by Naya_Daur on February 01, 2006, 04:00:00 PM
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Author  (Read 11101 times)
Hello friends,,

Today i am going to share SHIV KUMAR BATALVI with all of u ,the following posts are not written by me,
i just found them on INTERNET n thought  YoIndia's users must know about the GEM of Punjab

Similar Poetry and Posts (Note: Find replies to above post after the related posts and poetry)
poems by shiv kumar batalvi by Shikha12 in Miscellaneous Poetry in Punjabi
Geet - Shiv Kumar Batalvi by dalwara1 in Love Poetry in Punjabi
Ikk Shehar De NaaN - Shiv Kumar Batalvi by dalwara1 in Love Poetry in Punjabi
Shiv Kumar Batalvi - Vidhwa Rutt by Dalwara in Love Poetry in Punjabi
To: Shiv Kumar Batalvi by dalwara1 in Love Poetry in Punjabi
«Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 04:01:50 PM »

A Transcendental Agony - Shiv Kumar
By Dr. C.S.Chan
«Reply #2 on: February 01, 2006, 04:02:40 PM »
Shiv Kumar was a born poet who migrated from the poetic region of Sialkot to Batala at the most
miserable moment of human history. It was the Independence of the sub-continent in 1947 - the dreadful,
painful, horrible, miserable, devastating, slaughtering and marauding phenomenon,
which bisected the trouble stricken North India. The pangs of separation are recurrent themes of this great
 lyricist of the land. He has been hailed as one of the great poets of all times.

Nevertheless, being acquainted with some of his poems, receding and bleeding parting songs and
 prosodic commentary on the nearly dead ROMANTIC tradition of the land of five rivers, Shiv Kumar
 has fostered the impression of sentimental romance of the bygone era in the contemporary idiom.
 Spanning from the folk-stage to the film screen, Shiv Kumar has re-established the heroic,
romantic and down to earth tradition of transcendental poetry.

It is not generally known, for example, that Shiv Kumar's creativity overflowed with bawdiness, satire,
 ardent Panjabi odour and recalcitrant revolutionary thoughts that he imbibed in his poetry. His musical
presentation has captivated the listeners over a period of revival of chivalrous, sacrificial and utter-devotional
aspect of our culture.
«Reply #3 on: February 01, 2006, 04:06:58 PM »
I have adorned this poem since 1972 and I am proud of reproducing this great lyric written by the author in his own hand.

:arrow:   :arrow:

:arrow: .......
«Reply #4 on: February 01, 2006, 04:11:03 PM »
"Above handwritten poem"

Chard aa, Chard aa, Chard aa,Dharti te Dhart dhar aa.
Aaj sara ambar tera,Tenu rokhn wala kehra?

Shad dehlijan,Shad puardiyan,Shad paran eh Vehra.
Tere dil vich chir toh hanera,Eh channan shudaiya tera.

Chard aa, Chard aa, Chard aa,Tenu puchan wala kehra?

Suraj da naa tera naa hai,Chan da vi tera!
Dase dishawan tera naa hai,Ambrab di naa tera!

Tu Dhoopan nu dhoop keh de,Tere naal savera!
Fikar raata na kar tu ehda,Gallan kadede hanera
tu pa athra vich phera

Dharti shadni Muskil nahi,Rakh thora k jora.
Ambar malne Muskil nahi,je tu shade vehra

Chard aa, Chard aa, Chard aa,Tu le ke naa aaj mera.

Eh channan shudaiya tera.Eh suraj v hai tera,
Chard aa, Chard aa, Chard aa,Dharti te Dhart dhar aa.
«Reply #5 on: February 01, 2006, 04:37:33 PM »
Shiv Kumar was born on July 23, 1936 in Bara Pind Lohtian (Shakargarh tehsil), in Punjab (now Pakistan). His father was
a Patwari by the name of Pandit Krishan Gopal. After the partition his family moved to Batala. As a child Shiv is said to have
been fascinated by birds and rugged, thorny plants on the Punjabi landscape. Shiv was exposed to the 'ramlila' at an
early age, and it is to be expected that he received what was later to become his instinctive understanding of drama
 from these early performances.

Shiv passed his matriculate exams in 1953, from Punjab University. He went on to enrol in the F.Sc. programme at Baring
Union Christian College in Batala. Before completing his degree he moved to S.N. College, Qadian into their Arts program.
It is here that he began to sing ghazals and songs for his classmates. Shiv never gave the final exams he needed
to pass to receive his degree.

