Spirit of Mumbai

by unicorn_girl on August 07, 2005, 10:34:48 AM
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Author  (Read 1102 times)
This is a mail from my friend explaining the spirit of Indians.


Any other Mumbaikars you know ?  In which case, pls pass around...

Yesterday (Wednesday) my heart cried.
I am working for a call centre and due to the rains on Tuesday I had to
back in office in Malad. I opted to work the whole night so that
on Wednesday I could take the day off and go home.

After spending having some 2 hrs of sleep and working for 2 continuous
shift of
18 hrs my company managed to let us go by the Company bus
right upto bandra. I stay near Crawford Market. By 1.00 pm two company
were rolled out towards bandra.
We had to move through west as we were informed that the whole highway
along theeast were blocked. We were
not prepared for the gory sight we were about to see.

There was dead animals like rats, dogs, cows , buffaloes strewn about
the road
like diversion boards. There were people in ground floor
apartments and blgdgs just clearing their house. Their clothes already
filthy.All we could see for about 2 hrs were People Walking home. Thats it.

I have never seen so many people just walk. By the time we reached Vile
Parle through the link road we were traffic struck. It was 2.45pm.
Thats when it happened. Thats when I saw the miracle.The traffic was
stuck. We moved only about 10 meters in about 45 minutes.

There were residents along the whole SV road who came on the road
offering us
They gave us whole packets of biscuits to eat whoever were  walking by.
There were people offering us bottles of water to drink.
There were people giving us Wada PAv.
Bananas were given to all those in the bus  and cars. Khichdi rice was
served in
plates to all those weary.Khakdas and other snacks made it a variety.

I just couldnt stop thanking them. As i write this I still have tears
in my
eyes for them. I walked from Vile Parle to Dadar. It took me 5 hours.
But i wouldnt have made it if it wast cos of them. There are many of us
who owe them our thanx.

As the whole mumbai walked wearily these residents came running after
asking us if we wanted medicines crocins etc. I just looked at them. I
have the heart to tell them no I am ok.  There must be over 200
volunteers as Imade my journey.

All my way I saw volunteers directing people, managing traffic and
people with what ever they can do by sacrificing thier luxuries at
All my way I saw young and old, ladies and teenagers facing the
onslaught with
courage and smile.

My salute to all Mumbaikars, who have rightly made Mumbai proud.

Today I am safe in my house. But as i look at these people no Coverage
has ever been given to these silent angels.

Atleast a Coverage where all we want to tell them is -- Thank You.
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«Reply #1 on: August 10, 2005, 11:33:27 AM »
Great............Places doesn't matter ..........its the human nature which counts a lot.......Salute to all ""INDIANS"".
«Reply #2 on: August 10, 2005, 06:21:30 PM »
WOW thats so nice n' considerate.........i dont live in india but that make me feel so proud !! Thats y i'm PROUD of indian!!!
«Reply #3 on: August 11, 2005, 08:59:46 AM »
isha.....its feel gr8 to be an INDIAN , because its just too great country only problem we have here is poverty and corruption ......where do u live ?
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