Interesting & Amazing Facts

by waheed_rose2004 on August 21, 2005, 05:23:02 PM
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Author  (Read 762 times)

Aircraft Carrier

An aircraft carrier gets about 6 inches per gallon of


* The first United States coast to coast airplane
flight occurred in 1911 and
took 49 days.

* A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright
brother's first flight


The Chinese were using aluminum to make things as
early as 300 AD Western
civilization didn't rediscover aluminum until 1827.


George Seldon received a patent in 1895 - for the
automobile. Four years later,
George sold the rights for $200,000.

Coin Operated Machine

The first coin operated machine ever designed was a
holy-water dispenser that
required a five-drachma piece to operate. It was the
brainchild of the Greek
scientist Hero in the first century AD.

Compact Discs

Compact discs read from the inside to the outside
edge, the reverse of how a
record works.


* ENIAC, the first electronic computer, appeared 50
years ago. The original
ENIAC was about 80 feet long, weighed 30 tons, had
17,000 tubes. By comparison,
a desktop computer today can store a million times
more information than an
ENIAC, and 50,000 times faster.

* From the smallest microprocessor to the biggest
mainframe, the average
American depends on over 264 computers per day.

* The first "modern" computer (i.e., general-purpose
and program-controlled) was
built in 1941 by Konrad Zuse.  Since there was a war
going on, he applied to
the German government for funding to build his
machines for military use, but
was turned down because the Germans did not expect the
war to last beyond

* The computer was launched in 1943, more than 100
years after Charles Babbage
designed the first programmable device. Babbage
dropped his idea after he
couldn't raise capital for it. In 1998, the Science
Museum in London, UK, built
a working replica of the Babbage machine, using the
materials and work methods
available at Babbage's time. It worked just as Babbage
had intended.

Electric Chair

The electric chair was invented by a dentist, Alfred


The first e-mail was sent over the Internet in 1972.

Eye Glasses

The Chinese invented eyeglasses. Marco Polo reported
seeing many pairs worn by
the Chinese as early as 1275, 500 years before lens
grinding became an art in
the West.


If hot water is suddenly poured into a glass that
glass is more apt to break if
it is thick than if it is thin. This is why test tubes
are made of thin glass.

Hard Hats

Construction workers hard hats were first invented and
used in the building of
the Hoover Dam in 1933.

Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam was built to last 2,000 years. The
concrete in it will not even
be fully cured for another 500 years.


Limelight was how we lit the stage before electricity
was invented. Basically,
illumination was produced by heating blocks of lime
until they glowed.

Mobile (Cellular) Phones

As much as 80% of microwaves from mobile phones are
absorbed by your head.

Nuclear Power

Nuclear ships are basically steamships and driven by
steam turbines. The reactor
just develops heat to boil the water.


The amount of oil that is used worldwide in one year
is doubling every ten
years. If that rate of increase continues and if the
world were nothing but
oil, all the oil would be used up in 400 years.

Radio Waves

Radio waves travel so much faster than sound waves
that a broadcast voice can be
heard sooner 18,000 km away than in the back of the
room in which it


The rickshaw was invented by the Reverend Jonathan
Scobie, an American Baptist
minister living in Yokohama, Japan, built the first
model in 1869 in order to
transport his invalid wife. Today it remains a common
mode of transportation in
the Orient.

Ships & Boats

* The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth 2, moves only six
inches for each gallon of
diesel that it burns.

* The world's oldest surviving boat is a simple 10
feet long dugout dated to
7400 BC. It was discovered in Pesse Holland in the

* Rock drawings from the Red Sea site of Wadi
Hammamat, dated to around 4000 BC
show that Egyptian boats were made from papyrus and

* The world's earliest known plank-built ship, made
from cedar and sycamore wood
and dated to 2600 BC, was discovered next to the Great
Pyramid in 1952.

* The Egyptians created the first organized navy in
2300 BC.

* Oar-powered ships were developed by the Sumerians in
3500 BC.

* Sails were first used by the Phoenicians around 2000

Silicon Chip

A chip of silicon a quarter-inch square has the
capacity of the original 1949
ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.

The term skyscraper was first used way back in 1888 to
describe an 11-story


Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than
through the air.


There are more than 600 million telephone lines today,
yet almost half the
world's population has never made a phone call.


Scottish inventor John Logie Baird gave the first
public demonstration of
television in 1926 in Soho, London. Ten years later
there were only 100 TV sets
in the world.

Traffic Lights

Traffic lights were used before the advent of the
motorcar. In 1868, a lantern
with red and green signals was used at a London
intersection to control the
flow of horse buggies and pedestrians.


More than a billion transistors are manufactured...
every second.


The first VCR, made in 1956, was the size of a piano.


The windmill originated in Iran in AD 644. It was used
to grind grain.

World Trade Center

The World Trade Center towers were designed to
collapse in a pancake-like
fashion, instead of simply falling over on their
sides.  This design feature
saved hundreds, perhaps thousands of lives on Sept.
11, 2001, when they were
destroyed by terrorists....................................... ..............
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«Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 10:26:19 AM »
Dead....!!! huuuf hufffff...!!!
hee hee...!!!
Finally AMAZED..!! :d
«Reply #2 on: August 25, 2005, 03:19:36 PM »
Quote from: "Tosha"
Dead....!!! huuuf hufffff...!!!
hee hee...!!!
Finally AMAZED..!! :d

 Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !  Puzzled !
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