Where Is The Culture?

by suman59 on January 03, 2013, 02:42:02 AM
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It is really shocking to read newspapers or watching TV news channals. One or the Other girls are being targetted, even by their own brothers .... Day by day cultural values in individuals especially in younger generations are diminishing. It is very very sad to know that daily one girl is being raped and killed in Delhi.

It Seems like there is no end to Crimes and Atrocities against woman in Delhi.

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«Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 03:06:57 AM »
Suman ji, you have rightly said. Day by day, the values and morals are going down. But just by making an issue or by saying, this serious issue can not be solved. Its the duty of every individual to think over it and take an oath that we  by all means will respect  the woman. Lets start from our home. We will respect our mother, sisters and all women around us. After all charity begins at home. Secondly we all will have to inculcate good moral values to our children because they are the future generation of this society/country. In most of the cases, children see at home, how their mother, sisters are treated? The good culture has to be brought at home first. It will take some time but that day will not be far off, when we all will see good human beings in the society. I personally think so and these are my own individual views. Congrats for the concern on this burning topic 
pritam tripathi
«Reply #2 on: January 03, 2013, 03:17:32 AM »
Truely agreed but the main question is why ?
why these things are happening in our society ?.There are myraid victims in our
society and peoples are afflict with these conditions.Nepotism is one of the most important factor for these cases.These are done by psycopaths and twits.We need a continuous change and a movement in our judicary.It is indispensable but let see what the goverment will do.It is abstruse that why govt. is not making an strict law ?
I am deprecate those things.
«Reply #3 on: January 03, 2013, 04:03:20 AM »
Suman ji congrats for you took up the burning issue on this forum....The whole episode and other happenings in this scenario are the case of Moral deficit....and i am not hesitant in saying that the Fault in upbringing and parenting is the root cause of this Moral deficit....merely sending our children in big renowned schools and giving them a comfortable & luxurious life doesnt suffice a good parenting, secondly our crooked thoughts in gender discrimination are equally resposible for this deficit that further leads to these crimes ....yes, its the bare truth and now its the time to analyse ourselves...what are we giving to our children, what moral & ethics we are cultivating in our offsprings....Here i want to make it clear that parenting does not starts after birth but it starts at the very moment parents plan for the baby and foetus comes in the womb of mother...each and every thought and activities of parents effect the making of child and their development...(i want to quote here 'Abdul Qadir Jilaani RA' and 'veer Abhimanyu' who are the examples for the result of good parenting)...Its true that not every child are made Great personalities but its equally true that good parenting or upbringing & Moral and ethics gives a better direction to our thoughts.....and a better thought leads to the betterment of self, family, society and nation. ...thankyoy!
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«Reply #4 on: January 03, 2013, 04:05:41 AM »
truely said we are ashamed to read
«Reply #5 on: January 03, 2013, 06:03:43 AM »
truly said and really very shocking
«Reply #6 on: January 04, 2013, 01:20:19 AM »
Suman ji, truly said. Being a human being, we all are ashamed of this. There has to a very tough law in the country. Secondly, its the duty of an individual to respect a woman. I remember an old saying: "Jahan nari ka man hota hai, vahan devtaoo ka vas hota hai." Secondly, we should give good moral values to our children. Lets start from our home. Respect your mother, sister and all women around us. Change has to be brought in our mindset.
Congrats on raising such a sensitive issue.
«Reply #7 on: August 29, 2013, 09:14:51 PM »
Culture is governed by the society and society starts 4m individual. So, the work is needed on individual basis and that can only b done by oneself!
«Reply #8 on: August 29, 2013, 09:30:45 PM »
@kaash, correct society starts from individual.
one has to understand the responsibility towards society.

I feel girls are also responsible for the crime. in man dominated society girls are trying to take the charge of men.

just see the poetry of few male/ female members of this forum who are spreading nuisance in terms of shameless poetry.
Is it the right culture.

«Reply #9 on: January 22, 2015, 04:40:40 PM »
Well that is part and parcel of life and now you can see with time that time has gone. The culture is not only made bu us but the culture is also what is being thought by us, it is not necessary that the culture adapted by any one country/community will be the same by the other country/community. Moreover ethics can be same.
Apart from this the culture which you said is more constituted by mind set, I mean we want that every thing should move according to us.
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