Around this period, he met a girl named Maina at a fair in Baijnath. When he went back to look for her in her
hometown, he heard the news of her death and wrote his elegy 'Maina'. This episode was to prefigure numerous
other partings that would serve as material to distil into poems. Perhaps the most celebrated such episode is his fascination
for Gurbaksh Singh's daughter who left for the US and married someone else. When he heard of the birth of her first child,
Shiv wrote 'Main ek shikra yaar banaya',perhaps his most famous love poem. It's said that when she had her second child,
someone asked Shiv whether he would write another poem. Shiv replied 'Have I become responsible for her?
Am I to write a poem on her every time shegives birth to a child?' Sounds much better in Punjabi
(main oda theka leya hoyaa? Oho bacche banayi jave te main
ode te kavita likhda rehma?). In 1965 Shiv won the Sahitya Akademi award for his verse-drama Loona.
He married on Feb 5, 1967

His wife Aruna was a Brahmin from Kir Mangyal in district Gurdaspur. By all accounts Shiv had a happy marriage.
He had two children,Meharbaan (b. Apr. 12, 1968) and Puja (b. Sep. 23, 1969) whom he loved immensely.

By 1968 he had moved to Chandigarh, but both Batala and Chandigarh became soulless in his eyes. Chandigarh brought
him fame,but scathing criticism as well, Shiv replied with an article titled 'My hostile critics'. Meanwhile his epilepsy got
worse and he had a serious attack while at a store in Chandigarh's section 22. In the early 70's Shiv came to Bombay for a
literary conference. In keeping with Shiv's outrageous behaviour there is a story about his trip to Bombay as well. Part of the
conference involved readings at Shanmukhananda hall. After a few people had read their work (one of whom was Meena Kumari),
Shiv got on the stage and began "Almost everyone today has begun to consider themselves a poet, each and every person
 off the streets is writing ghazals".

By the time he'd finished with his diatribe, there was not a sound in the hall. This is when he began to read
'Ek kuri jeeda naam mohabbat. gum hai, gum hai...'. There wasn't a sound when he finished either.

Shiv has been called a Bohemian. There were complaints about his drinking and some suggestions that his 'friends' had him drink so he
would exhibit his outrageous self.
«Reply #6 on: February 01, 2006, 04:38:18 PM »
Shiv Kumar's poetry is marked be the 'death-wish'.
No one may sing this song of mine
I alone will sing it
I'll sing my song
And take my leave tomorrow
No one may sing this song of mine
I alone will sing it

Shiv Batalvi recited this poem in a 'Kavidarbar' in 1963: The entire audience was spellbound. A slim, tender, handsome youth, still in his twenties was enchanting the audience with the agony of his melody, a lock of his hair playing on his forehead that he tried to push back with his smoke-stained fingers. He closed his poem with these lines:

When I and my song
Are no more tomorrow,
The lovelorn will come
Looking for us in the graveyard.
And all of them
With one voice would say,
"Very few are destined
To die like this."

There was hardly an eye that had remained dry in the audience.
It seems Shiv not only cherished the death-wish, he found fulfilment in it. It was no sentimentality, he longed for it from the heart of his hearts
and he wanted to die young, in the prime of his youth.

I must die at the peak of my youth.
I must return in full bloom.
Having suffered pangs 6f from you separation
I must die at the peak of my youth.
He who dies at the peak of his youth
Is turned into either a flower or a star.
It's only lovers who die young
Or those who are born lucky.

The more he sang about it, the more the idea gripped him. His life was full of deep wounds. His mother died, his father died, he fell in love with Meena; she was also snatched away by the cruel hand of death. He met another girl who looked like Meena. She jilted him and went abroad. A mere Patwari, he resigned his petty job in disgust. A sensitive youth who could not study beyond matriculation, he threw himself at the mercy of the cruel world; buffeted by circumstances, his soul was bruised. Is it not a lacerated heart that sings thus?

My mother died when I was a born
My father when I was a baby.
My sweetheart died when I was young
My song died unsung.
I beg of you, my Lord,
Don't hold me up any more.
Let me go. .
Give me a warm tear
And bless me with pangs of separation
Let me go.

Then came a stage when he rejected himself. Such a mood in a perceptive youth, with dreamy eyes and love-songs on his lips, can be disastrous.And a disaster it was. Shiv started chain-smoking, drinking heavily and trying all sorts of odd drugs. He plunged himself headlong intothe misery of disillusionment. His contemporaries, not even half as talented, were flourishing and he was left on the streets to live in the backwaters of Batala.His starving young wife and under-nourished children
added to his agony. Shiv felt he had already outlived his days:

My love!
What for should I live?
The soiled flesh of my face
Who will kiss or adore?
My love!
What for should I live?
«Reply #7 on: February 01, 2006, 04:41:20 PM »
In 1965 was published Shiv Kumar's masterpiece, a dramatic poem, "Luna". In this poem Shiv Kumar has taken up the legend of
Puran Bhakta which has been called an expression of a significant aspect of the Punjabi psyche. It is the story of Puran, son of Raja Salvahan, resisting the solicitations of his youthful stepmother Luna, who perverts the truth into a big lie and accuses the innocent Puran of having attempted to outrage her modesty.

