A Reminder of the Principles of Life

by mrkotians on June 29, 2006, 11:20:16 PM
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Author  (Read 787 times)
1: Life does not work through indecision. Indecision promotes blocks,
confusion and stress. Make a decision and allow life to find movement
through you. Trust yourself.

2: The 3 C's of life are Courage, Capacity and Commitment. It takes Courage
and a commitment to make many of life's decisions, and capacity to follow
them through. The 3 C's of a successful relationship are Caring,
Consideration and Communication. Communication opens the door between us,
consideration allows us to pass through it and our ability to care for each
other unites us.

3: Truth is not truth out of timing- yet it remains truth. We are the timing
to recognize truth.

4: The mind recoils from the unknown, so we seek to make everything known,
and, thus sage. Imagination is the key to the unknown- positive, uplifting

5: For as long as we search for Our God Self, we deny that we are it. Loving
your self reveals your truth.

6: Becoming free is not changing yourself into someone you think you should
be. Becoming free is falling in love with who you are- right now.

7: Imagine a room of pitch dark and a room of bright light connected by a
door. When you open the door what happens? Light floods into the dark room,
illuminating it. Live accordingly, think thoughts of light.

8: F.E.A.R- False Evidence Appearing Real

9: Anything of the past that is unresolved is unresolved now. Living NOW
resolves the past.

10: Life flows from the inside out, never the reverse. Understand this and
you cease to be a victim.

11: Love responds- fear reacts. Love connects- fear separates. Love uplifts-
fear deflates. Love creates- fear destroys.

12: There is no such thing as a mistake- only experience. There is no such
thing as failure- only people's condemnation. There is no such thing as
success- only people's approval. Let life live through you.

13: Do not get caught up in modifying your life, allow life to change YOU.
Modification is a superficial exterior veneer, change is an inner shift in

14: Pain is a measure of your resistance to change.

15: Decide whether you want to be an onlooker of life or a participant. This
is the birthplace of choice.

16: You hear with your ears- but you listen with your mind. You look with
your eyes- but you see from the heart.

17: Consciousness is not contained in your body- you are the consciousness
that contains the body. Consciousness draws to itself form through which to

18: Your mind cannot exist in the moment. You cannot think your way into the
moment, you can only think your way out of it. This indicates that your
mind/intellect cannot set you free. Only your consciousness is aware of NOW.
True freedom is a state of consciousness.

19: We each live in our own universe, a universe of our making. It is
designed to support our beliefs and our focus. Our thoughts are our focus,
so observe your thoughts, focus on your blessings, and trust. This is how
you become a participant.

20: Practise seeing all life around you as an aspect of yourself. In this
way you shatter the illusion of separation.

21: Your mind does now know the difference between what you do want or what
you don't want, it only knows what you focus on. Many people focus on what
they don't have, what they are incapable of doing and their sicknesses.

22: If you focus on what you do have, it increases. If you focus on what you
don't have, you will have even less. If you focus on your capabilities, they
grow, if you focus on your health, it improves.

23: Your mind does not know the difference between a powerfully imagined
reality and a physical happening reality. Why? Because there is no

24: You only have a problem if you believe you have a problem.

25: Live these principles and you will be practising reality. Practise
reality until you overcome the illusion. It is only an illusion that you are
not free, now!
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«Reply #1 on: June 30, 2006, 05:36:44 AM »
hey very good........spec. pt. 13....nice nice
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