Changing Careers

by Pooja on August 19, 2005, 04:18:12 PM
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Author  (Read 555 times)
Embarking On A New Path

Changing Careers

What we do for a living can be intimately intertwined with who we are. Often, people expect to grow and thrive in one career over a period of decades. For others, however, that expectation is unrealistic. As they themselves change, they become dissatisfied with the profession that once brought them joy. This is not unusual in modern times, where more and more people are changing careers not just once, but many times over the course of their lives. Because your career is a part of who you are, switching to another can be a long and involved process that requires courage and determination. The challenges, which can include stepping into unfamiliar territory, going back to school, or learning to live on less income, are very real, but the rewards can trump them. Changing careers, if done thoughtfully, can be one of the most richly satisfying and exciting experiences of your life.

If for years your soul has been telling you that you would make a skilled lawyer, a talented sculptor, or a brilliant electrical engineer, it's worth investigating the possibilities. Or, you may be desirous of a more soulful and fulfilling career but haven't figured out what it is yet. In either case, explore. If you have identified a passion, research it. Talk to people in that field and find out how they got there. Ask about the ups and the downs. If you're unsure of a career path you might like to pursue, look toward your passions, abilities, hobbies, and values. Determine what your ideal work hours, income, commute time, and working situation would be. If you love the idea of flexible hours or working from home, decide whether you would be willing to earn less as a trade off. Look for careers that offer the type of work environment and benefits you are looking for. Creating a new future takes time and effort, and a willingness to delve deep into the positives and nega! tives of a variety of careers.

Focus on your strengths, rather than skills you may be lacking. Seeking skill training or the help of a career counselor can be helpful. It's normal to be nervous when seeking out a new career, particularly if you are established in your current profession. But the payoff can be true satisfaction in finding work that you can love, and, it's never too late for change.

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«Reply #1 on: August 21, 2005, 06:26:14 AM »
Usual Smile U knw wat..I rilli wish myself datz I wud change my career sad5 watever u said is absolutly true.................changing careers can b very exicting n worthy!!!!!!!!!!!!! learning skills r not important rather loving ur work is wat matters.................then automatically u learn the skills Usual Smile  Usual Smile  Usual Smile  Usual Smile But do tell me sumthing if a person has invested 4-5 lakhs already in his/her career or da current educational u think he can change it?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?? though ofcourse if u r wealthy enough to loose such an amount dan Yes!!!!!!!!! But on da Contrary How can a person whoz has taken study-loans n stuff can afford ta frequently change his/her Career........................................... ................In such situations buddy...One has ta adjust,Compromise.......infact almost fake dat he/she is in Love wid wat life has ta Offer!!!!!!!

Wat say...m I correct?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh?Huh???
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