by Abul Asad on February 14, 2012, 09:21:16 PM
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Abul Asad
Maqbool Shayar

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My friends sister who lives in West L.A. posted this on face book, this story really touched me and i thought i would share it
with my Yoindia Shayariadab family too.... enjoy.
By Dalaal Sulaihim:
The most beautiful LOVE story I have seen
This is true story I got to see it for myself and it did inspired me to share it with everyone and wish that you all share either your love story or someone you know so people who never experience love believe in its existence.
There is a small grocery store next door that is run by a couple and their friend. I love to go to the store to buy anything to be in the presence of this loving couple and I do try to find excuse to go every day and when I do not go they ask about me and come to see me at the end of the day.
One day I saw a beautiful necklace on the wife and told her how beautiful it was then she told me it was a gift from her husband and stated the date month and year he gave it to her and was shocked that she remembers that and she said broadly this is the least I can do after all her gives me a gift each month at the 13 and I said why the thirteen and when I asked why the thirteen the husband answered that was the day she agreed to marry me and I cannot wait for a whole year to tell her thank you so he came up with every month and then I asked how long you have been married and he said 25 years and she said for 25 years he never missed a day and she organizes them and each one comes with the date written on the box to make it easy to remember.
 Then the husband started to tell me the story he said he told his friend that she was going to be his wife the minute he saw her. His friend laughed at him because she is hard to please and not looking for a husband, He ignored him bought a red rose and followed her and then sat on his knee and extended his hand with the rose and asked her to marry him; she looked at him smiled and said no then he asked her permeation to as her again and she said “if you do not mind the rejection because he is not her dream man and she has many dreams to fulfill before she think of getting married.
He said that he will take his chances as long she gives him permission to approach her.
 For six month he never missed a day rain or sunshine he was there with his rose and the NO was not pleasant at times depending on her mood. But he was there with his rose, smile and enthusiasm day after day until one day she was not having a good day and he did his thing and she smiled and said yes. He carried her started to scream she said yes, she said yes. Then she said she said yes because at that moment he made her feel that she was the most important woman in the world and that made her feel good. She wanted a man who will be there for her no matter what life throw at them and he proved to be that man.
I asked you never fight and the wife said no lie other people and she admitted that she have a temper and get upset easily but every time she gets angry he comes over and hugs and say than you God for letting her share my life and at that moment she smiles and forget why she was angry and over the years all she needs is to look at his eyes and she will forget why she was upset. The husband said that he rarely get upset but when he does it is lie a volcano and his wife said the first time he was angry she got into her knees and thanked God that he gave him the ability to release anger and not keep it in. When he saw that he started to laugh and now all he needs is look at her he will laugh because she is ready to kneel and do her prayers.
They work together 7 days a week and they are together all of the time and very rarely apart and I asked if they ever get board of each other and they said No it is the opposite if she had to do a woman thing with her friends and family then they will miss each other and text all of the time. He managed to make her friend with all of his friends this way she goes with him everywhere and he complained about women because they do not welcome that. He asked me if I can go anywhere without my hands or legs and I said no then he said that he feels that he cannot breathe when she was not around; she is his lungs. They told me that they made the decision to work together after three years of being miserable working a part and they never regret their decision.
Every day they wake up and struggle about what to wear for each other and they come to the store as if they were going to a party and the wife said she made sure that he does not see her with the same outfit twice in one month.
 If that is not inspiring I do not know what
By Dalaal Sulaihim
Ustaad ae Shayari

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«Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 03:38:01 AM »
«Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 08:32:13 AM »
My friends sister who lives in West L.A. posted this on face book, this story really touched me and i thought i would share it
with my Yoindia Shayariadab family too.... enjoy.
By Dalaal Sulaihim:
The most beautiful LOVE story I have seen
This is true story I got to see it for myself and it did inspired me to share it with everyone and wish that you all share either your love story or someone you know so people who never experience love believe in its existence.
There is a small grocery store next door that is run by a couple and their friend. I love to go to the store to buy anything to be in the presence of this loving couple and I do try to find excuse to go every day and when I do not go they ask about me and come to see me at the end of the day.
One day I saw a beautiful necklace on the wife and told her how beautiful it was then she told me it was a gift from her husband and stated the date month and year he gave it to her and was shocked that she remembers that and she said broadly this is the least I can do after all her gives me a gift each month at the 13 and I said why the thirteen and when I asked why the thirteen the husband answered that was the day she agreed to marry me and I cannot wait for a whole year to tell her thank you so he came up with every month and then I asked how long you have been married and he said 25 years and she said for 25 years he never missed a day and she organizes them and each one comes with the date written on the box to make it easy to remember.
 Then the husband started to tell me the story he said he told his friend that she was going to be his wife the minute he saw her. His friend laughed at him because she is hard to please and not looking for a husband, He ignored him bought a red rose and followed her and then sat on his knee and extended his hand with the rose and asked her to marry him; she looked at him smiled and said no then he asked her permeation to as her again and she said “if you do not mind the rejection because he is not her dream man and she has many dreams to fulfill before she think of getting married.
He said that he will take his chances as long she gives him permission to approach her.
 For six month he never missed a day rain or sunshine he was there with his rose and the NO was not pleasant at times depending on her mood. But he was there with his rose, smile and enthusiasm day after day until one day she was not having a good day and he did his thing and she smiled and said yes. He carried her started to scream she said yes, she said yes. Then she said she said yes because at that moment he made her feel that she was the most important woman in the world and that made her feel good. She wanted a man who will be there for her no matter what life throw at them and he proved to be that man.
I asked you never fight and the wife said no lie other people and she admitted that she have a temper and get upset easily but every time she gets angry he comes over and hugs and say than you God for letting her share my life and at that moment she smiles and forget why she was angry and over the years all she needs is to look at his eyes and she will forget why she was upset. The husband said that he rarely get upset but when he does it is lie a volcano and his wife said the first time he was angry she got into her knees and thanked God that he gave him the ability to release anger and not keep it in. When he saw that he started to laugh and now all he needs is look at her he will laugh because she is ready to kneel and do her prayers.
They work together 7 days a week and they are together all of the time and very rarely apart and I asked if they ever get board of each other and they said No it is the opposite if she had to do a woman thing with her friends and family then they will miss each other and text all of the time. He managed to make her friend with all of his friends this way she goes with him everywhere and he complained about women because they do not welcome that. He asked me if I can go anywhere without my hands or legs and I said no then he said that he feels that he cannot breathe when she was not around; she is his lungs. They told me that they made the decision to work together after three years of being miserable working a part and they never regret their decision.
Every day they wake up and struggle about what to wear for each other and they come to the store as if they were going to a party and the wife said she made sure that he does not see her with the same outfit twice in one month.
 If that is not inspiring I do not know what
By Dalaal Sulaihim

really amazing

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Abul Asad
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 08:55:49 AM »
Qalb sahab,

Shukriya, just sharing i felt that warmth and glow too
Abul ASad
Abul Asad
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 08:56:24 AM »

Dr. Sahab

Thanks, appreciate it so much

Abul Asad
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