Shiv Kumar changes the legend to an extent, by justifying the youthful Luna's solicitation of her stepson, because she has been married against her will to the old Raja Salvahan.

So beautifully has Shiv Kumar advocated Luna's case that beside the iniquity of an unequal marriage, Puran's dutiful rejection of Luna's
advances appears as a cruel, ascetically insensibility. The poet has woven the tapestry of Puran's rejection in such a way, that it remains inexplicit till the end, whether the rejection is being presented as a compulsion of Puran's role as an ascetic, or as a rejection of beauty and youth by a cruelly motivated social order.

Main Te Main (I and I) published in 1970 is a long poem of seventy-five pages, which is unique in modern Punjabi poetry in both its conception and execution. In the introduction the poet himself writes, "The legend in this poem is not mine, nor is its truth my truth...whatever is mine in the truth of this legend is the truth of my being not of my person. Its psychological background is only a phenomenon of the intellectual and moral scepticism of the present generation. The truth of the hero of this poem is a protest against the false and hollow moral values of today. It is the revolt of modern man's disintegrated personality against the death of his true being.
" The narrator describes his birth as the result of his mother's sexual hunger even when she is an unmarried woman.

This hunger is, according to the poet' sunk deep in the being of every woman, who is basically an unmarried mother.

What the poet actually means by this formulation is not quite clear, except on the understanding of the poet's own experience of the basic unmorlity of woman's desire for man as her ravisher and her son as the culmination of her innermost sexual urge.

Another collection of poems was published in 1971 under the tide Arti (Prayer). The poems included in it were written between the years 1963 and 1965. Thus they are chronologically later than both Luna. and Main Te Main.
«Reply #8 on: February 01, 2006, 04:42:24 PM »
In every aspect of nature he found an image of death - a phenomena which was unique in Shiv. He said -

'Main chaonda haan aaj da gora din
Aanaei maot na mar jae'

No other poet before him, to my knowledge, was so much glamorised by the phenomenon of death as Shiv was. As Shiv was, death truly is a gift that is given to a man at birth and that is not an end, but is a milestone on the journey from beyond to beyond. I see Shiv walking on this path.
'Raat chanani main turan'

He will continue to walk and we will continue to see him shining as a star at nightfall and touch him, smell him, enjoy him as a flower, like the chambe da phul 'he will be seen again and again dying on the morning after morning. To him death seems more real then life. No one sees the flower coming into life, but what we see is only the death of the living. But death also is not the end.

'Nahen sade tan koi rog awalra
Nahan sadi oomsr aakhiri
Babul ji
Aasan mukh da suraj
Dubde tak mur aonna

He will come back again on the horizon before sunset to live through the night.

I am waiting for that moment when Shiv, like Lord Shiv Ji will recreate himself out of the pieces and bits that he has
left for all of us in the form of his poetry - the immortal images of his mortal frame.

Shiv Kumar died in the 36th year of his life on May 7, 1973 in his father-in-law's house at Kir Mangyal near Pathankot.

'Zindgi us ke liye ik maut thi
Who pa gaya hai zindagi dar asal mar jane ke baad.'
«Reply #9 on: February 01, 2006, 04:48:14 PM »
«Reply #10 on: February 01, 2006, 05:07:51 PM »
Thanks Jeet share poems by Shiv Kumar ji.......maine suna tha inke baare mein aaj pad bhi liya........gggggrrrrr888888888888
«Reply #11 on: February 01, 2006, 05:25:46 PM »

It's very nice of you to bring to other friends knowledge
the life of Shiv Kumar Batalvi.

Indeed he is the greatest punjabi poet according to me.

His sad poems and ghazals are worth reading.

«Reply #12 on: February 01, 2006, 05:27:17 PM »
U r always welcome BS
I am Glad u like my work ,,!!!
«Reply #13 on: February 01, 2006, 05:28:11 PM »
«Reply #14 on: February 01, 2006, 05:41:05 PM »
Hello Jeet,

As according to my knowledge i did'nt knew about "Mr.BATALVI" but really glad to know bout him.

Thanks so very much.........we are looking 4wd.......that u will b keep posting these GOLDEN BIOGRAPIES!

Your's Friend.

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