Do rail tracks meet?

by anamika2006 on July 26, 2005, 03:24:22 AM
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Author  (Read 1497 times)
Swati shocked Aparna when she asked her mother “what is this first love?”
Swati: “In love also we have first, second, third and last mom?” Aparna nearly scolded her for reading such a magazine. Little Swati was now busy with her friends playing games, but her words were still roaming near Aparna and disturbing her. She was still knitting sweater for her husband.
   Suddenly Aparna slipped in her past. When she learned knitting, she made first sweater for Amit. Amit and Aparna were neighbors. Amit was 1 year elder to Aparna. Both were close friends. They use to play together and eat together. Time passed and both grew up. They didn’t know when they grew up and their childhood friendship became passion and then love. Aparna was very weak in English. Amit use to tell her that he feels surprised when she passes her English exams. As time passed Aparna got her graduation degree in Arts with English and Amit got job with a Bank. Amit was trying for various competitive exams. Aparna with the guidance of Amit decided to get Masters degree. Her parents were worried for her marriage but she decided to get Masters degree.
After get Masters in Arts with English subject Aparna applied for a job in a College. She got selected in the interview. With the excitement of being selected she went to Amit’s house. With his favorite sweets in her hand she gave Amit the news of her being selected as a Lecturer in a College. Amit’s reaction was very cold and shocking. She came back home with tears in her eyes. Now Aparna’s parents showed her a groom. She took the support of her younger sister and told her mother that she likes Amit and would like to be her wife. Aparna’s mother went to Amit’s house and asked permission of Amit’s mother for Amit and Aparna’s marriage. Amit’s mother was delighted with that proposal. She went to ask Amit’s opinion that was busy preparing for competitive exams. Amit replied that he don’t want to marry Aparna who is like a black cat.
   Aparna’s mother came back home and informed Aparna about Amit’s reply. Aparna was shocked with the answer. This was the same boy who used to question her if she fails to visit him once a day. This was the boy who liked to spend hours with her. Aparna accepted the marriage offer of a boy and got married within a short span of a month. Amit was out of station for his exams. When he came back Aparna was married woman. Whenever she visited her parents she never tried to meet Amit nor tried to know about him. Once Aparna’s sister informed that Amit married to a average girl and is working in Central Government in UP.
   After years of no contact with each other Amit and Aparna meet when Aparna was waiting on Railway platform. Amit saw Aparna and called her. She was angry with him and was not ready to talk to him. Amit begged her to seat with him in a restaurant. Amit told Aparna that he was very sorry for his behavior with her. Actually he was feeling inferiority complex when she got job as lecturer, because he has also applied for that job. Under the impression of inferiority complex he rejected her marriage proposal and misbehaved with her. Same time train arrived and the passengers were requested to board in. Amit in his last words said that he loved her at that time, still he loves her and will love her forever and she is her first love. Aparna’s eyes saw Amit’s train moving towards its destination and the tacks of Rail. The traks were very near to each other but they don’t meet anywhere.
From Me: If you love someone tell that you love him or her. In love there is no rich or poor, no high or low and no one is inferior from other.
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«Reply #1 on: July 26, 2005, 05:21:23 AM »
The traks were very near to each other but they don’t meet anywhere.
From Me: If you love someone tell that you love him or her. In love there is no rich or poor, no high or low and no one is inferior from other.

Very true Anamika ji...............very true..
«Reply #2 on: July 26, 2005, 06:37:44 AM »
Oh WOW anamika........its so good n' true
waise welcome to yoindia!!!!!!!!
«Reply #3 on: July 26, 2005, 06:46:17 AM »
If you love someone tell that you love him or her. In love there is no rich or poor, no high or low and no one is inferior from other... !!!

Very nice... Anamika...and welcome to Yoindia .... Usual Smile
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«Reply #4 on: July 26, 2005, 03:46:55 PM »
Moral of the Story :

If you love someone than never wait to tell otherwise it could be very late

My words .. though almost same !
«Reply #5 on: July 27, 2005, 10:40:38 AM »
Thanks to all the friends who have read this story and replied. Thanks for welcoming me. I liked this story very much and thought that others will also like to read them.
«Reply #6 on: July 27, 2005, 01:03:17 PM »
Dear Friends here's a story that I came across while surfing................
I liked the moral so Sharing it with you..........

One Day, I asked God to give me a spouse, "You don't own because you didn't ask" God said. Not only I asked for a spouse but also explained what kind of spouse I wanted. I want a nice, tender, forgiving, passionate, honest, peaceful, generous, understanding, pleasant, warm, intelligent, humorous, attentive, compassionate and truthful. I even mentioned the physical characteristics I dreamt about.
As time went by I added the required list of my wanted spouse. One night, in my prayer, God talked to my heart: "My servant, I cannot give you what you want."
I asked, "Why God?" and God said "Because I am God and I am fair. God is the truth and all I do are true and right."
I asked "God, I don't understand why I cannot have what I ask from you?"
God answered, "I will explain. It is not fair and right for Me to fulfill your demand because I cannot give something that is not your ownself. It is not fair to give someone who is full of love to you if sometimes you are still hostile, or to give you someone generous but sometimes you can be cruel, or someone forgiving; however, you still hide revenge, someone sensitive;however, you are very insensitive...."
He then said to me: "It is better for Me to give you someone who I know
could grow to have all qualities you are searching rather than to make you
waste your time to find someone who already have the qualities you want.
Your spouse would be bone from your bone and flesh from your flesh and you
will see yourself in her and both of you will be one. Marriage is like a
school. It is a life-long span education. It is where you and your partner
make adjustment and aim not merely to please each other,but to be better
human beings and to make a solid teamwork. I do not give you a perfect
partner, because you are not perfect either. I give you a partner with whom
you would grow together"
«Reply #7 on: July 27, 2005, 06:03:59 PM »
"I do not give you a perfect partner, because you are not perfect either. I give you a partner with whom
you would grow together"".........bahut sahi kaha.........good n' thanks for sharing w/ us
«Reply #8 on: July 28, 2005, 04:06:15 AM »
Quote from: "isha_verma7"
"I do not give you a perfect partner, because you are not perfect either. I give you a partner with whom
you would grow together"".........bahut sahi kaha.........good n' thanks for sharing w/ us

Thanks Isha.......................
«Reply #9 on: July 28, 2005, 10:46:42 AM »
That was really nice natural.
"Marriage is like a school. It is a life-long span education. It is where you and your partner make adjustment and aim not merely to please each other,but to be better human beings and to make a solid teamwork."
If we understand these words then there won't be any silly demands and expectations.
«Reply #10 on: July 28, 2005, 10:52:23 AM »
Quote from: "anamika2006"
That was really nice natural.
"Marriage is like a school. It is a life-long span education. It is where you and your partner make adjustment and aim not merely to please each other,but to be better human beings and to make a solid teamwork."
If we understand these words then there won't be any silly demands and expectations.

Thanks anamika........................
I am eagerly waiting for your posts yaar..........................
When will you start......................and let the Shayer in you say something............................lolzzzzzzzzz zzzzz :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
«Reply #11 on: July 29, 2005, 10:47:28 AM »
then I think you have not checked the links in this website clearly. I have posted something in the column of shayeri for love titled as sajan aayo.
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