Review for Pride & Prejudice ie Balle Balle Amritsar to

by Ricky on October 22, 2004, 02:40:57 PM
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Yoindian Shayar

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hen I saw the movie " Pride and Prejudice" , In Hindi they had name it as "Balle Balle ! Amritsar to L.A. " I instantly decided to write its review and share with others. This is not that movies is so good but because I really want to express my views on it.

Well first of all I have no personal dispute against Gurinder Chadda! I have seen her another movie "Bend it like Bekham" and that was good. But this one.. "Pride and Prejudice" is totally Bogus and now I wish that if I can meet her and tell her that what she had made becouse I don't think she has any idea that what she has made. Anyway! My real message to her is that "Please now never-ever try again to movie which according to her is fusion of Hollywood & Bollywood".

The movie gave me idea that She (Gurrinder Chadda) need to know more about Indian Culture (Being an Indian it was not expected from her) infact I think she is not Indian anymore and what she has shown in the movie is totally what non-Indian think about Indian in that concern.

Now about movie..

This movie is about an Indian family who have 4 daughters who are at the stage where they should get married so their parents are looking for grooms. As it is normal all parents look for best what they can find for their daughters. Uptill now it is normal but then they meet some NRI's who are also wishing to marry. now how they get married is all is the film. That's FINE..
But Gurriner Chadda has shown all that drama in very odd way. According to her all Indians are wishing to get their daughters married to NRIs and that on any cost. !!! I feel my self lacking in words that how bad she has representated Indian Mentality on the Cinema. Totally false impression about Indains.

Every new event of movie was so unusual that you will feel as some one is hitting your head with a hammer but still you are alive as you are wearing protective coverings.. (sort of Helmet). She totally fails to create essence of good movie and even I doubt that she might be sure about her intentions. But you still watch the whole movie to search for the real Gurrinder Chadda stuff or you have spent some penny to see the show.

I donno how the established actors and actressess of India agreed to work on that movie (foreign actors are excused as they must be not having actual idea about it).. may be for Internation fame but I think it is totally bad one.. isn't  ?

I can write twice of this much on that movie but I will appreciate if others will also give their thoughts in this concern.

«Reply #1 on: October 24, 2004, 05:22:28 AM »
Well Ricky i have not seen this movie myself but what i have heard from everyone and read is that this is a bad movie!! happy9 Badly made, bad acting, bad dierction!!!!

Have they stopped making sensible movies!!!!
«Reply #2 on: November 09, 2004, 12:13:36 AM »
bogus............totally bogus...........well iam not much into watching movies........but unfortunately...i watched that one....i say again total waste of time and money.I dont know what she (gurinder chadda ji),wanted to show.........perhaps you r right Ricky..ji......totally false impressions about indians in this movie.
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