Meaning and purpose of life

by kohinoor_ on January 27, 2008, 01:25:35 AM
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Author  (Read 931 times)
I believe that Lords have to have created us for we don't know how we came here and for what purpose. If I assume that Lords created us and also for a purpose, since we all have varying interests in life, we must all have a different purpose to achieve in life. When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus 'What is Truth?' He said something like, for this reason I was born. Because Jesus was captive at the time, He also said somewhere that if my army or soldiers were here they would fight. I think that by saying that Jesus wanted to tell us that there are Lords or Gods above us and that He is from above, that there is a heaven where all Gods reside. Goddess Saraswati emphasized various Gods in the Holy Vedas - God of wind, fire, etcetera. I think She was trying to tell us that there are not only various Lords but each has a specific name or specialty. Jesus said that, 'Only God is good.' It would mean that as we move towards goodness, we move towards becoming more and more God or Lord in time. So the meaning of life would be to find happiness as happiness lies at the root of everything we do here, but to find it in a good, fair or just manner. This would take us towards goodness while taking care of our interests in life. And purpose of life would be dependant on where in life a person is in terms of goodness. So if x is more good than y, then x not only moves higher in the plane of life but will also open other peoples' eyes in the process of becoming God. That is why, people like Jesus Christ, Goddess Saraswati and Gautam Buddha etc., moved up to becoming Gods/Lords and also left a message for the world to follow. I don't know why we would be placed here only to move up. I suppose only the Lords can know that. It could be because of original and subsequent sin, it could be some other reason, I don't know. What do you guys think?
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«Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 05:15:38 PM »
When we create lifeless objects we create them for a purpose, but when we create life like having children, we don't have a purpose in mind, we just create them out of love. As for plant life, we neither make it for a purpose nor create it, we just grow it and for a purpose. So plants are different from life having consciousness. So if Gods created us, it would be for no purpose but love. That is why don't see a purpose to life.
«Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 05:17:28 PM »
nice thoughts kohinoor.. thanks for sharing with us
«Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 05:26:16 PM »
You're most welcome. Being the children of Gods, we have to be all Gods ourselves. So if we are away from Gods and not like Gods on earth, we could only be captives because only captives lack power which we do 'cause we don't know everything. Therefore it is possible that the theory of original sin in heaven holds true.
«Reply #4 on: January 27, 2008, 05:33:20 PM »
There's a parable of Jesus where He says that x did a favor for y but y did not do a favor for z and so x took away that favor from y saying that y learnt nothing when x did him that favor. I feel that if we on earth free everyone including all animal life, in every way possible, Gods will free us too. We will achieve salvation and return back home to our original world heaven. This I believe is end of the world, and it is not a bad thing but good for we would return back home for good.
«Reply #5 on: January 27, 2008, 05:53:52 PM »
Captives in prison, when they are released and go back home, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Similarly it will be for earth. I don't believe it's a bad thing to release all prisoners anywhere because the moment we do that is I believe will be followed by the moment when earth disappears just like the prisons would.
«Reply #6 on: January 27, 2008, 06:39:51 PM »
Remember the scripture, "Sealed unto redemption with the holy spirit of God?" If the scripture comes true we get collective salvation or freedom and if it doesn't come true then we get individual salvation. The individual salvation can be painful because earth has only limited resources left and even they are waning fast. I don't know the Lords fully but the little I know them, I know that the choice will always remain earth's. So, what do you say? When I talk about releasing all prisoners, I mean all animals from captivity of any kind and all humans from prisons, asylums, re-habs, hospitals, etc.
«Reply #7 on: January 28, 2008, 12:45:21 AM »
Redemption means to redeem or get something back, redeeming a coupon we actually save – so redemption means to be saved and get back our original world heaven. When we give a one dollar coupon to redeem, we get a dollar back. We give and so we get. Here, the coupon is - free all prisoners and get your freedom back.

So blasphemy against the holy spirit would be that redemption from sins will not be collective but will become individual. I don't know why Jesus said that blasphemy against the Son of God can be forgiven. If the holy spirit was upon Him, then any dire wrong against Jesus would constitute a blasphemy against the holy spirit. Individual redemption leads to what we call gradual extinction. Collective would lead to immediate salvation or freedom.
«Reply #8 on: January 28, 2008, 12:57:56 AM »
Many will ask that if God truly wants to free us all then why is the freedom of all prisoners relevant because God could just free everyone even without their release. The reason why our freeing all prisoners is important is because if we don't have that mentality or spirit in us to free all, then heaven would not be a suitable place for us and we would in all likelihood do the same wrongs that made us move away from the Gods and be back on a place called earth. To be reconciled with God or in other words to go back to heaven we have to have the same spirit (thinking) as God's.
«Reply #9 on: January 28, 2008, 01:11:02 AM »
That is why in scripture there is talk about becoming one with God's Spirit or with God. It does not mean that one actually becomes one with God, it only means that one reaches heaven because one's spirit becomes like God's or identifies with God. So when Jesus said, 'I and the Father are one' it means His spirit totally identified with God's which would be why He became God. The reason there is confusion as to us being parts or spirits of God to become one with Him is because we need to become like God in thinking or in spirit to reach our original abode heaven. We are all distinct Gods or distinct Spirits.
«Reply #10 on: January 28, 2008, 02:45:30 AM »
Jesus said, "Know ye not that ye are all Gods and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you."

If one of our loved family or friends was captive somewhere it would make us unhappy, similarly because Gods love us all, they are also unhappy seeing us captive on earth. Someone will say that if they are unhappy then why hold us captive? The reason is because heaven is the Alpha and the Omega or in other words the beginning and the end, with Gods sitting as the highest justice which is flawless, they can punish us by making us captive if we so deserve, but justice on earth is not flawless, besides, when there is already a justice over earth, earth should not prescribe captivity in any form or manner. I am not saying don't have any justice, but we should atleast not hold anyone captive.
«Reply #11 on: January 28, 2008, 11:19:27 AM »
------THE END--------
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