by asif biswas on November 24, 2011, 03:37:25 PM
Pages: [1]
Author  (Read 1734 times)
asif biswas













LOOK IF YOU ARE DOING PRANK OR Doing something to make fun of me so listen up I am not being fool is it you? Kunal

Stranger – hey take it easy with phone I don’t want you to being disturbed and cut our conversion in the middle point

Archana – I am not understanding what do you want? Tell me or I will cut the phone and don’t call me again

Stranger – shut up seems like now you are scaring from me is it huhh?

Archana cuts the call and sat on the sofa without giving any answer suddenly she goes to the main door and locked it

Suddenly archana turns her back and phone rings again she now scaring a little bit she goes to the room and holds the receiver

And in angrily and scared she abused on that guy

Hey you bastard don’t call me again and again I will call the police you jackass

Stranger’s voice goes deep and loud and says listen you bitch I don’t have fear of anyone but now you will listen to me that now I have something special for you

Archana cries in panic and abuses on stranger cuts the phone again suddenly a stone breaks the glass and falls inside with breaking pieces of glasses which totally scares archana

Archana goes to check the stone and gets the paper which is tightly folded with the stone she takes the paper which is written in the colour of deep red and some spots on the papers corner seems like the colour of blood

Archana reads and shocks – “I am waiting for your death”

She goes numb and suddenly reaches to telephone and calls 100 for the police

Archana now gets to know that she is not here now she has trapped suddenly a window gets break and a stranger enters in the home with the loud screaming of archana she runs away from him he goes to catch her

A guy who wears a black long jacket

Archana goes in the kitchen and locks the door she is now panic with fear that guy’s eyes goes blue and his nails gonna long suddenly he scratching the door try to breaking and suddenly he enters in the kitchen girl takes the big knife and tries to scares him but doughes the attack and tries to hold her hands

Archana fells and the guy’s eyes going blue

Archana screams and says leave me for god sake pls have mercy

That guy smiles slowly his teeh gets out and goes long and sharp

Archana shocks to see it that guy hands goes to the neck of arhcana and he grabs his hair with another hand

Archana screams and suddenly he stabs his sharp teeth on her neck her face goes white and blue veins explodes and appears in her body

Archana didn’t scream this time and then a rush of blood fells on the floor when that guy took out his bloody teeth he feels like that he is on the drug he smiles with the killing face and gets out of the there

Archana is now dead who is this  strange guy ? does he call her sometimes ago ?

After one hour her parents arrived and sees the broken pieces of glasses they both goes panic and runs to the kitchen where blood flew everywhere they sees their daughter who has now dead both screams and house goes dark

On the other side that guy going somewhere he stops at once and looking a big old horrible castle which appears on his front he enters in the castle’s main gate

And goes under with help of stairs he walks in the dark room and suddenly opens the casket where he smiles again

There is no way to comes light on this room which is so big there is now window even not a whole it’s basement he lays down in casket and closes himself and closes his eyes

In archana’s home police have arrived and saw the horrible murder which they never rescued in their life

This is sheriff Kingston sheriff sees the body and staring at her neck a guy comes and says sir we having a report that this girl was talking with her boyfriend

Kingston only moves his head and says any more clue ?

Ya sir her name is archana she is an Indian we didn’t find who kills her so mercilessly

Kingston – what does jesus show us sometimes?

Sir if you see wounded place you can exactly measure that someone bites her

Peak comes in the forehead of Kingston and then he says what ? maybe there is any creature who killed her ? like snake maybe bat

Charlie – maybe vampire sir ?

Kingston – vampire ? huh you are watching too many fictious movies ghost vampires witches and what the hell that creature name huhhhh  I hot t Frankenstein but he can’t bite he just can break the bones ok come to the duty

Mr and mrs sharma we are really sorry that we had been late she called us 1 hour ago before her death she screaming on the phone and didn’t say anything so maybe we think that something going wrong here could you tell me mr sharma ? where have you both been when you left your child alone in home ?

Mr sharma – sir we didn’t had any idea about her death sir my goes shocked sir trust us she was the good student and a good kid she didn’t have any trouble with anyone even we knows his boyfriend his name is kunal she was very hapy when we left her alone but never think that we left her forever that was a monster he took my babies life don’t leave him sir

Mr sharma cries out

Kingston relaxes him and said don’t worry ok be patience we will find the real killer

2 days ago

Forensic expert sends the report Charlie was shocked and can’t wait to show kingsten about information

Charlie – sir it’s a very terrific case

Kingston confuses and said what ? why ?

Charlie shows the report and says sir I have told you someone bites her the two long sharp teeth stabbed on her neck deeply and then he sucks the bloods and then he drank that

Kingston – what ? are you got to kidding me ? this is totally unbelievable

It means he is not the human

Charlie – no sir experts gets some kind of venom they are also shocked to see that sir it’s a creature which we were talking about last night

Kingston – no way no way how will I believe in this case I have solved many cases in my past I am expert sheriff I have lost my hair because I was always think about to how to solve the cases ? and there is no case in my behind which has closed without getting any killer

Maybe this guy is a mad  drinks blood just check out that boyfriend kunal and tell me all the names of her friends

Charlie – alright sir I will send it  all the report as soon  as I can

Kingston – you may go now

Kingston drowns in a deep thought of the murder Kingston searches on the internet and tries to prove this is something any psycho disease in human that’s why drinks the human blood

But Kingston didn’t get anyway and lastly being tired and  shuts down the pc

Sun drowned and moon comes in a dim light and flews the lights everywhere but in some place there has dark still exists

A guy comes in the dark his shadow shows up that he wears something like black jeans and wears overcoat on shirt he walks in the club goes inside

Music noises and peoples dance makes the place with full of rush but he didn’t come for make some fun he goes up to the stairs and suddenly sits on a sofa which puts on the corner of balcony

There has many girls and boys making love kissing each other in the situation of drugs he was looking everyone

Suddenly a hand reaches on his shoulder and that guy moves his head up to see that shadow

He is the professor richman

That guys stands up and now shaking hands with richman

They both sat and talking about something

Richaman says hello mr adil sheikh it’s nice to see you zolthar gives me the information about you and also told me about your experience you are one of them who wants to kill that Dracula are you sure ? you can do this

Adil moves his head up and down

Richman laughs and says ok adil now your journey begins from here see you after the end of Dracula

Adil says ok sir take care  yourself

Adil gets out  from there and goes on his journey

Adil is sure that he can kill Dracula because only some peoples believe that Dracula exists and now he has woke up again to kill

Adil goes in the libarary where he finding the books of Dracula

A book fells on the floor adil inclines to get the book

He takes the book and changes his pages fastly he stopped at one page where a dracula’s face his long teeth showed in It

He thinks and sat on the chair after couple of minutes he reads that

Otherhand rose a beautiful whitish girl suddenly wakes up he hears some kind of noises which came from outside he goes there he saw some dogs are howling she pulls the curtains and goes back to bed

But someone is watching her from top of the building which is in just front of her building he just kept eyes his eyes on her he flies from that top and holds the pipe and jumps in the empty small place of window

That girl woke again and saw soemebody’s shadow on the window which appears frm curtains

That guy was same who killed last night a girl named archana

He opens the curtains as girl screams a loudly she gets up from her bed that was just a dream what is going on with her ? she don’t have any idea of that

She suddenly opens the curtains and saw outside there is no one but when she saw at once on the top of building she shocked to see that shadow the shadow of Dracula

He calls her by gesture he shows his hands to come his near she totally scares and closes the window immediately she goes to the bed

She said that was so weird that was awful oh my jesus

Adil still walks in the road and heard the sound of clock pendulum which comes from black castle he stared at time of 12

Adil – it 12 am maybe the time of draculaa

He saw a shadow which came from a corn he went there but nothing appears

Adil – it means I am not so far from Dracula he is still walks here try to kill someone

Adil sat in the restaurant and watching tv where a news flashes
Bite of death – still reminding the stories of Dracula police found the deadbody of a girl her name is archana sharma she is daughter of an nri family she was in her home when she attended a call of any stranger but after a couple of times he saw some weird things some one was breaking the door and wanted to enter inside he killed her and sucks her blood seems like what Dracula did in his early past some peoples says that Dracula was exist here many years ago but a priest slept him forever so police still investigating of this weird murder

So pls be careful don’t go anywhere in the dark and stay with more peoples

Adil just said priest sounds great so maybe they can help me it would be easy to take on the Dracula

A guys sits on his next and said you still think it is I don’t think so it’s piece of cake who can say that this is the Dracula maybe any psychopathy guy is doing this

Adil said maybe it’s a truth but I know definitely that Dracula exists hey you wears like a van helsing are you vampire hunter ?

