by ahujagd on May 09, 2013, 01:39:13 PM
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Maqbool Shayar

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Dear friends,
           Please find here my story   “LOOKING BACK THROUH THE SMOKE” about my smoking habit in English language (in Hindi it is already available on abhivyakti-hindi.org SansmaranDHUEN SE AAZAADI).
            I request everyone to read it completely when you have time even if you are a non-smoker kindly suggest your smoker friends to read it. I hope you will keep this story in active mode by giving your comments time to time this will solve the purpose of posting this story on our site. First I will post four pages then in reply I will put remaining four (because of limitation) People who want to quit are welcome to contact me for any help-All the best

Ghanshamdas Ahuja

It was during one of those tea-time conversations that I spoke to my 'abhivyakti' team' of how I cradled my addiction to smoking for long and succeeded in shrugging it off with great effort. I was very eager to share my experience with my smoker friends. It was a result of their positive response that I could pen down this article now presented before you.

It is my dear wish that this article be read not only by those who smoke but also by those who don't, simply for the benefit of their smoker friends. I would consider my efforts fruitful even if one of my readers benefit from reading this article. Accepting this as part of my destiny, I had turned my life into a smoking chamber and closed all doors which led to freedom from this fixation.

My compulsive dependence may matter only to my family and me and others may not be concerned but I am sure I can convince people that a strong will power works wonders and drives one to victory.

The first step:
Standard nine and ten were of prime importance even then because a student's future is framed at this stage of the educational ladder. It was at this stage that the new obsession entered my life.

This was in 1967. I was in standard nine. Primary and middle school friends departed. New friends replaced them. I developed a close friendship with one of my classmates. One day he brought two 'beedies' to class. When asked, he said he had stolen them from his father's bundle of 'beedies'. On the one hand, there was this excitement of a newfound toy. To add to it was my friend's persuasion. We ignited the ‘beedies’ in the toilet in one of the free periods. The first attack of cough sustained, it was understood that this would be repeated. This sequence began with an intermission of two to four days.

The kindness shown by friends compelled me to pick up a few 'beedies' from my father's bundle. I did not have to wait for the chance. In those summer days, we all slept on the terrace. Father had a slight habit of snoring. As the snores became audible, my hands slipped under the pillow. My target lay there in the 'beedi' bundle. My first theft it was, I won’t say the last because the chain had started. This mini 'chori' continued for the two of us could not resist drenching ourselves in the alluring smoke. As time passed, maybe out of guilt or growing needs, much of the pocket money was spent on 'beedies'. As the pocket money increased, the cigarette grabbed our attention.

Thus this addiction stepped into my life. Now I think that had I resisted then, I would not have wasted so many years of my life smoking. But now, what is the use of thinking all this? How do I forget that I stole for such a bitter cause?
The influence:
Actor Dev Anand was one of my favorites and was also responsible for encouraging my habit. His style of fiddling with the cigarette or actor. Pran's stunt of catching the burning cigarette in his mouth was enough to captivate the minds of youth then. The hero image created by making those smoke circles strengthened the hold of the cigarette on me. I would often think that if these film stars could do so many stunts, at least I could enjoy my smoke simply.
"Main zindagi ka saath nibhata chala gaya...har fikra ko dhue mein udata..."
As I hummed this song, I'd begun to see myself as an actor. I could never understand the underlying meanings of the song. But now I am convinced that the empty spaces indicated the awaiting void to come in future. The youthful excitement and dire wish to adopt the style of my heroes never let me realize that the fun of those days was only leading me to the dark future in store for me.

To give an example, there were many actors and actresses who, thanks to their addiction, breathed their last on the screen but like they say there are many who worship the rising sun but very few to bid farewell to the setting star.  It quietly vanishes behind the vast sea or the unending horizon. Even today, there are many youngsters who imitate the shirtless wonder called Salman Khan and his stunts on screen. Similarly, even we would imitate our heroes. It was then that the habit turned into an addiction.

Darkness led by blindness:
We never gave a thought to the fact that in our attempt to become heroes, we were actually adopting the habits of the villains. The increasing number of cigarette buds were draining poisonous nicotine into our bodies. Before I reveal how my life had turned into smoke, I wish to say this-
“Those who smoke away their lives benefit neither themselves nor others!”

