.....A letter

by RamSagar on July 28, 2006, 04:48:19 AM
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Author  (Read 904 times)
Early in the morning i came to office for some work .Before doing anything i found one beautiful letter of Swamiji on ineternet site.

Here i am posting that letter of Swami vivekanada wrote to thier friend/sanyasi mitra when he was in USA.All his letters are having full of energy and soulful thoughts.

Hope you will like to read this..........

28th December, 1893.

     It is very strange that news of my Chicago lectures has appeared in the Indian papers; for whatever I do, I try my best to avoid publicity.  Many things strike me here.  It may be fairly said that there is no poverty in this country.  I have never seen women elsewhere ascultured and educated as they are here.  Well-educated men there are in our country, but you will scarcely find anywhere women like those here.  It is indeed true, that "the Goddess Herself lives in the houses of virtuous men as Lakshmi" I have seen thousands of women here whose hearts are as pure and stainless as snow.  Oh, how free they are!  It is they who control social and civic duties.  Schools and colleges are full of women, and in our country women cannot be safely allowed to walk in the streets.  Their kindness to me is immeasurable.  Since I came here, I have been welcomed by them to their houses.  They are providing me with food, arranging for my lectures, taking me to market, and doing everything for my comfort and convenience.  I shall never be able to repay in the least the deep debt of gratitude I owe to them.
     Do you know who is the real "Shakti-worshipper"?  It is he who knows that God is the omnipresent force in the universe and sees in women the manifestation of that Force.  Many men here look upon their women in this light.  Manu, again, has said that gods bless those families where women are happy and well treated. Here men treat their women as well as can be desired, and hence they are so prosperous, so learned, so free, and so energetic.  But why is it that we are slavish, miserable, and dead?  The answer is obvious.
     And how pure and chaste are they here!  Few women are married before twenty or twenty-five, and they are as free as the birds in the air.  They go to market, school, and college, earn money, and do all kinds of work. Those who are well-to-do devote themselves to doing good to the poor.  And what are we doing?  We are very regular in marrying our girls at eleven years of age lest they should become corrupt and immoral. What does our Manu enjoin? "Daughters should be supported and educated with as much care and attention as the sons." As sons should be married after observing Brahmacharya up to the thirtieth year, so daughters also must observe Brahmacharya and be educated by their parents.  But what are we actually doing?  Can you better the condition of your women?  Then there will be hope for your well-being. Otherwise you will remain as backward as you are now.
     If anybody is born of a low caste in our country, he is gone for ever, there is no hope for him.  Why?  What a tyranny it is!  There are possibilities, opportunities, and hope for every individual in this country. Today he is poor, tomorrow he may become rich and learned and respected.  Here everyone is anxious to help the poor.  In India there is a howling cry that we are very poor, but bow many charitable associations are there for the well- being of the poor?  How many people really weep for the sorrows and sufferings of the millions of poor in India?  Are we men?  What are we doing for their livelihood, for their improvement?  We do not touch them, we avoid their company!  Are we men?  Those thousands of Brâhmanas—what are they doing for the low, down- trodden masses of India?  "Don't touch", "Don't touch", is the only phrase that plays upon their lips!  How mean and degraded has our eternal religion become at their hands!  Wherein does our religion lie now?  In "Don't- touchism" alone, and nowhere else!
     I came to this country not to satisfy my curiosity, nor for name or fame, but to see if I could find any means for the support of the poor in India.  If God helps me, you will know gradually what those means are.
     As regards spirituality, the Americans are far inferior to us but their society is far superior to ours.  We will teach them our spirituality and assimilate what is best in their society.
With love and best wishes,
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«Reply #1 on: July 28, 2006, 05:05:16 AM »
«Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 08:35:12 AM »
nice letter!

But i think, times have changed much since the time of Swami Vivekanand, both in America and India.

And Brahmcharya has nothing to do with marriage or bachelorship. Its a state of mind.

And considering the present environment of America, i don't think Swami Vivekanand would have liked to go there to preach Vedanta!
«Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 09:08:05 AM »
Well Said Karan ji.......
Now situation is different.......change is constant.....
According to Geeta change is rule of nature.......

Even condition of woman in india is better....than that times.
But overall figure is not good....

Brahmcharya....is cantrol over mind ,budhi and senses.....
I think it is not easy do this task....

In many ways they are understanding indian values and indirectly learning....vedanta....

Vedanta has its own values....values for all humanity....for all.
It will sread more and more in future...
because it teaches........
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya.
asato ma sat gamaya....
Mrtyor ma amrtam gamaya.
Lead me from the unreal to the Real.
Lead me from darkness unto Light.
Lead me from death to Immortal.....

In many ways Vedanta spread peace and divine thouths.....
Truth comes out by itself...isnt it?

Thanks for your comments..man
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