Adil – maybe hey don’t you know someone who knows everything about Dracula

Guy gets in the thinking and said loudly yes I have got an idea he is father janness he maybe help you

Adil – thanks buddy

Adil gets out of the bar and still walks in the dark road he saw someone’s shadow he turns back but it’s going to be late Dracula hits him his long teeth and long nails are the evidence that he is the Dracula

Dracula’s eyes gonna blue and said why did you come here ? want to kill me huhh

Don’t u know you are trying to steal my food

Adil – maybe yes because you the danger for humans you already dead don’t kill someone you have coloured your hands with the death of an innocent girl

Dracula – but she was my food her blood thirts me makes me excited and couldn’t wait to taste his blood  hahahahahaa

My name was augustein born in 1947 I was orphan my parents had been died so many long time ago later I became as a  servant of the professor one day we have experiment on a vampire but unluckily we have failed and he bites me I have collapsed there and but when I have opened my eyes I have an freaky envy I am not who I am I was changed into the killing machine now I have another food and that is blood huhhhh whenever I remember I feel like so excited

And you you are snatching my life but it doesn’t matter because before you will do anything with me I will change you as a vampire

Adil – I don’t think so

Adil attacks on him both fights but Dracula threw him on the wall he badly injures
He is trying to get up again but suddenly dracula comes and puts him on his hand

Augustein – still want to fight now you have two choices kill by myself become vampire  or I will suck your tasty red blood but you won’t come back again

In both choices you will definitely die

Adil smiles and says you can’t kill me

Augustein – oh yeah

Adil stabs the knife in his body augustein collapses and said you beterayed me aahahhhhh aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Augustein screams in pain and flies up there

Adil – you will no longer to get blood

Augustein comes to the castle and screams in pain it’s the time of sun rising

Sun appears slowly looks like getting out from earth he feels envy in the whole body he feels heat feels like he will now burn at anytime he screams in pain and runaway from sun light which came from the holes of castle he enters inside the basement and closes the gate

He feels now normal augustein walks in and in wounded and injured augustein sat in the floor and remembers the feud between adil and him

Augustein – he almost killed me aahhh I can’t able to stand aaaaahhhh this wound gives me so pain aaahhh it’s all because of silver knife I don’t care whoever you are

But he reminds me someone he is our servant oh yeaahahhhh oh yeaaahhh I have seen him million years ago in this castle he was my servant he was the monster but now he is against me I know why is he so powerful ?

Augustein holding casket tightly and felling himself inside he laid down and closes the casket

Augustein was now shocked to see him what is going on in the head of augustein does he know something about him ? what is that ?

Every answers will be revealed in my chapter – 2 of bloodlust
asif biswas
«Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 12:08:02 PM »
sorry friends i have made a mistake the name of rose rose is cheyl it was written mistakely her name so pls forgive me

Cheryl is that girl who saw the dream of dracula she still remembering that dream which is almost as a nightmare for her

Cheryl was moving her spoon in tea and had been herself drowned in that nightmare dream

Suddenly a hands comes near of her face and tweak which breaks the dream of Cheryl

Cheryl turns around her head and saw that face

He is jack boyfriend of Cheryl he is tall wears a black shirt and black pant

Cheryl – says oh my you totally broke my dream what you doing here ?

Jack – why is it not alright ? to meet you anytime ? anyplace

Cheryl – I am a little confused

Jack – about what ?

Cheryl – don’t you know that when my parents died i was so sad but when you comes in my life everything goes so great and now you might not attended call in this couple of days

Jack – look Cheryl I really loves you and without u don’t know that I am so incomplete I want to spend some time with you

Cheryl – last night I have seen someone in my window

Jack – what ?

Jack goes little confused and staring on her face as surprised

Jack – no no I am not understanding maybe you saw any bad dream

Cheryl – I don’t know but whenever I see that he attracts me towards him

Jack – It means now you got loneliness and wants someone hand you are desperate

I don’t know it is true or not but we have in relationship but now we are not in relationship you making me angry sometimes and this is all you always said

Cheryl – what do you mean ? why don’t you say that you want to break up with me c’mon I am waiting for that

Jack – you are out of your mind don’t you know how much I love you ? you have mad you are not understanding my feelings ya I know I was busy in my previous work in couple of days but it doesn’t mean that  I want to leave you you are

Cheryl – I don’t need you anymore ok don’t come in my life again

Cheryl goes away from there and jack calls him several times but she doesn’t come back jack also goes from there

In castle dracula was walking inside the dark hall his wounded place has now alright

Dracula thinks about that man

Augustein – I don’t know that what does it mean to say ? but now I want my bride which I have lost many years ago and I have found her

But before all of that I need him too adil sheikh

He is the monster he is our slave he should working for me aaahahhhhh

I have to build up my army and it all happens when I will attack on peoples

Augustein covers him in a black overcoat and saving his skin and goes in the dark clouds surrounds sun which cannot gives his sunlight on earth

Augustein have a golden chance to catch some one he goes in graveyard and finding the peoples whom have he used to build up his own army

Augustein stands on one of a grave where a big name was written on the gravestone

Augustein reads it – “mr.ozzy 1887¬-1954”

Augustein – aahaaa that’s what I wanted this body is old rotten and exhausted and now it works for me

Augustein took out the body and saw it from feet to head

It was almost being an skull which was also exhausted he took out his long sharp teeth and stabs on his neck

Augustein leaves the skeleton on floor and watiting for something

Skeleton moves and transforming in flesh he got some time for this

And a guy has stand up in front of augustein

Augustein also makes him like him a cold blooded vampire he is so ugly and terrific his face is so white he took out his sharp long teeth and his eyes goes blue

Augustein was laughing in happily saw him so surprisingly

Augustein – I knew it one day you will work me and that day is today aaahhh I am feeling so excited to build my army

Ozzy saw his face and said maybe I can help you master

Augustein smiles and stares him so happily

Augustein – don’t worry my friend I know you had sacrifice a lot of things for this country and didn’t get any attention who gives you such a high prize and now I will give you your price welcome to the human world where we can food everywhere and blood blood everywhere I want more peoples to join my forces

Ozzy – don’t worry master

Augustein was now happy and walks out with ozzy

Otherside adil sheikh was desperately finding priest who can help him to kill dracula

He entered in a church where he saw a father who was standing and cleaning flower bowls

Adil goes towards him

Father turns back and sees the face of adil sheikh

Father – seems like that you came here to get something not for prayer

Adil – yeah maybe because this god snatched my family and me why do I care for him ?

Anyways I have come here to meet that priest who knows about old ancient dracula who was exist here so many years ago and  now he has back

Father – maybe you’re wrong maybe you want to push your life in the hell of satans

Adil sheikh – life huhhhh life this word I have left so long time ago I didn’t remember so pls would you tell me where can I find this priest who can help me to destroy dracula

Father – seems like it’s anger to kill him for your own personal reasons

Adil – maybe not I have no personal issues to kill him I just knows he is the killer he is the harmful for humans he killed so many innocent peoples and he woke up again and killed a girl in her own home by using prank call

Father – hahahaha dracula doesn’t use phone it’s all modern things

Adil – it’s all in his own spell magic

Father – ok those who told you about priest he is standing in your opposite c’mon ask what have your question
Adil – ok I know you were the descendant of those priests who killed dracula many years ago but didn’t burn his body

Father – I know why did not they burn the body ? he is immortal he just only captivity in something not kill him because he is already dead have more powers than satans he is son of satan son of dirty hell

He is a devil

Adil sheikh – tell me how can I kill him ?

Father – you will get your answer and that is in his castle

Many years ago he was a human a psychopathic who just wants immortality but everyone just thinks he is a mad he drinks every peoples of village in angrily people kills him and captured him in castle after some days he woke up and kills people again and this time he was more dangerous we priests thinks how can we free peoples from this doom’s day we have captured him again forever

But we were wrong he will come back no one thinks that and now he came again for his blood lust his thirst is increased so much that now he just wants to rule in this world

You can’t kill him can’t destroy him

Father - and I know something about you I know you are the one who take this promise to kill him I know you are godless now but you aim is pure and friendly for peoples god will always give you the way to get out from trouble

You can go to his castle but remember he is dangerous you can kill him by a silver knife and there is nothing to kill him go

Adil gets out of the church

Other side rose was in taxi and coming back from a modeling shoot

Rose hears that voice again

Rose rose rose I want you rose I need you rose I came for you in this life

Rose gets out from taxi and now she was walking fast he saw someone’s shadow in her back she turns back and saw nothing

Rose again walking without looking anything

Rose saw a shadow which goes in a corn

She goes and saw nothing again

She turns around and saw a white face it was augustein

Augustein – I knew it you will come for me your scent makes me mad

Rose – do I know you ?

Augustein – maybe not but I know you I have seen you since 1 month and felt that there is something who attracts me towards you I know what it is

It is love

Rose – no no no I don’t like you even I don’t know who are you

I am noticed you are chasing me whenever I going somewhere even in my bedroom I saw your shadow there is something which also attracts me towards you but I am scared I am always scared to see your face

Augustein frustrated and screams why ? why ? don’t u love me is there something wrong with my face did I look so bad I know I am dangerous and I am a devil but I really loves you I want you to be my bride

Rose steps back and push him and said stop don’t touch me I will call the police

Augustein looks him and smiles

Hahahahaha you think police can arrest me can stay me away from you there is nothing who can stay me away from you I am with you everywhere

Rose eyes goes wide and hippnotized on his talk augustein holds her and get his mouth towards rose’s neck he took out his teeth

He looks like monster

Rose breaks her hippnotizm and pushes him and ranaway from there

Augustein – I know why do you afraid from me so much ?