As we continued to imitate our heroes, our lives were turning foggy. The hold of the cigarette was getting stronger. Unfortunately, I never came across any friends even in college who could help get rid of this habit. I rated 8-10 cigarettes per day as the maximum I could have but there were many who smoked much more. But, except for a few rare occasions, I never crossed the limit.

The advantages and disadvantages of smoking were less known then. That is why I never gave a thought to the ill effects of smoking. Had I known, I would not have wasted away my life smoking and had also thought of the well being of others. My family always counted more. I have never wanted my dear and near ones to be hurt. It was only when I stopped smoking did I learn of its harmful effects.

It so happens that one who smokes becomes so used to the pungent odour that he never realizes the discomfort caused to others. Poor friends and relatives, I now wonder how they bear with it!
Smoking not only affects your health but also your wealth. If one sits to calculate, the investments show that one could very well buy a flat in the same amount. To add to it, if the same amount is kept in the bank, the flat could be furnished as well. The estimates are yet to be completed…

In spite of knowing that smoking causes several physical and social problems, why do men fail to abstain from this practice? The truth is that once you get addicted to smoking, it is nearly impossible to abandon it. It is as if the brain shoots a message and the body immediately responds. It knows whether the cigarette has to be bought o removed from the pocket. Very often, the mind even forces you to ask your friends and your friends know exactly what you need!

I too have often borrowed cigarettes from friends without ever considering what they thought of me. When the thirst arises, nothing else can satisfy your urge. Very often, the mind immediately remembers your smoker friends when you don’t have a cigarette. It then compels you to face one of your benefactors who alone can satisfy your need.

When there are no solutions visible, men learn to live with their problems accepting them as destiny. I too learnt to live with mine. In those days, I would often convince myself that it would be futile to even attempt breaking away from this habit because the impossible is never to become possible.

By saying so, I do not wish to discourage those who are sincerely trying hard. Infact my story might inspire those who have lost all hope and are convinced that it is an impossible task. No matter how attached one is to his habits, each person desires to break away from the shackles and lead a free life.

This is why a hope still lingered in my mind.

In spite of my obsession, unconsciously I always wanted to get rid of this habit. Although I considered myself unfortunate, I always hoped to knock on my luck someday. It is necessary to always keep the hope alive in order to kill this fixation.

One has to shake one’s heart. Once the mind decides that this addiction is not good and it has to be eliminated, then the rest of the journey becomes simpler. The reasons and advantages no longer matter. You would rather be eager to learn of the benefits enjoyed by those who’ve dumped the mat.

Just as a spark is required to ignite the fire, similarly a desire to sacrifice the habit must exist on the mind. Otherwise greater efforts on the part of the addict would be required to become a non-smoker. It was my will power which urged me to think of the numerous reasons why inspite of the sufferings, I should stop smoking. This was in 1995.

The target was clearer which is why unseen reasons were now making their presence felt. Although I still smoked, I had now made up my mind and had also started telling people that I am now going to quit smoking.

In the next few paragraphs, I wish to tell you about the many reasons which influenced me to finally quit smoking. These may not be applicable to all but some are sure to be useful. It is up to you to decide what causes apply. When the reasons become apparent, the solutions automatically appear. Shake your heart and ask yourself if you too think so…

I was telling people for some time now that I am reducing my smoking bouts. One of my friends from U.A.E Mi Omar Jasim would ask, “Hello Mr. Ahuja, still reducing?” His questions became a reason in themselves.

During 1996-97, I had participated in many radio programs and had won some prizes too. I had applied for a radio program “kaun aaya” which had to be presented in one’s own voice. For this a clear voice was a must. This became another reason.

I now realized I lacked stamina. I had begun to feel tired on doing any strenuous work.

I will never forget the birthday gift my kids gave me on 12th June ’96. The gift consisted of a glass bulb stuck to a plate and inside the bulb was a cigarette and a matchstick and a hammer to accompany it all. The inscription on the plate read, “In case of emergency, break glass.” The gift opened my eyes and said all that my kids wished to say. Even today the gift along with the remaining cigarettes in the packet at the time of quitting has been saved as a memory.

