Special Guidelines, Must read before posting or answering !

by yoindia on February 08, 2006, 11:05:36 PM
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Author  (Read 1820 times)
Yoindian Shayar

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In order to give more pleasure to author , in order to make him  / her better we have finally added this forum. This forum has few following special guidelines.

Main theme: We want to have a place where author will opportunity to make his poem more special and worthy. Here author will ask for review and critics for his poem. We also ask for explanation from reader so that writer can see the difference between the idea he tried to convey and what readers are actualy getting.

1. Very important:To get review on any of your poem the author must give detail review of atleast 3 other poems already posted in the Forum*.
2. Only one poem can be posted in on thread, for new other poem you have to start new thread if you want critics and review.
3. You can post any type of poetry here, whether its SAD, LOVE, Belief etc, poetry.
4. Do not answer other poet's thread in POETIC WAY. We heartly request to give a honest review to the author's work.
5. You can post any poem here if you have already posted.
6. All types of poems are allowed whether its HINDI , ENGLISH, URDU etc. as this is only Critic and review forum.
7. Users are reqeusted to give time and post review and critics to help another friend from Yoindia
8. Please provide Explanation (if possible ) in separate section.
9. Authors are only allowed to post their poem when starting the thread, the explanation by author itself will be added later after one or two review and explanation from readers.
10. The Poem should be some decent work, no very short or two line work is allowed.
11. We reserves the right to Modiy this document at any part of time.


* This is to make sure that everyone get a valuable review here.
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