But one day I will make you mine hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa

Rose crashed with guy he was jack

Rose saw his face and hugs him tightly and cries

Jack – what happened why are you crying why were your running seems like some one is chasing you

What’s going on ?

Rose – pls jack save me he is coming for me jack pls jack jack plsss I am begging you pls get me out of here

Jack – ok nothing will happen with you nothing will happen with you ok trust me I am also nothing without you you’re my life If you will not live this jack will also die

Jack hugs her rose collapsed in her arms

Jack holds her tight and goes from there

Augustein was watching this he was now became frustrate and took out his  teeth

It was 10 am

Rose opens her eyes slowly and saw someone’ s face she gets up

Doctor – are you okay ? little Barbie how you feeling now?

Rose – better much better

Doctor – okay take this medicine everyday and you will be alright soon

Rose – thanks doctor

After doctor’s gone

Jack comes and said why did you do that ? I have told you don’t get so much involved in drugs yeah doctor told me that it is all happens because you took drugs c’,om rose why are you doing this ? it can be danger for your life

Rose – but I didn’t take so much drugs

Jack – so what is it ? tell me you thrown yourself in the middle of road maybe anything happens that time then what do you do ?

Rose – I am feeling freak I am feeling that now someone tries to take my life

Jack – sssshhh don’t say that no one will take your life I will kill him

Rose – I know you must be care about me

Jack – what did you say I am always for you this drugs is not your life I am your life and now you don’t have to use it anymore now you needs me

Jack hugs her rose also felt happy now

But is it enough good enough  read next topic till then have some wait

asif biswas
«Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 03:53:51 AM »
Cheryl was still remembering those moments which she spent with jack in her earlier days

She was happy at once and after their splitting up of relationship she suffers from so many nightmares

Jack comes in the room where Cheryl was sitting on the floor laid her neck on the bed corner

Jack comes and sits like her too

Jack – still remembering old memories that time we were so happy I mean I am still thinking about that so maybe I feels like that I am still living on those moments

Why have we split our relationship everything goes perfect you happy I was happy but how did we do it ?

Cheryl stared at his face at one moment and touches his face

Jack stops the conversation and also looking on her beautiful brown eyes

Cheryl – why are you trying to mood off ? I am happy I thought that you left me for someone no I know that was bad silly stupid thoughts In my mind but now I am changed you are responsible for changed me I know when you was holding me at night I was feel like how stupid I was ? I have think so many bad things about you ? I felt like I am so shameless

And trust me jack I was stupid I was felt like that I am surrounds by so many nightmares they makes me soulless I had never think about that before

But last night you makes me feels me that I am standing with someone who cares me who loves me and most importantly who cares about my heart my feelings

So why should I change my mind ? why should I let my life go as it always goes well ? it’s true jack you are my life and I love you

Cheryl hugs him jack – I am always in love with you

Jack – hey babe        jack holds her face and said this words with looking on her eyes

I know I was getting mad on you and I didn’t think that you will make me fresh makes me good but trust me never feel like I am a disloyal guy like some peoples of America who just wants have a sex and then they dumps their girlfriend for someone no I was not that kind of guy and promise me never think about at all

I am with you you’re with me no nightmares no bullshits just you and me then we will find a best cure of this disease who is inside in you

It eats you inside and makes you empty don’t stay lonely feel about me you will feel that my love is inside me surrounds me everywhere that’s how you can escape from those nightmares

Jack stands up turns to outside

Cheryl holds his hand and stands and said

I know you didn’t tell me but now I will tell you I need you no no excuses just you and me as you said and we will make a great love here in my bedroom

Jack – but Cheryl you are not okay you are weak think about it somedays later

Cheryl – no no I want it rightnow with you pls fill my heart with our love pls jack I want to something from you

Jack smiles and coming close to Cheryl Cheryl also comes close both hands now holds each other and jack is now touches her sweet lips with his dry lips

Both smiles and kissing each other they lost in their long kiss and both fells on bed

Cheryl kissing without stopping and jack removing her hair which coming on his face

Cheryl passionately kissing without any hesitation and jack also kisses her

Jack douges her and now jack has now on Cheryl

Jack started kissing on her neck and comes to her chest and then on her navel
He kissing on her navel and licking her by tounge

Jack has lost in the world of love with Cheryl

Both now appears naked in white blanket which covers both of them Cheryl was laid on his arms and jack playing with her soft brown hair

Cheryl – I had never felt like this before

Jack – it is a special time for me

Ok now I gotta go I am getting late already

Cheryl makes her face like a crying baby

Jack hey stop don’t cry don’t think I am leaving you you are always in my heart I will come in evening and I will promise you I will never leave you alone trust me

Cheryl – always has been faith on you

Jack hugs her again and leaves her

It’s  now evening 6 pm Cheryl was cleaning her utensils

Cherrrryllll cherryrrllll cherrrylllll that voice comes on her ear

Cheryl shocks and turns aroung panically

Who is here ? who is here is anybody here ?

Cheryl was now feeling some fear

Cheryl goes to the door and opens there was no one

She closed the door and comes to the kitchen and still washing it

She’s now knows that someone is still chasing watching her from everywhere 

Adil was still in his way and now he recalls that after few days dracula didn’t hunt it means he has a new target and now it is gonaa big

Adil saw a castle on his way and takes out a old golden page where a picture was same as the castle was

Adil – oh yeah  I am not so far from that dracula

Adil walks in the castle where he sees a big gate

Adil tries to open the gate and he sucessed he enters in the castle where he looking now the bricks which is so old now

Adil turns back and saw a dark hall he goes in there

And saw upstair and goes in there

Adil saw a coffin who is covered with soil and looks like so ancient he goes up there and tries to open the coffin but there is nothing

Adil falls on the floor by the fatal attack of someone behind back

It was ozzy

Adil – oh so dracula must be appoint a gatekeeper isn’t it

Ozzy – well you are gonna pay what you did with my master

Ozzy’s teeth grows and sharp

Adil tries to stand up but he put up by ozzy ozzy takes him and throws on a wall

Adil fatally crashed on wall and fells on the floor adil watches ozzy’s face who is now smiling a deadly smiling

Ozzy – see you in hell hahahahahaa

Ozzy took him again but this time adil took his knife and stabbed on ozzy’s chest

Ozzy – aaahhhh are you kidding me ? it’s good to be a vampire I am already dead you can’t kill me you human

Adil – maybe I can’t but I will tell you what ? it’s a silver knife you can burn now

Ozzy’s chest gets burn and  he screams in pain

Adil – you was wrong whoever you are it’s good to be a human maybe we have mind jackass

Ozzy gets on the knees and screaming in pain

Bt suddenly he laughs and stands up and said you’re wrong i am strong now you couldn’t kill me with this shit because dracula chose me because I am powerful and I know you are a monster

Adil – what do you mean ?

Ozzy – I know you’re working for humanity but inside you there is a monster who hates human and one time he was the slave of us dracula wants you you’re got lucky

Adil – I would rather like to die than his slave

Ozzy – as your wish but maybe your blood can break my thirst

Aaaaaaaaahhh ozzy jumps on adil but adil douges his attack and attacks on him ozzy and adil was now in a battle of fight

Ozzy tries to killed him rashly but in every attack adil defends and lastly attacks on ozzy

It goes night it goes dark

Adil – where is dracula ?

Ozzy – hahahaha you will meet him soon

Ozzy captures adil and adil tries to break his lock but unable

He cuts his one hand by knife he runs from there and releases from castle

 A dark shadow comes on his closer and it appears as a dracula

Augustein – welcome adil sheikh you supposed to thank my friend ozzy who cares you since evening tell me why did you come here ? are you gonna die

Ozzy – I will kill him dracula he cuts off my right hand aaaahh I will kill him

Augustein holds ozzy and said control your anger I want it when we are in trouble in battle

So my friend adil you came here to kill me but it’s not so easy as you think I am immortal no one can’t kill me join my army adil maybe I will save your life

Adil breathing fastly – I don’t think so don’t wanaa part of your hell

Augustein – we are already immortal I know there something inside you you are a monster my powerful slave of all time doesn’t sound great so

Adil – why I am not I am not a monster

Augustein – it comes in you u will gonna make that’s why did you come in earth being a part of my family my army I am finding my new brides and maybe you’re gonaa die here you were the guest

Ozzy – let me quench the thirst by his blood I don’t care who the hell is he ?

Augustein – no ozzy stop he is not an ordinary human he is the monster part of hell of us I want him because he is more powerful than you

Ozzy goes angry his teeth comes out and his eyes gonna change in green

Adil – I am hunter vampire hunter and today I won’t let you to do anything with peoples of town

Augustein – hahahahahaha one day you have to be mine it’s my promise it’s the promise hahahahahaha

Augustein disappears with ozzy in smoke

Adil – damn it

Well you shouldn’t mess with dracula he is now more stronger thanks to god that’s why you save by his slave

Adil – I don’t know father he were supposed to kill me but in nexct moment he told me that I am a monster what is the secret when I was orphan I have always learnt that monsters they are bad they are evils they are impure creatures belongs to hell
I have killed so many vampires in my earlier days but never think about to being a monster

Father – well you need some rest right now and forget about dracula don’t worry he can’t kill you here this place is pure and burns any evil demons

Adil – I had never been scared

I gottA GO I DON’T WANT THAT HE BITES SOMEONE HE IS talking about brides maybe his target has now set and becoming his bride

I don’t want to happen this

Adil took his jacket and jumps from balcony to walks in the dark

It’s 10:45 pm

And Cheryl watches at the time again and again

Cheryl was disappointed that jack has said he had promised he will never leave her alone but it’s gonna night why are doing this ?

