TIme for Guy bashing

by nishita on December 07, 2004, 12:11:20 PM
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Author  (Read 3424 times)
«Reply #60 on: December 17, 2004, 08:50:54 PM »
yeah Meenajee take your sweet time. Inni jaldi dosti karna achi baat nahi.
«Reply #61 on: December 17, 2004, 08:51:03 PM »
got it  glasses2  frends
«Reply #62 on: December 17, 2004, 08:52:47 PM »
han wohi na namkeen ji

«Reply #63 on: December 17, 2004, 08:57:01 PM »
namkeen ji?  Shocked lol
«Reply #64 on: December 17, 2004, 09:53:01 PM »
Men are like....Floor Tiles. If you lay them right the first time, you can walk all over them for years!

Men are like.....Bank Accounts. Without a lot of money, they don't
generate much interest.

Men are like.....Coffee. The best ones are rich, hot, and can keep you up all night.

Men are like.....Computers. Hard to figure out and never have enough

Men are like....Cool Boxes. Load them with beer and you can take them

Men are like.....Government bonds. They take a long time to mature.

Men are like.....Horoscopes. They always tell you what to do and are
usually wrong.

Men are like.....Lava lamps. Fun to look at, but not all that bright.

Men are like.....Mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

Men are like.....Parking spots. The good ones are already taken and the ones that are left are either disabled or extremely small.

Men are like.....Place mats. They only show up when there's food on the table.

Men are like.....Bank Machines. Once they withdraw they lose interest

Men are like......Bananas. The older they get, the less firm they are.
«Reply #65 on: December 18, 2004, 05:24:09 AM »
gud research work namkeen ji!!
«Reply #66 on: December 18, 2004, 05:24:56 AM »
maine bhi ki hai research work  glasses2

what girls r like :

1. girls are confused and ambivalent. for example: girls say that they
want a nice guy that will treat them right. then most of the time if they
get the aforementioned type of guy, they consider him boring after two

do you want another example? girls say they don't want a guy who is too clingy and needy. however, when guys get together to play basketball or something, it is a sure bet that at least one or two of the guys will get paged multiple times from their girlfriends, just to ask if we are done playing ball yet.

2. girls must have a proper outfit to shoe ratio. for some this means
having a different pair of shoes for each outfit.

3. girls can exercise far greater clothing range and still be considered
normal. for example, they can wear men's clothing and no one think
anything about it. men who wear woman's clothing are labeled by society. for example, the worm.

4. girls are lucky, they are able to drive just as dangerously as guys,
but at cheaper insurance rates.

5. girls act like they want the guy to do everything they say, but they
get annoyed when the guys start doing everything they say.

6. girls want the guys to have open and honest communication with them about our feelings. yet, if the guy wants the same thing out of the
relationship, half the time the girl won't communicate with him.

7. if a girl says she wants an open relationship, it typically means for
her and not the guy.

8. girls have their own concept of time. they say they will be ready in
five minutes, that means 15 minutes. you say you will be there in 15
minutes, your late if your not there in 5.

9. girls can trash talk about their friends all they want, but if guys say
one word about anybody, we are told to stop.

10. when guys talk about rude, crude, or sexually perverse things, we are told to shut up because it is nasty. yet girls usually talk about the same stuff and talk about them more disgustingly when they are among

11. how come girls think of guys as clueless creatures who don't know a thing, but then ask us to fix things when they are broke. this one declines linearly with the number of years the couple have been together. sooner or later the girl realizes we, can take it apart, we can make it work again, but we have no clue how that screw, that screw, and this thing-a-ma-bob goes back in there. oh, well we say, the problem we set out to fix with it is working right, we'll wait till she figures out another thing on it doesn't work and we will buy a new one.

12. a few girls deny the fact that they go through normal human body
functions. for example, have you ever heard a girl say they have never
burped or farted.

13. girls are pissed when we find someone more attractive than they are, yet we have to endure them as they leer at brad pit, tom cruise, and brent ryan.

14. girls are too complicated for me to finish this list at this time.

15. girls think the rear view mirror in a car is like the mirror in there

16. girl-girl friendships are vastly different from guy-guy frienships.
girls, especially high school ones, change their best friends every three
months. it seems girls get jealous when their friend starts spending more
time with another friend than they are spending with them. guys are more laid back in their friendships, have fewer fights with there friends, and when we do fight we make up quicker than girls do.

17. girls are usually more uptight in their roommate relationships. (i.e.
she borrowed something and left it 20 steps from where it belongs, so i am pissed at her.) guys, once again are more laid back. we let minor
infractions go by without saying a word, we don't get upset with them.
when annoying things persist, we say about 3 or four sentences and that is the end of the matter.

18. girls give too many subtle hints and then spend hours stressing on
whether or not the guy is sending mixed signals to the hints. what they
need to be doing is giving us large flashing neon signs that are in the
color of rodman's hair.

19. in conjunction with number 18....girls act like all guys are the same
when it comes to the take action on ya'lls little hint phase of hooking
up. ok, some guys are good at walking up to girls they don't know and
creating conversation, getting the digits, etc. and then the girls wonder
why these guys are typically the one that don't call them after the girl
gives out the digits. then there are guys who are typically shy until they
get to know a person, and find it hard to meet people or to take actions
when they think they are receiving subtle hints. the problem is, many
girls won't come out and plainly tell the guy she likes him and wants to
go out. she spends more time stressing at what kind of signals he is
giving than she would actually taking action in the case. what she really
don't realize is both her and the shy guy are so afraid of rejection or
being wrong about the signals the other is giving out, to take any action
in the case.

20. girls always think they are right.

21. some girls think that guys are slobs, yet they fail to pay attention
to the disorder in their own bathrooms.

22. why is it that girls think the only reason to have a guy around at the
mall is to hold their stuff while they shop. this is really annoying when
we are in say, american eagle or somewhere where they have guy's clothing too. we are walking around shopping for us clothes too and we have to carry around her purse!

23.girls are not as interested in the reading material guys have around
there apartments as guys are interested in the reading material in girls apartments.for example, when was the last time you saw a girl go into a guy's apt. and pick up the SI or Truckin' magazine on the coffee table. ok, when was the last time you saw a guy go into a girls apartment and read the YM, Seventeen, etc. from cover to cover.

 Puzzled !
«Reply #67 on: December 18, 2004, 06:42:35 AM »
Gawwwdddd! yeh kya tha!! din't  understand a shit...coz i din't read it..LOL..LOL keep on copyin n pastin,nobody bothers! glasses2

Guys are like toilets...the good ones are taken, and the others are full of shit

Lifes 2 short 2 date ugly guys

«Reply #68 on: December 18, 2004, 06:48:15 AM »
girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!

btw thnx for ur sexy views

 Puzzled !
«Reply #69 on: December 18, 2004, 10:04:18 AM »
good going namkeen Winking and lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mansi  :lol: even i didnt read it  hehe


This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

This is the calm before the storm. This means "something," and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with 'Nothing' usually end in "Fine"

This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it.

This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you're welcome

«Reply #70 on: December 18, 2004, 10:51:10 AM »
skool  glasses2
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