Older women, younger men relationship..serious discussion.!

by Talat on January 01, 2007, 06:43:47 PM
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HumTum is back
«Reply #30 on: January 03, 2007, 10:24:36 AM »
In a relationship it is not important that who is older and who is younger; the important thing is Love, Care, Time, and Wealth & Health. It is important that how strong the relationship is. How strongly they love and care each other. Physically, mentally & spiritually stability comes from those five things not from age.............

Coming to your point where you said that marriages are more successful in India than other countries. My big NO for that. I strongly advice you to please read Indian newspapers or Indian news sites. You will find how many married women has affair with another men OR how many married women buying Gigolo (male prostitute). How many married women murdered their husbands because of they are in love with another men. Do you call it successful marriages? These things happen very less in western countries compare with India.

(OMG I love this topic … thanks to Talat)
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«Reply #31 on: January 03, 2007, 01:52:50 PM »
Quote from: "HumTum is back"

............In a relationship it is not important that who is older and who is younger; the important thing is Love, Care, Time, and Wealth & Health. It is important that how strong the relationship is. How strongly they love and care each other. Physically, mentally & spiritually stability comes from those five things not from age.............

compeletly agreed HTsir... what a strong n good relation needs is the love,care n mutual undersanding between the two souls rather than particular age format.... a successful is that one in which both partners respect n care for their better halves rather than doing formailties

Quote from: "HumTum is back"
Coming to your point where you said that marriages are more successful in India than other countries. My big NO for that. I strongly advice you to please read Indian newspapers or Indian news sites. You will find how many married women has affair with another men OR how many married women buying Gigolo (male prostitute). How many married women murdered their husbands because of they are in love with another men. Do you call it successful marriages?  These things happen very less in western countries compare with India.

but divorce rate is high ....  marriages are often broken ... may be the cases of murder are less ..but  having two or more partners are normal

Quote from: "HumTum is back"
(OMG I love this topic … thanks to Talat)

again very much agreed....:wink:
«Reply #32 on: January 03, 2007, 06:12:21 PM »
murder casesi in india are high because it isnt easy to file a divorce..whereas in the west, as soon as u think u rnt happy with ur partner, u straightaway go file a divorce!
its more or less the same case, murder n divorce have the same reason, unsuccessful marriage.
and im sure u urself know where there are more unsuccessful marriages, india or in the west..
«Reply #33 on: January 04, 2007, 04:25:55 PM »
Quote from: "HumTum is back"
Now, going back to the point of maturity, a Man could be very mature than his age or in other words a Man could be mature early than a Woman. I am giving you an example: in year 2003, Nasa had appointed a 10 year old Indian boy for further Research & Development. My question would be: how can Nasa be so foolish by appointing a 10 years old boy in their Organisation for further research & development?    

It is scientifically proved that “The base of the maturity is experience & knowledge not age”.

u r talking of exceptions !!

look down your window on the street  .... and u'd fing girls mature faster than boys ... and

maturity is not just experience and knowledge .... u r talking of intectual maturaty. we here are talking of relationship where physical maturaty counts and not just intellectual maturity.

i don't want to put examples ... one must be mature enuff to understan it!
«Reply #34 on: January 04, 2007, 04:40:41 PM »
Quote from: "HumTum is back"

In a relationship it is not important that who is older and who is younger; the important thing is Love, Care, Time, and Wealth & Health. It is important that how strong the relationship is. How strongly they love and care each other. Physically, mentally & spiritually stability comes from those five things not from age. 3 -4 years age difference doesn’t affect any relationship.

can u explain wt is a strong relationship. Huh?

well ... wealth can u be specific... which kind of wealth r u talking about??
wordly wealth = money ... this is the main cause of breakups in elder girl and younger man ... as elder girl in in max cases earning more than the male.

and  ... can u explain love ... can u deff b/n infatuation and love.Huh?

well ppl end up getting married in infatuation.!! and later realize they were never in love.

Time ... so do u think time n age r not related??

age is a sum up of time. ... and it has been researched that in older female and younger male the sharing of time the second imp cause of breakups. as the male ends up finding other females intresting(flirting) as his partner starts getting old.

care ... how can u specify care??

we care even for the piece of dress we like in the shop. and take care of it ... till the time we deciede to dump it.
HumTum is back
«Reply #35 on: January 04, 2007, 06:09:27 PM »
Quote from: "Tosha"

can you explain wt is a strong relationship. Huh?

well ... wealth can you be specific... which kind of wealth r you talking about??
wordly wealth = money ... this is the main cause of breakups in elder girl and younger man ... as elder girl in in max cases earning more than the male.