Cheryl takes the phone and said hello ? jack

Jack – I am sorry I am stuck in traffic maybe I would get sometime to come there pls get inside the home and I will be right there ok baby don’t worry

Chery; - I love you too

Cheryl puts the receiver off and turns back cheerrrrllllllllll cherrryyyylllllll

She heard again she saw the curtains are flying because of air he goes and closes the window

But suddenly he saw someone inside in her home

She gets out of the home by backside dogs are howling which makes more fear in her heart she runs on the road

she falls on the floor and saw someone’s shadow

she screams and runs again

why are you running away from me ? I am yours I want you to be my love

she stops and saw someone is stand next of her

that was augustein – ssshshhhhh don’t scare

he touches her shoulder holds tight

augustein – I can’t explain you that you are looking so hot in this transparent night gown
Cheryl – no stop I don’t love you even there is someone already in my life he is my boyfriend why are you coming in my life you are an evil I am scred from you

Dracula puts her finger on her mouth and said ssssssssssshhhhh I know you love me you pushed it in your heart you’re gonna mine dracula takes out his teeth Cheryl gets hypnotized

Dracula takes her in his arms and removes hair from neck

Before she gets bite a man takes him from him and kicks on dracula

It was adil adil sheikh

Cheryl got unconsciouss and fells on the floor adil holds her

Dracula – aaaaahh you came again I won’t forgive for this

She should be mine she’s mine my bride

Adil – I have understood when you told me about brides you got nothing leave her

Augustein – maybe not

Adil took her and runs away from there

Augustein didn’t do anything because he knows if he hurts both of them maybe he can lost his chance to build the army they both are important for him

Cheryl getting up and scared again

Adil – are you okay he almost bit you

Cheryl – I am good

Adil and Cheryl goes to her home
asif biswas
«Reply #3 on: December 06, 2011, 12:17:37 PM »
Cheryl and adil were  In a home

Adil sat on the chair and talking with Cheryl

Adil – so now you are one of his hunt now you gonna be his next target

Cheryl – who are you ? how did you all this things ?

Adil – well , I am adil sheikh nice to meet you Cheryl I am a vampie hunter no one believe but I came here to kill dracula who has woke up again to rule in this world

Cheryl – so you mean that strange guy is dracula oh my jesus it’s not possible I have read in stories about him

Adil – witches Frankenstein ghost demons they all are the created by hell they all are evils

Cheryl – I have heard about all of them but how will I save from him ?

Adil – don’t worry I am with you I know that he found his soulmate in you so that’s why you attracts towards him he have a lust on you

Cheryl – sounds scares me but thanks to saved me from that bloodsucker evil you are my savior now

Adil – ok whenever you needs me I will be there don’t worry I promised

Adil gets out of there he knows that she is now safe

Cheryl door knocks again

Cheryl was surprised who is that ? she walks slowly to see from keyhole

She saw a guy suddenly opens the door and hugs him

That was jack her boyfriend

Jack – what’s wrong baby sorry I was late I didn’t do my promise I am sorry forgive me

After few minutes

Jack gotten have known everything

Jack – oh my so it means it was dracula who comes in your dreams and persuades you to be with him oh my jesus it is true we should inform police

Cheryl – no we can’t he is a dead man he wakes up only night and police they all are just ordinary humans they can’t arrest him he wants me and he wants me to be with him and I don’t want that he did something with you

Jack – what rubbish ? no I can’t live you alone I won’t let you serve to him you’re mine I believe or not I will protect you he has lust and I have love love is bigger than this world powerful than everything thing you are just mine and we will find out the way to leave you from his hands

Cheryl was helpless she knows that she has always hypnotized and attracted by dracula

Cheryl had a fear that she will lose her love forever but she belives on her love more than nightmares

Cheryl also told him about adil sheikh

Jack – ok I will have to meet this guy maybe we can get the way to get out of this trouble tonight I will keep you in my close don’t worry he won’t do anything

It’s 2 am

Jack was slept deep and Cheryl was sleeping in his arms

A shadow comes to the window and both red eyes looking at Cheryl

It was dracula

Dracula was in aggressive mood to see her soulmate with someone

Dracula hypnotizes Cheryl again

Dracula – what are you doing my love don’t you know what is my condition right now to see you with in a humans arm c’mon wake up wake up come with me come to me come come

Cheryl eyes opens and stood she saw on a window both of red eyes she went there she opens the window air sounds makes me horrible situation

Cheryl tries to get out from the window Cheryl stands on the catwalk and saw dracula

Cheryl smiles

Dracula hugs her and his sharp teeth goes to bite

Before he would get success jack’s sleep breaks and saw that Cheryl disappears

Jack – Cheryl Cheryl

Jack screams loudly cheryl’s hipnotizm goes break and saw a face in her front

She screams and lost her balance and hangs on catwalk

Jack saw her and gets out of the window

Cheryl was screaming

Jack – dn’t worry I will take you

Jack gets out of the window and balanced on catwalk and holds her hand lastly jack sucessed to save her

Jack hugs her and said what’s going on ?

Cheryl – that was dracula he came again

Jack – don’t worry I am here nothing will happen c’mon let’s get inside

Jack – we have to find a cure for your disease I will save you from that bastard

Dracula disappeared and watched all of this situation from his front building he flies off there

Adil sheikh was sitting on the club and suddenly a strange guy comes and also sits towards him

Adil – hey who are you ? what do you want ?
That was jack – I want you to help me I know last night you saved my girlfriend Cheryl

Adil – ya I know dracula eyes on her he wants her at any cost

Jack – so pls why don’t you help me ? to get out of this situation

Adil – it maybe dangerous for you

Jack – she is my love I can do anything to save my love if I have to die I will do that too

Adil – hot blood is running through your veins inside you in this time so keep yourself relax

I know what is he doing with your gf ? but I also know that no one will help us even not priest they just can tell the ways to destroy that dracula and not only that they will we have to kill his army he is very powerful dangerous for human beings

kingston was in his way and saw a dead body which was laid down on a strange place where police surrounds it around

kingston goes there where several police officers salutes him

he goes towards Charlie who was talking with that guy who told him about his body

kingston – anything get

Charlie – ya just we just got a deadbody which also became hunt of that dracula

Kingston – oh c’mon you’re pissing me off have this guy told you what was going on here ?

Charlie – ya sir he is too drunk he called me and said that he saw a girl’s body who was pure white his eyes has open before her death she reall saw someone who is damnfully terrific

Kingston smiles and said oh ya isn’t it if any criminal saw my face he will never forget it that one day he was got trouble with this 49 yrs old guy ok sent the body to forensic lab and I will meet you in evening I gotta go commissioner wants to meet me he wants to know what’s happening in his peaceful city

Charlie laughs and talking with other peoples

Adil was stared at jack’s face

Adil – so I have told you not to mess with this supercreatures they can take your life forever and make it a dirty impure evilful soul

Jack watching tv which was put in upperplace

Jack – oh my god a girl killed by that same strange guy who have killed archana in her home

Adil – oh yeah so now he is gonna show what he really is ? a damn bastard you should stay with Cheryl she will be in danger dracula can come to get her go now I will meet you there ok it gonna be evening

It’s seven o clock

In a morgue room deadbody has been transferred and worker has closed the door and turn off the lights

Kingston was sitting in his table and talking with someone in phone

Suddenly Charlie comes in the cabin and shows the report of girl’s death

Kingston – you got the report that’s nice what is in the report ? what is the result?

Charlie – it’s good to you to read it youself I am totally shocked

Kingston after he read the reports his eyes gonna large and he throws the report

And said disgusting I can’t believe a dracula a story character is now in the real life are you got to be kidding me ? is jesus kidding with me ? I don’t know how is it gonna happen ? have you ever heard that alien exist no witch exist no I just believe whatever I have seen in these eyes but I will never believe this case going to be so terrific

Charlie – doctor said that they saw the same bite hole when was clearing the mystery of archana’s death maybe this is what they are meant to be ?

Kingston – if I am not wrong are you also agree with doctors and other peoples who is talking about this disgusting thing ?

Charlie – maybe sir I have no choice it all appears automatically we should stop this killing machine

Kingston – ok ok stop I am freaked out with all of this thing I have been never seen anycase like this before oh god what shit is it ? is it any psychopathic guy who turns into a bloodsucker evil mabe he is a human and that’s why we can catch him arrest him

Charlie – no sir if he was human he was mistakenly leave his fingerprints because it can’t possible that he is just using any sharp teeth to stab someone’s neck he maybe used somthig freak have used his hand to control on her so thathe can bite and suck his blood without any movement isn’t it ?

