Existence of God and The Law of Probability

by Karan.sri on August 25, 2005, 06:58:22 AM
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Many educated people, in the name of science, boldly say that there is no God, that everything in this world goes on and evolve according to difinite laws. Can law arise by itself? Can any law come out of nothing? Surely there must be an ultimate cause. That is God. That is the supreme Brahman, the Parabrahm Parmeshwar or the Absolute.

By unwavering mathematical law we can prove that our Universe was designed and executed by  a great engineering intelligence.

Suppose you put ten coins, marked 1 to 10, into your pocket and give them a good shuffle. Now try to take them out in sequence from one to ten putting back the coin each time and shaking them all again. Mathematically, we know that our chance of first drawing number one is one in ten; of drawing one and two in succession, one in 100; of drawing one, two and three in succession, one in 1000, and so on; our chance of drawing them all, from numbers one to ten in succession, would reach the unbelievable figure of one in 10 billion.

By the same reasoning, so many exacting conditions are necessary for life on the earth that they could not possibly exist in proper relationship by chance.

The earth rotates on its axis 1000 miles an hour at the equator; if it turned at 100 miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, and the hot sun would likely burn up our vegetation each long day while in the long night any surviving sprout might well freeze.

Again the sun, the source of our life, has a surface temperature of 10,000 degress Fahrenheit, and our earth is just far enough away so that this "eternal life" warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one half its present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave as much more, we would roast.

The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degress, gives us our seasons; if the earth had not been so tilted, vapors from the ocean would move north and south, piling up for us continents of ice.

If our moon were, say, only 50,000 miles away instead of its actual distance, our tides might be so enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains could soon be eroded away.

If the crust of the earth had only been ten feet thicker, there would be no oxygen, without which animal life must die.

Had the oceans been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and no vegetable life could exist.

It is apparent from these and a host of other examples that there is not one chance in billions that life on our planet is an accident.

[Presentation by: A Scientist]
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«Reply #1 on: August 25, 2005, 07:02:00 AM »
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ummmmmmmm...............good info.........good one!!!!!!!!!
«Reply #2 on: December 08, 2005, 07:43:39 AM »
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dear sir

     scintists told us that these all conditions u have told us are always changing and that is the reason that all the creatures are changing from early ages . if god designed all these conditions to give us good living why he always keeps changing these conditions ie..
1.son was not always so warm and not will be
2.moon is going far away from earth each year
     all the laws are made by nature itself and can be changed by natural powers . a humen(natural power) can stop the birth of a child.a humen can vanish the world with nutron bomb (using other natural powers)and change all the living meterial into other meterials. and these natural powers are always existing (all the meterial things including powers like fire,rays, frequency).a meterial thing can be made only from other meterial thing. we can only change meterial things into others and can not disappear it. we can change petrol (meterial thing) into speed(natural power)  in engins of our car.in this proceedure we have changed petrol to speed and recieved equal amount of speed by vanishing the petrol.petrol is not disappered but changed into other natural power. so this meterial (or natural powers) are absolute. meterial (ie the nature) which can not be made and can not dimolished but only changes itself.it has never been created by any one and no one can demolish it. if any meterial  can not be created nor can be demolished but only changable then there must be no creator.and if these laws and meterials things are created by god then can u please tell us who created the god?

u can not make cofee (meterial)without suger and water(meterial)

u can not make computer(meterial)without plastic(meterial)

a child(meterial) can not be born without mother(meterial) and father

you(meterial) can not live without water and food(meterial)becouse water and food are changing into protiens of ur cells.

if nothing can be made without anything how can god made it?

it is truth that meterial is never created and always existing and absolute and can be proved in many ways.

but there is no proof that anyone had created meterial and can create the meterial  without any meterial.
«Reply #3 on: December 11, 2005, 05:10:21 AM »
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good karan u have got the good and useful info for everyone here...it was really good job from your side....much appreciated

ranjith even u have got the good info and tried your hard ....it was a good job from ur side too in arguing the other side of this topic to make it wrong
dont tak it to heart and never mind me saying......

u are talking abt the things that are invented by some one in recent days....
ok lets talk about the topic of stopping the birth of a child....there is even the options of making the birth easy....but think where were these experts and their techniques before the man existed in this world...even then there was life that was existing right ?
do u really think that man is the human power who can control the world ..... and its the nature that controls the climatic conditions.....
it is the only thing that what has been already created by the super power...we getting clever, first know how is it actually taking place and then invented the power of stopping the birth of a child .......where was the knowledge or science when there was no man existed on this earth.
even then life existed but it was not stopped or demolished by some one with their higher cleverness

and talking about the nature and its present situation of climatic changes...it was the best climatic conditions before i.e., quite while ago, around the early times of lif existence on the earth....
it is not the nature that is making the disruptions in climate...it is we and our faults that we were doing since long ..has brought the situation of the nature to this extent.....for example think about the ozone layer...what happened to it ...was it been removed from above of the certain countries by the nature...no it was not...it was our fault of usage of different harmful materials that create harm to the existence of the organisms and also to the nature......
i dont say that man has created nothing...he did certain things inorder to make our lives luxurious, and some considered in harming life

as you have asked the proof of existence of the supreme power, i will ask you one thing......

