Older women, younger men relationship..serious discussion.!

by Talat on January 01, 2007, 06:43:47 PM
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«Reply #15 on: January 02, 2007, 02:11:22 PM »
Quote from: "vikas2210"
Nice topic. and nice to read the serious comments....

older women and younger man - erlation ship is thou uncommon earlier but now a days this is common. but the relationship result in short term relationship and much suited for live in relationship.

Marriage is still a taboo.

And why LIR is more suited b'cos a man always wishes to have a secure lap to go back home too.

will continue later....

Thanks Vikas....here i am trying to put discussion on just not short term affairs/relationships rather marriage!!
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«Reply #16 on: January 02, 2007, 02:17:13 PM »
My views.....I agree with Navin, Gum, DK, Anjani and Jeet.....that FOLLOW YOUR HEART.........!!!

If we are the ones who make society then why we have to give importance to traditions / rules over personal happiness.......Like Anjani said..these things make news for a day or two...but if this is what makes you happy, relaxed and secure...one should follow that...!!

In todays busy life, all we need is "SUKOON" and you should do what you feel is right for you....!!

You should see with your heart, rather than eyes...and do what gives you true happiness...!!!
«Reply #17 on: January 02, 2007, 02:24:45 PM »
Just one comment !

Follow Your Heart...Period :D[/size][/color]
«Reply #18 on: January 02, 2007, 04:24:58 PM »
Ok Ok...EveryOne is just Best abt his Comments.....I m also Full Agree with all of u Guyz and gals....Infact i have no words now to say any more......but i have one Question abt it......i ithink its related to this topic......if the girl realies a feeling of love with a Younger Boy after marriage as she knows and the whole Society knows that his Hubby is not giving Trustfull attention then wat u say abt it.....is the girl again have the Right to Love.....Or the Society will Accept it......!!!!!

Gentelmen according to me Love Happens in Heart not in ur Society not in ur any Community not in any Religon.....so why shud we all have to see these type of issues.....if we r the ppls who can change the Societies then also it can not be Change WHY....Huh??
HumTum is back
«Reply #19 on: January 02, 2007, 04:47:40 PM »
Nice Topic to Disscuss !

Disagreed with Tosha:

who said or in which book it is wrritten that a Man should be older than a woman for a healthy mental and spritual devolpment?

Agreed with Tosha:

Access of everything is bad.

Taking that point…. If a Man is 3 - 4 year’s older than a woman, it is fine but if a Man is 20 -25 year’s older than a woman then opsss there could an issue and vice – versa.

First of all we need to know what the Society/community is. Where it came from?

Well, the society is WE, the people! WE make the laws. WE think that it is not right or it is not wrong. If WE change our mentality, society will change it self.

Some body has mentioned INDIA and its culture!

Well, as we all know that there are so many cultures in India. Some are very narrowing minded and some are not.

Taking an example: if, in a culture or society, it is acceptable that a man can have four women at a time then what is the wrong if a Man is younger than a woman. I have seen and know so many happy Indian couples in India where woman is older than man.  

It doesn’t affect any relationship if the woman is older or younger BUT yes there is a limit. Going to the Tosha’s point access of everything is bad! All does affect is how strong the relationship is.
«Reply #20 on: January 02, 2007, 05:43:37 PM »
Thanks Gaurav, and HumTum for your comments.

Gaurav, you are raising a completely different issue...i.e. problems in the marital life..and then finding a new love...well again..if the marital relationship is completely broken..and there is no way both partners can be together, its better to live separate life than suffocate....!!

HumTum...I agree with you....well yes there is a limit also to the age differences...A very large difference of say 15 or 20 years is obviously not practical as well....!!

In the end, its WE that make the society, traditions and rules..and its WE who can break the so called norms.....Its just your heart, feelings, understanding to decide for your life. If both the partners are so much in affection to each other, have understanding, compatibility...things like age dont matter...!!!
«Reply #21 on: January 02, 2007, 06:27:24 PM »
lot much to gain from all of the intellectuals... just one thing to add more in this interesting topic...whatever may be the conclusion or what ever one may think.... just once considered urself at  ur parents place n think what if ur son going to marry an older woman (say 4-5 yr age gap) .... if u think it does not make a difference then go ahead.. n say this to urself that society is changing.. i m making waves... n if u had to think twice .. u better flow with the society... accept all the traditions made by our ancestors....
for me.. its the best n right way to change or accept changes in the soceity individually
«Reply #22 on: January 02, 2007, 06:43:01 PM »
Quote from: "Tosha"
There are somthings that come from within  ... eg ... you have said young girls just shake their head .... nah!!! nah!!

its a rare care and an extreme case.

love marriage is a seperate issue and older woman n younger man age gap is a diff issue.

i dunno of any such relation to have survived.

Here in all relaity shows i'v ever seen ... such relations have not really bloomed.

waise .... Follow your heart .... this is the best thing to do.

Tosha.. i dont think its rare.... how many of the indian house wifes are allowed to take decision of their own Huh? %age is very less...  thats why there is domestic voilence..

actually the basic reason behind most domestic voilence cases is the physical toughness of male.... this can be overdone by older woman... u know  every man always has ego on some gender issues.. being old n pysically stronger means (to man) he is right n his decision is final... well going beyond this point may lead this topic to another issue .....

follow of heart is the new trend of the new generation... n it is marking up its existence in the society

«Reply #23 on: January 02, 2007, 07:20:32 PM »
Quote from: "HumTum is back"
Nice Topic to Disscuss !