Kingston – oh yeah ok it’s good to you that you are concentrating on this case so much as you have never before

Charlie – maybe no no sir I know what I do ?

A guy comes in the cabin and says something which makes silence and shock in Charlie and kingston

Kingston – oh god how is it happen? Now we was just hoping about this? Isn’t it ?

Bitten girl was disappeared from morgue and that is the news why have all they shocked ?

Other side adil  increases his car speed which has now never stopped he was very serious and hold his hand tight on steering he stops his car t once and saw his front of hospital he enters inside the hospital and asks a nurse about morgue room

Adil goes there and enters in morgue and checks all deadbodies which have someone was burned some killed by an accidents they are looking so terrific adil has a brave heart to check them all he saw a stretcher which was empty

He don’t realize that a moments ago a bitten girl was disappeared who’s deadbody was put on it

Adil gets out from there and other side Charlie and kingston have arrived and they are walking on stairs they are so close from adil and adil also closes from them and they both walk out without looking each other

Kingston with Charlie and doctor enters in morgue

Doctor – we have put her body on this stretcher and now she is disappeared

Kingston – how is it possible is that anyone stole her body o maybe

Charlie – maybe it was that bloodsucker guy

Kingston watches charlie’s face

Doctor – he is right maybe he is the same guy  who have bitten her

Kingston – but why ? this question stands always whenever we finds out this unsolved mystery

Kingston looking from morgue’s room he was looking at adil sheikh who was going out of there he started his car and gets out from there

Charlie – sir sir

Kingston breaks his medidate and said yes

Charlie – what we do now sir ? he has gone I don’t think that he won’t go so far from morgue at this time

Kingston – ok c’mon Charlie let’s go find that body

It’s gonna night now he will start to attack

Yeah kingston was right

That girl was walking and hiding in corn and  she just wears a white cloth which she has covered on her body suddenly a guy came towards her and stared her from feet to her chest and said wanaa lift baby ? baby we can enjoy more I know you’re getting hot

She has black colored hair and white skin she was an American girl who was living in this country from her childhood she was orphan

She said no I don’t

She running now she was still alive she was that girl  who was bitten by dracula’s stable ozzy and now she is becoming which was she never before

She looking at moon and her eyes gonna change colour in green and she turns on that guy he saw her face and screams she came towards her and gets on a corn and bites on his neck he screams and stopped everything goes normal again she left his body which was totally white

She took his blood dracula came towards her she shocks and saw her face which was covered with lot of fresh blood she have sucked it before he came

Dracula – looks like that you have quence your thirst with his human hahahaha it’s good ozzy I am proud of you

She said who all are you you made me a animal I want blood I want more blood

Ozzy – sssshhh patience be patience you will get more what have you never got ? you are one of us now come join our forces

What’s your name

She said – I am Jessica

Dracula took her hand and all of them goes from there left a deadbody behind them

Adil was driving rushly towards town he was angry that he was in city and he took his hunt how could he do that ? he came here to kill him but now he is losing his hopes to kill that monster

adil has stopped his car and saw a deadbody and he was the victim of dracula but this time he was wrong he was bitten by jessica

adil – oh my god maybe she was here this white blanket is the prove I should leave it here so police can get evidence I have to get out of here she will not so far from here

it must be dracula and his ozzy who made her

jack was giving tea to Cheryl

jack – Cheryl you okay ?

Cheryl – yeah thanks for giving me company

Jacl – what do you mean what I’ve told you we are a family you’re my love I have talked with him he said he will find out the way to free you from his curse I don’t want to lose you maybe he bites you anytime don’t you know murder happenings on this town I thought that we should leave this town stays somewhere else who is more far away from here so dracula can’t reach on us

Cheryl – you know what I have really love you and I have cared about you more than my life if he harms you then what will I do he made me his bride

Jack – it will never happen I will kill that bastard if he do anything with you I am not afraid of that creature love is more than his lust and I know god is watching us he will help us to get out of this situation to kill him

Cheryl – maybe that’s so

Cheryl laid his head on jack’s shoulder jack also rest his head down on her head

      A guy bites by a dracula he is screaming in pain and Jessica and ozzy takes his body with them they all disappears they killed one more guy and they are now building up their army against humanity and love


asif biswas
«Reply #4 on: December 12, 2011, 08:06:14 AM »
Adil was following the murder spree and he arrives at that incident place where murder happens once again

Adil saw the prints of a body who was ladi down there several moments ago

Adil goes in deep thoughts what has happened here maybe dracula wins to create his army adil saw some spots of blood which flown on some places where body was fall down

Adil – oh yeah I got my answer he murdered ones again even I don’t know where is she this guy has also disappeared and that girl is too maybe I should get out of here if anyone saw me in this situation maybe I will be in danger

Kingston was in his car – oh god jesus I don’t care where is she but I just cares about my job where I got so much money to catch those bloody murderers and some rapists

Charlie – maybe sir this time this case gonaa freak I mean we don’t have any evidence to catch that killer

Kingston – killer? Why don’t you say that was blood sucker psychopathy human or why didn’t you say that was dracula ?

Charlie panically says – no no sir I I have

Kingston goes frustrated – oh shut shut up I don’t give a shit of all of them this case is piece of cake I don’t care whom is he ? I felt like that now I have to get some troubles in my police job maybe government will fire me for this don’t you know I have been working since 20 yrs 20 yrs I have experienced so much murders I have seen them my morning starts with to see a dead body and my whole night ends to see that dead body I was so unlucky I am still and now I should have happy that in any time I am gonna fire this time maybe before I got shameless fired notice I will get retired from this job

Charlie – don’t say this sir

  Kingston -  oh c’mon hey have you been heard about any info 

Charlie – no sir even when she was disappeared what was her name ya Jessica she was a model and lived here alone

Kingston – alright any info about that bloody killer

Charlie – I am still searching sir and don’t worry team will also searching about killer

Kingston – that makes me hell

In a dracula’s castle they all are surrouding the casket where a body lays they are just waiting for his conscious In any moment

Suddenly his eyes opens up that was green and his face is so white looks like a dead body that was Murphy a newborn vampire

Augustein – hahahaha that’s what I am waiting for I have completed my army look Jessica look ozzy I have done it I’ve made it hahahahaha it giving me so pleasure tonight is our celebration for all of you my newborn vampires

You can now live walking with superstrength food is everywhere wherever u want whenever you want but remember enemies always after us  you have destroy them and remove them from your life

Murphy wakes up and says yes master I am with you we all are order us teach us we want blood we are thirsty we are full of thirst hahahahahaha

Murphy wore a black jacket and black jeans he has the ability to smell his enemies reactions

Jessica wore the same she is pure whitish she has the ability of superspeed she can walk anywhere In any speed

Ozzy wore the same as one he is more powerful in army

 They walks in the dark with augustein they are now search for blood and someone is also who is searching for all of them

He is adil sheikh

Jack – I am still depressed that if we come at any moment i don’t want to live you at anytime

Cheryl – don’t worry nothing will happen with me I will be alright when u with me

Jack staring in the eyes of Cheryl and both kissing each other suddenly 12am comes up and now both are looking in time

Adil – oh my god many bodies here it means they are not so far I am coming augustein

Adil took his lighter and burns all the bodies which was the victim of dracula and his vampires because he knows to burn body is good that more species will not born

Adil starts his car and chases them all

Jessica oh my someone is after us

Augustein – I know who’s that he is adil sheikh I knew it he will be here at any moment

Ozzy – if you want sir I will kill him

Dracula – no I don’t want to kill him I have told you he needs us he will come but now win Jessica and Murphy you will stop his way

And I will get my new bride

Dracula goes with ozzy makes a dark shadow which disappears

Cheryl – I need some water

Jack – I will be right back

Jack goes to the kitchen and brings a glass with full of water he just walks in his room suddenly he hears a scream

Jack leaves the glass which was shattered in pieces

Jack goes inside and saw that dracula grabs her

Jack – leave her you bastard

Jack runs towards him and holds his neck tightly

Augustein – she is mine you are nothing ozzy comes from back and throws him on the wall he fatally injured and can’t stand again

Adil – oh so dracula build up his army

Jessica and Murphy looking his face and smiles both gets out their sharp teeth and their eyes goes green

Adil – I don’t think that you are in a good mood

Adil brings out his weapon and locks his targets and shoots on both of them the arrow gets out in very speed and Jessica douges his attack

And Murphy got attacked in his knee he falls on the floor

Jessica goes towards him fastly and attacks on his face by his long sharp nails

Adil falls and wakes up fastly and try to attack on him by his fist he punches her two times but she smiles and spears him and both flies on air and suddenly she throws adil to the floor adil balances his jump on the floor and suddenly multi-attacks on Jessica with his arrow some arrows stabs on her chest and stomach and she falls down

Murphy grabs him from back and stabs his teeth on him adil screams and unconscious and fell down

Murphy – I wanted to do this before

Jessica – great job

Murphy goes numb when he saw that he woke up again

Jessica – how is it possible

Adil grabs his chest and stabs the silver knife on his eye he screaming in pain his eyes goes burn and he fells on the fountain

Adil running towards Jessica she climbs on the roof and trying to attack him but he moves from there and stands out with his knife he throws all the knife but she doughes all but she can’t move her from his suddenly attack by knife which goes in her neck she fells down on the floor

Adil come close to her and said where is augustein ?