As i understand, we are talking about india... right? So tell me how many married women do work in india? well Majority is only housewives.  Usual Smile  [/color]

Quote from: "Tosha"

and  ... can you explain love ... can you deff b/n infatuation and love.Huh?

well ppl end up getting married in infatuation.!! and later realize they were never in love.

it could happen in all cases... weather the partners are of same age or one of the partner is elder.  you know what i mean Usual Smile

Quote from: "Tosha"

Time ... so do you think time n age r not related??

age is a sum up of time. ... and it has been researched that in older female and younger male the sharing of time the second imp cause of breakups. as the male ends up finding other females intresting(flirting) as his partner starts getting old.

It happens vise -versa as well... where younger woman gets fed up with her older Man and seeks another Man of her age. As you know lots of married women in india have affairswith another Men. Probably you understand Usual Smile

Quote from: "Tosha"

care ... how can you specify care??

we care even for the piece of dress we like in the shop. and take care of it ... till the time we deciede to dump it.

Here we are talking about the human being not the piece of dress. Do you care for your parents? i guess you do becouse everybody does (Unless one is very evil who doesn't). So according to your comment  what i understand is you care for your love ones until you deceide to dump them. is it so?  :?
«Reply #36 on: January 04, 2007, 06:23:16 PM »
lol tongue3

well ... so we r talking bout india ... then i'd say ... for the women who r working ... they have problems even if they r younger/older than men. desen't matter.

hee hee ... this proves men r wicked n cruel ... no matter they r older or younger in age they'll always dominate women.

they'll say there's nothing like age / they'll say woman in ment to me pittied upon / they'll men n women are equal but will always keep their chin up.

Jeet was saying somewhat the same thing ... that in india a girl is dominated upon because she is young and now you r saying that most of the women in india are housewifes ... well !!
in cases where there will be a younger man older woman relationship the liklyhood of women being a house wife is next to ZERO!!

HumTum is back
«Reply #37 on: January 04, 2007, 06:41:32 PM »
Quote from: "Tosha"
Quote from: "HumTum is back"
Now, going back to the point of maturity, a Man could be very mature than his age or in other words a Man could be mature early than a Woman. I am giving you an example: in year 2003, Nasa had appointed a 10 year old Indian boy for further Research & Development. My question would be: how can Nasa be so foolish by appointing a 10 years old boy in their Organisation for further research & development?    

It is scientifically proved that “The base of the maturity is experience & knowledge not age”.

you r talking of exceptions !!

look down your window on the street  .... and you'd fing girls mature faster than boys ... and

maturity is not just experience and knowledge .... you r talking of intectual maturaty. we here are talking of relationship where physical maturaty counts and not just intellectual maturity.

i don't want to put examples ... one must be mature enuff to understan it!

i do understand what you mean. Here we are not talking about a relationship between a 12 years old boy & a 20 years old girl. we are talking about a reasonable relationship. say for example: After passing the age of 20 both, boy and girl, are Physically & Intectually preety Mature to keep a relationship running. if there is a relationship between 23 years old man & 26 years old woman, both are Physically preety Mature to understand what is required for a good relationship. I guess one is Mature enuff to understand what i mean Usual Smile [/color]
«Reply #38 on: January 04, 2007, 10:15:09 PM »
i dont think so anything should be an objection....age and time was not made by GOD but rather made my man...so i dont know why age is a problem.......if two people are mature enuff and make this decision i dont think so it should be an objection........them two are going to spend their life with each other not us......so why does our society have to butt in other;s business....its not ur daughter its not ur son....and u are not them so why are they worrying too much about it!!!!
you are not marrying a younger boy or an older women...so why do u gossip!!!!!
if the two r mature enuff and are taking the responsibility of their marriage wat is ur problem :D:D:D:D:D:D
«Reply #39 on: January 05, 2007, 12:09:45 AM »
baby!! The problem comes after one gets married.

before that every thing is green ... like its said ... grass is always greener on the other side.