Since September 1996, I had controlled the number of beer takes too. Having brought the number down from 4 or 5 to 2, my confidence rose.

My cigarettes too had reduced. Although I prohibited myself from smoking two cigarettes consecutively, I followed the prescription of 2 during duty and 2 in the room.

The experience of not smoking for 18 successive days during duty in January 1997 was enlightening. February 1997 saw a change in the attitude of my children. My daughter would complain, “Papa, please smoke near the window.” Her words sounded true. I had no right to play with other people’s health neither did I want that right. “Better late than never” was the thought that struck me.

By not visiting the bar from 18th to 22  I felt a healthy movement in my will power.This became an important reason for quitting smoking. Here I wish to tell you that smoking and drinking run side-by-side. It is while drinking that the urge to smoke is stronger.That is why it is important to concentrate on both.
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 01:41:38 PM »
I wish to remember my colleagues Mr. Venkatchari, Amlarason, Subramanium and Balu here. They always encouraged me to quit smoking without making it look derogatory. Their timely follow-ups too proved very helpful.

Zee TV would often broadcast this documentary called “cigarette in my hand” which threw light on the disadvantages of smoking. The influence this documentary had on me was such that I feared watching the entire program and would often switch the channel. This helped to strengthen the thought that smoking was no good a habit.

It would be wrong not to mention my wife. It was she who encouraged me the most. She must have been the worst sufferer but without looking at it derogatorily, she always encouraged me to smoke as less as possible. It is only her far sight which helped me reach where I am today.

There may be many other reasons which I now forget that helped me become a non-smoker. It is not necessary that these reasons apply to all. Some might. Some similar causes can be seen from your eyes. A desire to achieve something exists on every mind. What is required is a chance. Many reasons lead to many solutions.

Once you decide to quit smoking, a list of probable hurdles must be chalked out which makes work easier.  I too decided on my goals and programs which helped me immensely. First and foremost, I decided to quit my everlasting supporters “paan masala”, “tobacco” and others. Because by not doing so, the danger of housing another addiction in place of the previous one is always present.

Doctors often say that there is considerable weight gain once you quit smoking. To combat this, I decided on walking for an hour everyday and even followed it.  To beat the perceived weight gain on the not-so-perfect figure I had, this proved a worth while solution.

As I said before, cigarettes go along well with alcohol and beer which is why, I decided on further remittance of beer. To add to this, I immediately enrolled for a “no beverage” plan in U.A.E and followed it for the complete year.

An idle mind is a devil’s workshop is the saying. To keep the cigarette at bay, I decided on taking active interest in sports which would keep me occupied and also serve as ideal exercise.

I wish to thank Zee TV on for changing my mindset completely by screening that documentary. Although I could not thank them then, I hope its mention here will make up for the loss.

My medical report when I joined the job at Gulf was naturally labeled ‘smoking’. After a few days of quitting smoking, I decided on informing the personnel and medical departments of my changed ‘non-smoker’ status. And I did so. This helped me to
strengthen myself to maintain the newfound status. I awarded myself the non-smoker status now.

I kept updating my friends on my progress report. This reminds you to think twice if tempted to smoke again. No one wishes to be embarrassed in public.

I realized for the first time that it helps to note down your thoughts on anti-smoking every time you are tempted to smoke again. Desires are straightaway related to the mind. If the mind resists or refutes, naturally the temptation, at least for that moment, subsides. It is on those delicate moments when it is important to control oneself.

To facilitate mood changes, it helps to develop new routines in the early days of quitting. A friend had often invited me to his room. But time restrictions prevented me from visiting him. After I quit smoking, I began to visit him almost everyday. This change thus accompanied appropriation of time.

A group of members on a yahoo club [NONSS] often discuss the merits of quitting smoking. When I decided to quit smoking, I had no knowledge of such useful programs. Here I make mention of these websites for the benefit of aspiring non-smokers. There may be many such sites which could provide help. In this way, each of you could draw your own program sheets and pay the final tribute to smoking. Yes, I am now going to tell you how I celebrated my ‘independence day’…….