Jessica smiles and said you don’t have any idea he will get his bride at any time poor adil you should be in our side

Adil – that will never possible

Adil starts his car goes from there before they all disappears from there

Adil rushes towards jack home

Jack was badly injured

Adil – jack jack are you hearing me ? jack

Jack opens his eyes wide and said I am alright but he took my girlfriend he took my Cheryl

Adil – nothing will happen with her I will save her from him ok c’mon let’s get out of here

Adil takes jack to the car and rushes towards to the hospital

Jack goes in emergency room but adil  is happy that nothing goes wrong with jack he will be stay alive but about Cheryl she is still in danger he has to find her at any cost

Adil – I am coming dracula I am coming

Doctor came out after a while and said – he is situation is less critical but we can save him he have to take some rest your friend is lucky he will svae by dracula we have seen many cases before no one couldn’t alive he is the first person

Adil – ok doctor

Doctor – you can meet him some hours later

Adil – ok doctor thank you so much

Adil touches his wounded neck which he has been bitten by moments ago

Wounded place was now dried itself

Adil – how is it going happen ? I was supposed to be died but how will I live I am a human they bit me I should have dead but how it is all happening ?

Adil was in a deep thought many secrets are with this story now what would happen with him ?

Cheryl wakes up and saw herself in a bed she shockes and terribly gets out of the bed she remembers that she was taken by dracula and his slaves

Dracula walks in the door and enters to the room

Dracula –welcome my girl

Cheryl – what is it ? you kidnapped me what are you tring to do ? I am not yours I chose my love it’s not you it’s jack

Dracula – really that it so that is your only love why don’t you understand I am the one who have chosen you make my queen and rule in this world you’re beautiful attractive is able to become a vampire

Cheryl – never never you are just a devil impure dirty satan your right place in hell

Dracula goes frustrated and yells on her – shut up shut up

Dracula shuts her mouth with his hand and stick her to the wall

Cheryl trying to scream but she is unable

Dracula – I will make you my love and then you have to follow me you are already being sick you have some last moments to leave this human life and then I will transfer you as my lovee my bride

Cheryl goes unconsciouss

Dracula – Jessica Jessica

Jessica enters in the room her eyes goes blue

Dracula – take care of her

Jessica – yes my lord no worries

Dracula – hahahahahahahahahaaaa

Dracula laughs and then he takes her on the bed
Dracula suddenly gets disappear

Jack is now alright and discharged from hospital early

Kingston – hey your name is jack how are you now ?

Jack – I am good sir why did you come here ?

Kingston looks at Charlie and said look jack we knows that your girl is missing she is in trouble and I know it’s all happening by that bloodsucker psychopathic guy maybe he didn’t kill your girlfriend

Jack –sir believe me he is a dracula he is a satan we should kill him I want to save my Cheryl

Kingson – calm down kid we will find her don’t worry anyways would you tell us about that strange guy who is in with you ?

Jack – he is a vampire hunter

Kingston – vampire hunter ? huhhhh hahahahaha this all guys are so mad freak

Kingston and charlie goes towards him

Adil was sitting on car

Kingston – I must tell you that you might be adil sheikh

Adil throws the secret and said yes that’s who I am what do you mean to say

Why don’t you both just stay away your nose from this situation

Kingston – you can’t say that all shitss on  me you are a kid with a hot blood who creates his own ways with himself I am not that kinda guy who just came here to listen your freaking conversation 

Adil – look uncle I am not standing here to listen your own words this situation is out of your mind and don’t think It will be safe and easy mission complete without any fear gore and blood

Kingston – I came here to warned you that you will be trapped in this case so stay away from our case and situation goodbye kid

Adil smiles and wears his black sunglass















asif biswas
«Reply #5 on: December 24, 2011, 06:15:16 AM »
Adil and jack arrives at a house

Adil – this is all you need this all stuffs is good enough to kill them all

Jack – it was all so nice maybe it’s all are dangerous to use

Adil smiles and said seems like that you have scared to see all of this don’t worry no one will use it onyou hahahaha bytheway I have been spent my half life here to use of all of this stuffs when I got information about dracula that he still exists so panically I came here and getting prepare for a big battle of my life to kill him

Jack – I just want my girlfriend my girlfriend and now I want you to free us

Adil – without you it is definitely impossible to kill him because I need a supporter and when I saw you I have got understand you are perfect to become sidekick got it

Jack – what ? sidekick are you got be kidding me ? maybe we were together but don’t think that you knows everything I have got something for you

Adil – what the hell is it ?

Jack – silver sword a powerful weapon which cause you can kill every vampire but I don’t know it will be useful for us to kill that dracula

Adil – dracula is more important than of all I don’t know where have you got it ?

But I don’t know how to kill dracula one wrong move we will die and won’t able to get our victory and your Cheryl

Jack – you’re right let’s go

Adil – wait for night we will get what we want ?

Jack – ok

Dark has flown everywhere and dust yellow came on the earth town was now in dark and danger

Adil was in his bike and jack was sitting behind him

Jack – still thinks we will reach to him

Adil – I know we can kill him but his army will be in lust of blood to kill us

Jack – alright maybe we should wait for his newborn army

Adil – ya you’re right he kills some peoples from town to build up his army and to kill every folk who comes across his face

Jack and adil arrives to the castle
Otherside Cheryl woke up and see herself in a pink gown she almost goes shocked and felt like baffling

Suddenly a shadow appears from a dark side Cheryl stares at that shadow she saw a young girl in a black outfit

It was Jessica

Jessica comes towards her and starting strokes her face with her hands

Cheryl eyes goes dawn and says who are you ? you have a lot of attractions trying to snatching me towards you why do you want me why dracula needs me ?

Jessica – sssshhhhh shut your mouth for some moment I am giving u so pleasure that u will never need to live in human beings you are one of us you will be our master you need us we needs u

Cheryl saying in drunk seems like she has taken so much drugs she has hippontized in her fatal attraction

Cheryl – no no jacckkk jacckk I love you he is my life I don’t wanaa lose him pls let mee go I want to meet him I want to spend my whole life in his arms

Jessica goes angry and holds her tight and said you don’t have to need him any longer he is not with you he is disloyal he is just a human being he has only emotions not love not power

Jessica brings her face close to cheryl’s neck ear and said I am gonaaa make you what master wants ?

Jessica takes out her sharp long teeth and bites on her neck

Cheryl screaming – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh

Cheryl falls in her shoulder she is unconscious
Jessica takes her to the bed and both falls down

Jack – it is too cold here

Adil – don’t worry castle is very big we can split up for some moments and that moment you will feel like heat in the whole body when you will see them It is more dangerous

Adil – keep this sword maybe you need at any moment

Jack – but how will we enter in the castle ?

Adil – don’t worry have some patience we will get in there at morning we should have some wait until sun rise and then I will give u the instructions what must you do or musn’t

Jack – thanks adil I have never obeyed so much rules and regulations in my childhood life

Adil – now you have to it is the only way to save Cheryl and let all town peoples free

Sun rises and both still hides in the back of stones

Jack – it has been a long time for us to stayed here c’mon let’s go inside they have been slept maybe they will dead bodies rightnow

Adil – no no don’t talk like foolish vampires are not deadbody at this time they still in conscious maybe we need a right time to get in there

Jack – still sure

Adil – definitely

Jack and adil enters in the castles by breaking some stones from an old wall

Adil – maybe it goes to the basement we should be get ready for any creature

Jack – this castle surrounds by whole vampire creature I don’t know what happened with Cheryl ?

Adil – she will be ok she will be ok I can’t say anything in this moment

Jack – but adil ?

Adil – ssshshhh augustein won’t let her die he wants her he loves her

Don’t worry

Adil and jack enters in the castle

Adil was with many equipments whereas jack just holding the silver sword

Adil and jack goes inside there is many dark over there

Adil – I am going to upstairs and you have just checked from there and be sure that no one is there

Any troubles finish it

Jack – anything to save for Cheryl

Jack goes in there jack was very focused to see everywhere to check on that where is Cheryl and others ?

Jack reached to the black gate he opens the black gate and enters

A freaky sounds come when he opened the gate many dark outside there
Jack takes out his lighter and burns it he saw a casket which is just 5 meters away from his standing postion

Jack goes up there and scared by the whole environment

Jack tries to open the casket but he scares again getting fear to open it he holds the sword and right hand tried to open the casket suddenly he opens the casket

Jack – holy #### what the hell ?

Jack was just kept his eyes on it

That was Jessica

Jack – Cheryl is not here I should tell adil about this girl who was disappeared some months ago and now she is a vampire

Adil was climbing on upstairs slowly and watching his back that if someone attacks suddenly on him

Adil – we have arrived but death is in every step I know augustein will get to know that I am here but before he realized it I will take Cheryl from him and get the hell out of here

Adil was just in deep thought and suddenly a hands reaches to his shoulder

Adil surprisingly turns back in panically and was just ready to attack to his back suddenly he saw a girl who was in pink dress deep red hair and her eyes is normal black

Adil was shocked and thinks it’s a vampire

Adil – hey who are you ?

