicating with us and staying in touch with us. Not that it is bad, it's not. It is just God's way of coming in our world and preaching humanity to keep humanity humane. Also, it's imperative that schizophrenics must use their muscles or do actual physical work, this could very well be housework. The physical work will keep the schizophrenic's intellectual aspect down or in balance. What I believe happens is, the physical work neutralizes the abnormal activity of chemicals inside the brain and so tends to bring the intellectual aspect down so as to maintain a balance between the physical and the mental. This way, together with physical work and ensuring having loving company, a schizophrenic can keep their schizophrenia at bay to a large extent. A schizophrenic can choose to live with it by drawing a line where it's not scary any more, I don't believe that anyone could lose it completely because once the main database of God or Higher Consciousness has been tapped into, there can be no going back, only a balance can be drawn, wherever the schizophrenic feels comfortable. So, next time if anyone who is not a schizophrenic wants to label schizophrenics as mental, remember this, you would essentially be trying to label God's smaller version as mental. And the reason why those who are not so nice or those who are corrupt don't get schizophrenic is because they don't have THE HEART! And that is the main reason why God does not venture anywhere near them.
~ Beena Jain