11 March 1997- this was the day I stepped at Abu Dhabi airport. For the first time, I bought not the usual but another brand of cigarettes not to promote its sales figures but perhaps to break away from this habit.

As I experimented with the new brand, I suffered from cough and throat pain. The climate in those days brought along cold. The throat pain forced me to visit the doctor on 24th. Da Ali said, “If you continue to smoke, the medicines will never be effective.” This forced me to think. I then decided that every time I wish to smoke, I would remove one cigarette, burn it and after just one ----, would throw it away. 

This experiment succeeded and the medicines proved to be helpful. I now felt much better. This experience was most effective on my mind which then realized that if I could survive without the intake of nicotine, then why not get rid of this habit forever.

On the 26th March, after the night shift I told my room partner Mr. Sagar, “I am quitting smoking. I would now smoke only one cigarette everyday in the bathroom. Please don’t tell anyone.” I then dozed off to sleep. On getting up in the evening, I was filled with guilt for having lied to my friend. As a result, the cigarette which I smoked that morning turned out to be the last cigarette of my life. Thus 27 March 1997 became my independence day.

Unexpected happiness always gives us more pleasure and this was something I experienced when I realized that my life had become smoke-free now. I have listed down the advantages I enjoyed after I quit smoking.

•   A new freshness all day.
•   Economic gain because of less expenditure.
•   The fear of causing fire by leaving behind a burning cigarette vanished.
•   My family’s joy knew no bounds and that made me feel satisfied at heart.
•   My stamina increased.
•   Knowledge spread through internet was a new experience.
•   A sense of fulfillment from writing articles on anti-smoking.
•   The fear of my child too adopting this habit evaporated.
•   The atmosphere at home was smoke-free, clean and healthy.
•   My will power got a boost for having accomplished what I thought was a difficult task.
•   A new feel of being addiction-free after further reducing alcohol and beer.
•   A newer encouragement for not falling prey to any other habit.
•   And many other noticed and unnoticed pleasures which I now fail to recollect.

It is now difficult to describe how my life has turned a new leaf after 27 March 1997. I wish to say that the momentary pleasure from smoking stands nowhere before the deep-felt satisfaction from being addiction-free. But this can be experienced only on quitting smoking completely.

The last 4 ½ years of my smoke-free life have indeed given me immense pleasure. My approach towards life itself has changed. My diminished anger was indicative of this very change.

•   My first advice is never rush into anything.
•   Always rely on your will power.
•   Hunt for inspirations around you.
•   Decide on your goal.
•   Proceed according to your program.
•   Always discuss your plans with friends.
•   Your plans should be result-oriented and not time-resulted.
•   Don’t hate your smoker friends but resist them.
•   Be firm and stick on to your plans.
•   Never get distracted by outside influences.
•   It’s not as easy a task as eating sweets, take it or leave it.
•   Alcohol must be resisted as far as possible.
•   After having quit smoking or while you are attempting to do so, never take on some other habit.
•   Remember always, “Smoking never eases tension but always promotes it.”

As I move towards the end of my article, I feel a complete ness within myself but at the same time I wonder if my readers approve of my thoughts. After all, each one of us thinks differently.

I must say that I did not write this article under anyone’s pressure nor did I do so to vent my frustration. I only wished to share my experience of a smoke-free life with others.

How seriously is this article taken depends on readers In today’s world of telecommunication, no one can impose one view on others.

I end this article with a small story…

One friend says to another, “Do you know that smoking has three advantages?”

“Which ones?” the smoker asked.

The friend: “The first is that a smoker never suffers from old age, second is that a theft can never take place at his residence.”

Smoker: “and third?”

The friend: “He is never bitten by a dog.”

Smoker: “How come? I have never heard of this.”

So the friend says, “ See a smoker does not live for long so that leaves no scope for old age. And in the nights, his coughing keeps thieves away.”

Smoker: “And what about the dogs?”

Friend: “My dear friend, a smoker very soon has to depend on his walking stick and no dog would ever bother a man with a stick.”

The smoker realized what his friend wished to say and quit smoking.


