Time Management

by phoenix on March 21, 2008, 11:34:12 AM
Pages: [1]
Author  (Read 4078 times)
One day,
an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to

drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood

in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said, "Okay, time for a quiz"

and he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth mason jar and set it on the table in front

of him. He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one

at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit

inside, he asked, "Is this jar full?" Everyone in the class yelled, "Yes." The time

management expert replied, "Really?" He reached under the table and pulled out a

bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of

gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. He then

asked the group once more, "Is the jar full?" By this time the class was on to

him. "Probably not," one of them answered. "Good!" he replied. He reached under the

table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it

went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked

the question, "Is this jar full?" "No!" the class shouted. Once again he said, "Good."

Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to

the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this

illustration?" One eager beaver raised his hand and said, "The point is, no matter how

full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it!"

"No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point.

The truth this illustration teaches us is, "If you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll

never get them in at all. What are the 'big rocks' in your life, time with loved ones,

your faith, your education, your dreams, a worthy cause, teaching or mentoring

others? Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at all.

So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself

this question, "What are the 'big rocks' in my life?" Then, put those in your jar first.
«Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 02:55:42 PM »
Very good sharing phoenix !!!
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«Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 05:32:18 AM »
nice to read.....
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