That girl was looking on his face and slowly smiles and said don’t worry  I won’t hurt you

Adil – who are you ? I was asking a question few seconds ago

She relaxes him and said my name is grissly and I won’t ask you that who are you ? what the hell you doing in the middle of the castle ? you should get out of here

Adil – are you a vampire what is augustein have a new plan to kill me

Grissly – no he won’t kill you and bytheway I am not a vampire

Adil – how should I trust you ? you are not a vampire you are in the vampires castle and I don’t think that you are a vampire slayer you re just an impure blood sucker

Grissly – I am not woah wait wait I am not a vampire and next thing nor I am a slayer I am just a normal female and I came here to tell you that you will die if you will not get out of here

Adil was just shocked and surprised to heard her conversation

Grissly – I am his slave he won’t kill me because I am immortal he just trapped me here I have some special powers to kill I am just helping you

Adil – oh really sure that you are not vampire because they have just lust for blood they can suck blood of anyone even their parents sisters brothers

Grissly – prove try me

Adil – ya sure

Adil took out his little Christ locket but before he can do anything she holds it tight she kept her on her hand

Grissly smiles again and said  now you got your proved that I am not a vampire

Adil smiles and said alright let’s go

Grissly – I will show the direction of augustein so maybe you can kill him in your own dreams

Adil – wait I came here to kill him in real

Grissly – why? Did he do something with u ?

Adil – no it is for humanity he kills many innocent peoples for his lust and I won’t let him to do this anymore

Grissly – ya maybe he took me when I was walking in dark night he appears and grabs me and suddenly we both were vanished

When I came here I have realized that what have I got the trouble ? he came towards me and said it to my face that he won’t kill me he needs me I am immortal I have some special power

Adil – ok it’s good to be that you have no lust

Grissly – but I have love like every peoples

Adil – hey wait maybe it was ozzy he is walking everywhere my friend was in basement maybe he will be safe hey could u tell me where is Cheryl ?

Grissly – I don’t know but I have heard her scream last night on this castle this castle is hidden up with many creatures and secrets just like me I have not been seen any outside world when he took me here I want to get out of here

And maybe he makes her as her new bride

Adil – what bride ?

Grissly – yes his new bride Jessica was already his second wife he just preparing in world I was already to try to kill him but I am always unsucessful he traps me here and I have special power just like you

Adil – what just like me ? it doesn’t possible I am a human yes I know I have skilled to kill vampires and other creatures but I am not a creature

Grissly – you are c’mon let’s disappear from here before he sees both of us

Adil – what’s going on your mind

Grissly – I will take you to the Cheryl and augustein but it is hard to kill him because he is also an immortal and already dead

You just stabbed on his heart by wooden stick or also you can shredds his bones to the ashes that is the only way to save humans from that creature

Adil – thanks but we need to get out of here and try to get her

Grissly – no you can’t let’s take at this book this is old library which was using in early 30s now it also pieces of shit but more useful for humans

Let’s take a look at this picture priests have been challenged that night deacon was also the one of the slaves of dracula you was the slave but you is more powerful than dracula if you are in the face of deacon but you need night to make yourself that evil creature

Adil – never never I have never wanted to trust that I am evil I am a monster I am just a human

Grissly – but adil that is the only way to kill him you can become lots of ton on him you can push him he will be unable to beat you so you can easly saves peoples from him it is inside in you you just have to release it feel it and then you will get what you want

Adil – but how it’s all happened if I have losed my control from him

Grissly – it’s all up to u

Adil – ok thanks from information maybe we should get out of here because I don’t want to face that monster right now aaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaahhh

Grissly – what’s wrong ?

Adil – aaaahhh nothing just I have got a papercut my little finger cuts by scratching on this broken glasses

Aaaahhh h it hurts

Grissly holds her finger and sucking it

Adil – stop hey no nonnnoooo

Adil was just stopped to see her actions

Grissly stops and said now you have feel much better

Adil smiles and says thanks

Grissly – still thinks I am having the lust

Adil was silent

Grissly – well I have a love and now I have bit some feelings for you

Love is more than lust

Adil – anyways let’s get out of here I need to check jack what’s he doing over there ?

Adil still smiles and little bit of like her they both runaway from there

Jessica was still sleeping deep jack was still stared on her jack can she tell me about Cheryl ? ya maybe

Suddenly Jessica opens her eyes and suddenly saw someone who is standing in front of her Jessica stands up and opens her sharp teeth jack scares and steps back jack – don’t touch me don’t come close to me before I will kill you

Jessica – come here baby I need you
Jack – no you can’t kill me where is she ?
Jessica – what you’re talking about ?
Jack – Cheryl where is she ?
Jessica – you don’t need her anymore she is now his new bride
Jack – really I don’t think so that your bastard dracula can make her for him
Jessica – shut up u human you can’t say any wrong word to my master otherwise you will be die

Jack – I don’t care about my life I came here to get her your master took her from me and I swear if you came in our middle war you will be die

Jessica – hahahahahaha no one kills me we are immortal I like this world it’s better from your human world

Jessica’s eyes goes green and came towards him she said don’t you know that she has now finished she has been bitten by me I have made her I have served her in front of my god

Jack goes panic and said noonnoooooooooo you can’t do this to her no she is mine you ##### jack attacks her by sword

Jessica screams and falls on the floor jack – tell me where is she tell me
Jessica – guess what ? you will be die from our hands we will suck your blood which running through everywhere from your veins you are finished

Jack – one more word or I will cut your throat c’mon tell me where is she ? where is she ?

Jessica – alright don’t worry she is now the hands of my god he really taking care of her come with me hahahahahah you will get nothing here even you won’t get your life you can’t go back from castle you will struck here forever hahahahahahahahhahaaa

Adil – I saw someone’s scream is that jack ?

Grissly – no he is not be

Adil – how do you know that dracula’s army is everywhere this castle is their home they can walk everywhere they are all animals it’s better to beware from them c’mon come from upstairs night can fall anytime

Adil and grissly was getting out from a dark hall and they suddenly came where scream came from they were shocked that there is no one but who scream was that ?  jack and grissly both are confused

Everthing is disappeared only a empty coffin was there grissly she took your friend

Adil – what ?

Grissly – yes she served him against dracula you have just few  times to save him

Adil was now shocked

        To be continued …………………………………………………………….

asif biswas
«Reply #6 on: December 29, 2011, 03:59:58 PM »
It’s night now time goes 9 pm and night fells everywhere and in castle it’s time of dracula to getting out of coffin

Augustein was staring at jack

Augustein – I didn’t know that you got yourself in so many troubles now

Jack – I will kill you bastard you stole my girlfriend

Augustein goes frustrate and said he is not your lover anymore she came in this world for me as my bride no one can’t take her from me and most importantly I have a great news that not only you visit in this castle even adil sheikh has also come after so many long time here we have some guests tonight so ozzy and my Jessica arrange some dinner for tonight we got our dinner for tonight

Adil sheikh was hidden somewhere and watching every actions of all of them adil says grissly do you know where is she ?

Grissly – I don’t but maybe you will get a idea to get your friend out of here

Adil – I don’t think so because vampires walking everywhere it’s hard to save both of them wait I have got an idea

Jack was upset and suddenly ozzy comes towards him and captures his neck until he is unconscious

After he is collapsed on the floor he took him to the room

Augustein – I know you’re here adil sheikh why don’t you just get out of there so maybe we will sit and discuss it comfortably c’mon come here

I won’t hurt you

Adil was getting ready suddenly a hands reaches that was Murphy

Murohy master we have got two hunts

Augustein – oh my friends I like guest but I don’t like them who enters in house without permission hhhmmmmmm grissly my slave what you doing with him huhhhhhhhh are you trying to narrate him towards me how to kill me ? you know what now you’re getting me pissed off so why don’t you take some rest adil till then I will care about this double crosser

Augustein goes towards her touches her skin softly and said why ae you making me so cruel against you ? huhhhhhhhh dracula’s red eyes and pushes her neck she screams

Adil – get your hands off from her

Augustein – you will really care about her life I will tell you what I am gonna kill her and then makes her like us hhahahahaha I was kidding it doesn’t possible she has some special power like you she is my important slave that’s why I can’t kill her but I won’t keep my eyes from you Murphy get them

Murphy takes both of them augustein smiles

He takes them both and throws in a cage adil wakes up and suddenly he stabs a knife in Murphy Murphy screams

Adil – not this time adil throws Murphy in the cage and kicks on his head suddenly he jumps and tries to bite him
Adil doughes the attack but he didn’t concentrate Murphy attacks on him and try to bite again but grissly stabs his both hands on him

Murphy screaming in pain and lays down his eyes goes close

Adil was shocked and said what you did with him

Grissly – i have told special powers about me

Adil – why didn’t you do this early

Adil and grissly ranaway from there augustein calls ozzy and says to keep his eyes on him

Jack still staring on him

Suddenly Cheryl comes and bites on his neck ozzy throws her on the wall

Jack – Cheryl Cheryl

Jack opens his ropes and jumps on ozzy ozzy chokes him ozzy came towards him jack wakes up and try to get the sword he got the sword and stabs on him he screams and fall

Jack – goodbye bastard

Jack again stabbed sword on his chest ozzy burns and vanished

Jack sees Cheryl and hugs her

Cheryl – why did you come ? he got what he always wanted me

Jack – what you’re talking about ?