And dear HumTum Ji.!! there is other side of the story of physical meturity. ... i wonder will that be appropriate to state on a place like Yo! ... u can't argue with me on the fact that females mature faster than a male in the physical cycle of human race. tongue3

So, keeping in mind not just the young age where a man does fancy an elder felame ... we must consider the old age as well ... where a younger female and older male combo is well defined ... not only by our society as well as science and our nature.

don't fight against the simple rule. call it morality / tredition / anything. somethings have to be followed.
«Reply #40 on: January 05, 2007, 04:30:19 AM »
Quite correct Tosha........

Simple some rules are made by nature... But dear the ruleare made to to be broken.. Still the rules are rule......
HumTum is back
«Reply #41 on: January 05, 2007, 09:00:06 AM »
Quote from: "Tosha"
lol tongue3

well ... so we r talking bout india ... then i'd say ... for the women who r working ... they have problems even if they r younger/older than men. desen't matter.

Dear Colleague,  Here you are crossing your own point  Shocked by saying "They have Problem even if they r YOUNGER/OLDER than man. DOESN'T MATTER".

That is what we are trying to say here that there is nothing to do in a realtionship weather the girl is 3 years older or younger than boy. Hope you understand now by your own point.

Quote from: "Tosha"

hee hee ... this proves men r wicked n cruel ... no matter they r older or younger in age they'll always dominate women.

Again read your own lines  "no matter they r YOUNGER or OLDER in AGE they'll always dominate women". we can talk about any time on wehther Men are wicked n cruel or women.... you can open a new topic on it. i will be there to keep the thread movin;)

Quote from: "Tosha"

they'll say there's nothing like age / they'll say woman in ment to me pittied upon / they'll men n women are equal but will always keep their chin up.

Are we in 17th Century now?

Quote from: "Tosha"

Jeet was saying somewhat the same thing ... that in india a girl is dominated upon because she is young and now you r saying that most of the women in india are housewifes ... well !!
in cases where there will be a younger man older woman relationship the liklyhood of women being a house wife is next to ZERO!!


That is what you think but it is not.  Usual Smile  
«Reply #42 on: January 05, 2007, 11:45:22 AM »
Quote from: "HumTum is back"

Dear Colleague,  Here you are crossing your own point  Shocked by saying "They have Problem even if they r YOUNGER/OLDER than man. DOESN'T MATTER".

That is what we are trying to say here that there is nothing to do in a realtionship weather the girl is 3 years older or younger than boy. Hope you understand now by your own point.

Well ...  Dear Colleague...!!

You were talking bout problems faced by women. rather that in India majority females r housewives and so i meant to say here was ... that females have to face problems everywhere... be in home be it work or be in on road ... it is terrible for a girl to walk down the DTC in Delhi. its a problem females have to face all around the world. be it... any age.

its only yesterday that first female house of speaker has been elected in America ... a country which has been said to be well mannered and well, very well modernised and open-minded. And they get their first female ever to reach this high position in 2007 ..

Now u'd say we r in 21st century ... u prove that men can prove wtever they want. you have been dominated women all through the ages and u still do. Even in the western world...more men are working than women.

Quote from: "HumTum is back"

Again read your own lines  "no matter they r YOUNGER or OLDER in AGE they'll always dominate women". we can talk about any time on wehther Men are wicked n cruel or women.... you can open a new topic on it. i will be there to keep the thread movin;)

Well!! it be a pleasure to have such a topic running on Yo!! though i don't see its specific needs.

Quote from: "HumTum is back"

Are we in 17th Century now?

You open a new thread and I give you my words i'll keep it going on and on.!! tongue3 hee hee

Quote from: "HumTum is back"


That's what happens ... so do i think!!  :D

That is what you think but it is not.  Usual Smile
«Reply #43 on: January 05, 2007, 09:46:50 PM »
Please DO NOT go off topic :D :D

anyway .. continuing with the domination stuff
let me tell u .. God has created Men n Women "Equal" BUT NOT "Identical"
so you cannot say who is dominating whom in what respect.
Take for e.g. if theres a theif in ur house .. will u ask ur sister or ur mom to go n fight the thief? ... NO .. coz Men are supposed to be the protectors of Women.
Similarly, if you think ur wife goes thru a lot of pain when delivering a child, can u tell her tht this time u r gonna deliver the child ... NO .. coz Women are supposed to do tht.

So, when u talk abt equality consider the rights in all respects, and accept the fact that Men ARE stronger than Women physically.

God has created Men and Women separately for a reason, respect it.
«Reply #44 on: January 05, 2007, 09:52:14 PM »
aie hai ..!! well nice thoughts :D
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