Disagreed with Tosha:

who said or in which book it is wrritten that a Man should be older than a woman for a healthy mental and spritual devolpment?

Well can name a specific book … I’v read it many times that girl must be younger.

1.. It is scientifically proven that girls mature faster than boys and for them to balance the maturity (mental, physical as well as spiritual) level there needs to be a balance in their age gap. A gap of younger girl and older boy … and the diff being 3-4 yrs.

2. If you read some books on mediation which tell about love as a path of meditation it is said that best chemistry happens between a younger girl and older man, wth a age gap of 3-4 yrs.

«Reply #24 on: January 02, 2007, 07:28:15 PM »
Quote from: "(((JEET)))"
Quote from: "Tosha"
There are somthings that come from within  ... eg ... you have said young girls just shake their head .... nah!!! nah!!

its a rare care and an extreme case.

love marriage is a seperate issue and older woman n younger man age gap is a diff issue.

i dunno of any such relation to have survived.

Here in all relaity shows i'v ever seen ... such relations have not really bloomed.

waise .... Follow your heart .... this is the best thing to do.

Tosha.. i dont think its rare.... how many of the indian house wifes are allowed to take decision of their own Huh? %age is very less...  thats why there is domestic voilence..

actually the basic reason behind most domestic voilence cases is the physical toughness of male.... this can be overdone by older woman... you know  every man always has ego on some gender issues.. being old n pysically stronger means (to man) he is right n his decision is final... well going beyond this point may lead this topic to another issue .....

follow of heart is the new trend of the new generation... n it is marking up its existence in the society


Jeet in west ... the reverse age gap is common i.e, woman older than man ... and domestic violance here is no less than in india ... lol !!

A man's ego is better hurt is the female is older and he can't take the lead in the family. Its the same all over the world.

i'v nt seem much difference in the mind frame of ppl ... its just that ... we as indians are still holding it back and we still believe in ourselves and our society.

In western world ppl have lost all their trust ... there are cases that a parents ant sure of who's child are they bringing up. ha ha ha!!

Bhai yeh KALYUG hai and we are here to witness.
«Reply #25 on: January 02, 2007, 08:53:29 PM »
i agree with tosha.
life runs smooth and fine if theres mental stability in the relation, which is only possible if the guy is older.
its something like a law of nature that says the man leads the family. Thats possible only if theres atleast a wee bit difference in the age..
People in western countries have gone against nature. I totally agree with tosha again, its our societal values that makes us indians unique. Marriages r more successful in our country, compared to the west where every now and then divorce cases r filed.
talking about small girls getting married to men way older like 10-15 years older, thats an issue existing only in the rural areas, and India is a developing country, Im pretty much sure i nteh coming years, this sort of child marriage thing will be eliminated completely.
BUT then againnnn, love sees no age gap. and it is an emotion we never have control over.
So yet again, the bottomline, as everyone has quoted in bold, 'Follow your heart.'
«Reply #26 on: January 02, 2007, 09:17:11 PM »
wow.......follow ur heart...is the best solution :D
«Reply #27 on: January 02, 2007, 09:40:36 PM »
Thanks for your comments and views Sanya...!!

Well...for mental stability in a relationship, there is no rule that husband has to be older...mental stability comes from maturity...and maturity is not age-dependent !! In this age, there is nothing like leading.....both husband and wife are equal........ !!

Tosha, you are talking about norms or ideal things..but these things are more in books or journals....In real practical life, people are leading absolutely healthy, normal and happy life where husband and wife are of same age..or even wife is older than husband....their life runs absolutely smoothly and with stability!!

Also, what sort of relationship a person approves also depends upon the set of mind or general thinking of that person.......sometimes a guy may require more emotional security and may go into a relationship with an older women.....or when a girl requires security, she might feel more comfortable in relationship with an older guy..its all psychological.....its all how much two people are mature......normally girls look for maturity and security...and thus want their husband to be older than them....it can be other way round as well..!!! Also, maturity is not dependent on age...a younger guy can be more mature than many older guys......also we should nt forget about the compatibility factor....its just about how two people relate to eachother..its all about their mutual understanding and compatibility!!

If two people are comfortabe with eachother and absolutely happy it does nt matter whats the age difference between them....!!

Love is much above these barriers.....marriages are sacred institution and not just physical intimacy......if two people are happy with each other..they should be left with peace......Traditions are good..but they should be for people's happiness rather than "becoming zanjeer".....!!
«Reply #28 on: January 02, 2007, 10:15:25 PM »
i totally agree..!
«Reply #29 on: January 03, 2007, 04:22:22 AM »
Quote from: "Talat"
Quote from: "vikas2210"
Nice topic. and nice to read the serious comments....

older women and younger man - erlation ship is thou uncommon earlier but now a days this is common. but the relationship result in short term relationship and much suited for live in relationship.

Marriage is still a taboo.

And why LIR is more suited b'cos a man always wishes to have a secure lap to go back home too.

will continue later....

Thanks Vikas....here i am trying to put discussion on just not short term affairs/relationships rather marriage!!

Do agree with you Tosha.....

But What I ment was the relationship between older women and younger men is sill a taboo in India and also in west the marriage do takes place but for how long?Huh?Huh?

According to me that happen b'coz man first sees a mature and more satisfying partner in older women but after some time or say years he starts seeing a towering more dominating partner in the women......

 will continue .........
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