(Above story translated by Miss Falguni Banerjee from my story in Hindi “Dhuen se Azzaadi” published on internet at www.abhivyakti-hindi.org sansmaranduen se azaadi.)
«Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 11:59:38 PM »
Ahuja Sir
very good article. quite inspiring too.
Hindi verssion ..i will definitely read.
(i don't use any..even Paan.) but i wish people used to smoke/liquor will be benefitted by this article.

Kindly convey my regards and best wishes to miss Falguni for the beautiful translation in english.
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #3 on: May 10, 2013, 12:41:44 AM »
Ahuja Sir
very good article. quite inspiring too.
Hindi verssion ..i will definitely read.
(i don't use any..even Paan.) but i wish people used to smoke/liquor will be benefitted by this article.

Kindly convey my regards and best wishes to miss Falguni for the beautiful translation in english.
Mukesh bhai,
    sabse pahle to bahut bahut dhanyavad aapne samay nikal kar ise pada aur apne vichar vyaqt kiye,lekin achraj hota hai pahla comment dekhne ke liye itna samay intezaar karna pada ho sakta hai kahaani ki lambaai ke karan aisa hua ho . magar lagta hai aajkal har koi itna busy ho gaya hai ki lagta hai uske pass samay hi nahi bacha hai apne siva auro par dhyan dene ka. anyway that is the life apna kya hai karm kiye jaa fal ki icchha mat karna insaan yeh hai geeta ka gyan.
aapne lekhan ko saraaha,uske liye aabhari hoon, miss benerjee tak aapka comment pahunchane ka yatna avashya karoonga Hindi version dekhne/padne ke baad bhi apna comment isee site par keejiyega,taaki Hindi ke gyaata log yahaan nahin to kam se kam vahan to pade aur is gandi aadat se nizaat

shubh kaamnaaon ke saath
aap sab ka saathi
ghanshamdas ahuja
«Reply #4 on: May 10, 2013, 01:05:47 AM »
Zaroor Sir.
Hindi vaali post padhkar..reply doonga .
Geeta ka gyaan..sach kaha aapne. bilkul sach..
ye baat to choti si hai..par ise samajhne me zindgee gujar jaati hai.. Khair.. aapko is initiative ke liye bahut bahut mubarakbaad.

Baaki..vo dard mujhe bhi mahsoos hua..par mai..monitor ki jimmedaari se juda hun..isliye openly kuch kahna theek nahee hoga..
par itna zaroor kahunga..ki yahan post pe replies ke liye aapko..relation banana zaroori hai...ya fir...yahee chorta hun..
with warm regards

Ustaad ae Shayari

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«Reply #5 on: May 10, 2013, 11:27:01 AM »
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 03:24:16 PM »
Thank you Saini Ji,
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #7 on: May 31, 2013, 10:22:18 AM »
Today (31 MAY )IS "NO TOBACCO DAY". my special request to Admin Ji kindly put the link on YO India Main page to my story "LOOKING BACK THROUGH THE SMOKE" so that more people get benefited by reading my story.


AUR baki sabhi saathiyon se bhi ek baar punah (aur antim bar)anurorodh hai ki is kahaani par apne comment dekar is link ko active rakhen.

ek sukhad aur dhoomrapan rahit vishva ki kaamna ke sath--

ghanshamdas ahuja
Maqbool Shayar

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«Reply #8 on: February 15, 2014, 05:04:32 PM »
Zaroor Sir.
Hindi vaali post padhkar..reply doonga .
Geeta ka gyaan..sach kaha aapne. bilkul sach..
ye baat to choti si hai..par ise samajhne me zindgee gujar jaati hai.. Khair.. aapko is initiative ke liye bahut bahut mubarakbaad.

Baaki..vo dard mujhe bhi mahsoos hua..par mai..monitor ki jimmedaari se juda hun..isliye openly kuch kahna theek nahee hoga..
par itna zaroor kahunga..ki yahan post pe replies ke liye aapko..relation banana zaroori hai...ya fir...yahee chorta hun..
with warm regards

Mukesh ji,
  aapki baat ko siddh karne ke liye hi is post ka jawab main kai mahinon ke baad de raha hoon. yahan par jo khanakta hai vo chalta hai.

jaisee bhi parithiti ho maine bhi jeena seekh liya(please don't read 'peena')
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