the purpose of life is one for all living for the sake of living, growing for the sake of self-reliance, procreating to keep the life cycle going; struggling to survive the tornado of life, playing hide and seek with the hands of death, and to fulfill just this one purpose all living things on earth and in heavens are busy conducting their business; and while all this goes on and on until a time nobody knows for sure god smiles at the scene from above the second Heaven at the follies ,foibles and failings of arrogant and self-glorifying smidgeons of flesh and blood boarding the earth, proud of their wisdom, genius, stupidity and wit venturing to pull down His High Thrown and unravel His mysteries from one to all and thus proudly be able to proclaim they have fulfilled the purpose of creation and their lives are now in their own hands free from the clutches of God and His Prophets, Angels, Holy Ghosts, Saints and all those hoaxes of religion, caste, creed, doctrines and schools of thought which breed all the trouble in the world! God smiles at his creation and its ambitions then laughs so loud that the whole earth begins to quake oceans blow up in Tsunamis and Katrina and many clouds burst into rainy tears of rain and hail the size of tennis balls Lightening sparks weld trees and mountains deep into earth; All this happens in a matter of seconds…and lo! the self-proclaimed atomies of parboiling blood and cheeky flesh begin to plead guilty for their conceit; God smiles and all is set back to normal no calamity has befallen on earth before! Billions of smaller gods raise their hands towards the sky looking for the One Mightiest over them. Up in the heavens The Supreme One is amused and waves his forgiving hand to them as one another chance for them to accept Truth!