Ccheryl face now is white and her lips is red

Cheryl – I am vampire bloodsucker monster my life is dead I am not human now

Jack – no whatever he made you you are still my love and I came here to get you c’mon let’s get out here

Cheryl – no noo it’s not so easy as you think I am cursed I won’t leave this castle

Augustein comes and throws jack towards the wall jack fells and goes unconscious

Cheyrl – jacccckkkkkkkkkk jaccckkkkkkkk wake up jack

Augustein – what you doing with him is it still your love

Cheryl – he really loves me than you you got me forcly but he he is innocent he knows what the love is and I don’t give a damn about you it doesn’t matter how was I supposed to be but you are really a monster who didn’t care whom I love with I really love this guy he is my entire life but you just got me away from him isn’t it ? bloodsucker monster you made me which I never wanted to be

Augustein pissed off and stared with his red eyes well well I don’t think you should love him but I really loves when you kill him passionately to suck his blood

Cheryl cries and said no no never I will never hurt him he is my love not my food

You ruined our entire life you moron

Augustein – shut up now you are my bride

Adil – I don’t think so

Because you always got what you want not this time perhaps you should exhausted yourself and give up against the god

Auugstein – why don’t you all understand that lust gives you heaven lust gives you what you achieved without lust no one will interest nothing lust for blood lust for love

Adil – no this is not the right way to love someone you stole her you made her without her wishes you made what had she never wanted you made her what she never think

You’re sick man you are sucked up

Augustein – oh really now let me make you all my slave or kill like a b####


Murphy jumps and attacks on adil adil escapes grissly hides somewhere

Adil try to stab him suddenly jack gains conscious and attacks Murphy to cut his arm

Murphy screams aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo jack again cuts his head off

Murphy burns in the fire and made into ashes

Jack was thrown by auugstein again he took his sharp teeth and tries to bite him jack sword fells on the floor augustein pushes his neck

Augustein – you will regret why did you come here ? but don’t feel guilty I will make as one as I am aahahahahahahha like my slave

Adil – not so hurry augustein

I have something for you augustein leaves jack and that’s why he fell on the floor

Adil comes towards him and said jack you’re all right

Jack coughes and said ya I am fine pls save her

Jack – I am

Cheryl catches by Jessica Jessica threw her she fells outside
Augustein – jesssica go and get her away I want her alive

Jessica – yes master

Jessica flies off the wall and looking outside in the dark suddenly Cheryl coems and both fells inside the castle

Augustein – so you may supposed to be here for some reason what is it ?

Adil – remember when you killd my parensts sets them on fire

Augustein – oh I remember it was an accident because of my lust hahahahahahaha you have a great monster that’s why I don’t wanaa like you but not more than me huhhhhhhh

Adil – I don’t think so haaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Adil screaming aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhhh jack sees time and said oh my god

Jack throws away by speedy winds augustein tries to close his eyes

Due to the wind

Adil changes himseld in a monster which was inside him adil eyes goes green and he turning on a monster he goes muscular more bigger and he goes big big aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh screaming

Adil became monster he shouts like a lion

Augustein – that’s what I always wanted you a pathetic monster

Adil sees him with his big green eyes adil tries to chase him augustein escaping everywhere

Augustein jumps over him adil took him and throw him far away he makes his balance

Adil looks at him angrily and jumps towards him try to crush him by his legs

But augustein flies and tries to attack him adil attacks with his one more feast and he fells on the flooor

Augustein face goes scratched and he got up again and said you re now getting pissing me off

Adil was just screams

Augustein – now you have got me aaaaaaaaaaahhhh

Augustein crashes with adil

His sharp teeth and grown nail tries to scratch him he injures his hand by fells him on the wall

Augustein – I have told you we were best but you lost that oppurtunnity adil throws him away again he fells on floor and again gets up

Otherside jack was finding Cheryl everywhere cherylllll cheryrllllllllllllllll

Cheryl was falling on his arms

Jack puts her on the floor and said Cheryl Cheryl

Jack saw on the roof Jessica breaks the wall and enters inside

Jack – how dair you to touched her

Jessica –she is with me but you won’t like me

Jack – I don’t think that I must tell you what you would never be

Jessica – I don’t think so they made me a powerful immortal and his queen he will like me if he will see me he will like me as his main bride

Jack – don’t no no pls get away from me aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

Cheryl wakes up and pushes her neck towards the wall

Jack – now you’re alright

Cheryl took her breaks her spinal cord she fells on the floor and suddenly jack took his sword and cuts her off from everywhere waiting to turn her into burning and then she made into ashes

Jack said c’mon we should help him adil is in trouble let’s go

Both reaches there

Suddenly both traps by someone

Adil is trying to finding augustein augustein was disappeared suddenly he appears from his back adil turns back and tries to punch him but he douge the attack and punches on his face adil fells again adil again wakes and try to break him by his neck suddenly grissly comes in middle of both of them and said sorry adil you won’t like to hurt me isn’t it leave him

Adil stops his monster hands goes normal augustein I didn’t tell you what is she ? she is my second bride

Adil goes angry and thinks about his whole moments with her augustein that was her plan to serve you in front of me that was all trap you trapped big guy

Adil’s eyes again deeps green and and he attacks both of them

Dracula tries to kill him but suddenly stabbed by jack

Jack – no unfortunately you will be dead

Dracula again laughsss and said I don’t think so dracula grabs Cheryl and tries to break her neck

Dracula – disloyal woman I won’t like as you

Jack – noooooooooo nooo jack attacks by his sword on the hands of dracula but he he also grabs him jack said you can kill us but can’t move both of us from each other

Augustein – I would really appreaciate to suck your blood dracula’s eyes goes red and he bites him he screams in pain aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Adil couldn’t help him Cheryl noooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooooooo leave him you bastard augustein throws him his face with covers by blood all over his mouth

He tastes his own lips and said aaaaaaaaaahhhh I have got what I want

Cheryl cries and said no jack no jack

Jack was bleeding and said I am sorry Cheryl I will always in love with you bye Cheryl his hand goes cold and fell on the floor

Cheryl goes numb noooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jack jack you can’t leave me like this

Cheryl still cries for him ahahahaaaaaaa nonnooooooooooooooo

Augustein don’t remorse we made it Cheryl fells on his face his face hides by her head

Augustein – I still wants you I still love you I am sorry he should be dead longtime ago aaaaaaaahhhhahahahahahahha

Come on come to me

Cheryl’s face goes red and she laughs augustein surprises and starin gat his mouth who was covered with blood

Jack opens his eyes and suddenly attacks on the draculaaaaaaaaaa

Jack – you think I am dead I am back with vengeance

Dracula – you can’t kill me you re just a weak vampire

Jack – she gave me a new life c’mon let’s do it

Jack bites on his neck Cheryl also comes and bites on his chest augustein falls on floor screams in pain

He unconscioused now

Adil was just ending his moment with that girl and spoke only few words you will next

Adil took him and breaks her neck shredds her arms she creams in pain she takes out her teeth adil grabs her neck and breaks her teeth by his punches grisssly was totally injured adil took her in his arms and and shredds him bones apart from body she screaming and then stopped she took her and burns her by rising sun’s ray she burns in pain and saw him again and turned into ashes

Draucla wakes up and said you won’t kill me

Adil took him in his hands and and holds him to the outside of cadtle took him to the roof direct sunlight rays through on him he screaming gaaaaaaahhhh no leave me get me out of here aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh but adil hold him very tight and then he shredds his bones from everywhere and throws him from the castle he burned and fell on the floor into in ashes

Adil also fells from there but  saved by Cheryl and jack

Adil goes normal and breathes deep and said your both alright you’re both become vampire now

Cheryl – you should killed us too

Adil thinks again and said no you don’t have lust get out of this place never show you face to this peoples again you are now what you are never be you should start a new life

Jack – but why adil why didn’t you kill us both ?

Adil no I have seen truly love in you not like grissly you’re both good go and exist on animals blood your love is more than lust you have proved that

Jack – thanks adil for so much help maybe we will never meet you

Adil – bye take care

Adil gets out from the castle and jack and Cheryl stares at each other’s eyes and said let’s get out of here and kissing each other deeply in love

Adil saw Charlie and kingston

Adil – so now you have got what you need

Kingston – maybe not because we know who the hell was that ? a dracula huhhhh maybe I am empressed and hats off in front of you you’re the saviour of this town goodbye friend

Adil smiles and wears his sunglass and goes from there

Adil again unwears his eyes which is green again and goes black and he wears his sunglasses and starts his bike getting out of there

Adil was now alone like he always be and jack and Cheryl also a vampire who is in love with each other augustein the dracula and his army dead and Cheryl and jack starts their new life and adil starts his new journey 

                         The end ……………………………

Give me your reviews about this story thanks for reading

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