can you show your hunger, and how does it look like when you are hungry

one more thing if you want to see certain official who works for us, you got to have the permission and appointment to see and meet him...then how can we think or expect to see him when ever we feel to...thats the reason in order to make us secure and feel comfortable, he is in different forms with us. and  mother is one of the form of that supreme power who has created for us with whole lot of love to take care of us, and  who takes care of us more than of taking care of herself

this is just the start of the thinking and getting into the discussion of whether really if god existed....

sorry ranjith if any of my words have hurted you, but i have written what i felt in my heart....
«Reply #4 on: December 12, 2005, 07:48:20 AM »
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Quote from: "ranjeet_rp"
dear sir

     scintists told us that these all conditions you have told us are always changing and that is the reason that all the creatures are changing from early ages . if god designed all these conditions to give us good living why he always keeps changing these conditions ie..
1.son was not always so warm and not will be
2.moon is going far away from earth each year
     all the laws are made by nature itself and can be changed by natural powers . a humen(natural power) can stop the birth of a child.a humen can vanish the world with nutron bomb (using other natural powers)and change all the living meterial into other meterials. and these natural powers are always existing (all the meterial things including powers like fire,rays, frequency).a meterial thing can be made only from other meterial thing. we can only change meterial things into others and can not disappear it. we can change petrol (meterial thing) into speed(natural power)  in engins of our car.in this proceedure we have changed petrol to speed and recieved equal amount of speed by vanishing the petrol.petrol is not disappered but changed into other natural power. so this meterial (or natural powers) are absolute. meterial (ie the nature) which can not be made and can not dimolished but only changes itself.it has never been created by any one and no one can demolish it. if any meterial  can not be created nor can be demolished but only changable then there must be no creator.and if these laws and meterials things are created by god then can you please tell us who created the god?

you can not make cofee (meterial)without suger and water(meterial)

you can not make computer(meterial)without plastic(meterial)

a child(meterial) can not be born without mother(meterial) and father

you(meterial) can not live without water and food(meterial)becouse water and food are changing into protiens of ur cells.

if nothing can be made without anything how can god made it?

it is truth that meterial is never created and always existing and absolute and can be proved in many ways.

but there is no proof that anyone had created meterial and can create the meterial  without any meterial.

Hi Kid,

how old are you?

seems you have just read a few chapters of science and you want to talk about God. I have also studied Science upto Graduation level and by the grace of God have got 1st rank in my batch during graduation. God is not a matter of discussion or argument. HE is a matter of Experience.

Do you drink milk?

Let me give you one suggestion. If you want to understand God, never drink Buffalo's or Goat's or any other animals milk. Always drink cow's milk. It will make your intellect subtle. Only a person with a subtle intellect is qualified to discuss God. If you want to enjoy the material world, do not argue about God. You are not qualified to do so.......

Read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda.......its available on Net. Read the stories of the enlightened sages.......

Make you aahaar pure and sattvic, learn to be humble and then go to the wise, bow to them properly.......they will tell you what is God and who is God?

[Nice work anitha ji.......]

God bless,
Om Shanti !!!
«Reply #5 on: December 12, 2005, 11:42:02 AM »
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anitha ji

i think u have not understand wat i like to say.let me clearify what i tried to say.i believe in these main principals of nature

1.a natural thing can be made only from natural thing
2.a natural thing only converts into other natural thing
3.nature is itself creator and distroyer
4.mukti is impossible (as after distroyig meterial u get equal amount of meterial)
5.all the nature is only meterial and meterial is absolute

   i have proved only these laws in simple words ie
1.all the things in this world is made from other things ie
earth made from sun,humen made from the cells,cells made from the things we ate and drink. every thing is made from another meterial thing.

2.you have seen that natural things only changes into other natural thigs as our eatables converted into cells of our body.

3.you are creating difference between the nature and human.human is also a natural thing as made from the same meterial.so the humen is also included in nature.and every changes in this universe is made by the clashes of natural powers.from infinity till infinity its only nature which have created and destroyed

4.if anything is distructed we get another thing so the mukti is impossible term.and meterials are changing into other meterial things so nature is absolute.

and i want the simple answers:-

1.if nature is created by god how hi created it without any meterial?
2.if every thing is created by someone who created the god?

or as i think nature is not created by anyone and it is always existed and will exist till infinity is true.

agnoists are free thinker and dont run from arguments.experiences are only personal matter as after meditation chrishtins see the jesus into dreams and hindu see rama in their dreams.it can not be proved wat they have seen was real or only superstition.only religious persons can be hurt by words.creatoin is not taught in science classes and no one can get good marks in any subject by only gods grace.if anyone believe in god he should answer that quistions to the ignorent one

hunger is not a thing. the non existence of food in the tummy is called hunger.god is not a thing .the non existence of knowledge about anything is called god(if we dont know the real reason of any thing we say god knows or god done it as some says illness is made by god and not by virus and u said mothers are made by god) simple quistion and simple answer

i dont know why god gives appointment only to their agents not to everyone otherwise tell me have u met the real god,ur father,ur mother,ur grandfather, ur grandmother,their perents met it .only agents of god told us that they have met the god and all the things they are saying is said to them by god although i also dont know why god say different things to every agent.god knows
«Reply #6 on: December 13, 2005, 01:22:37 PM »
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nature started with a big bang and then it evolved slowly and it came to this position where we are seeing it now.

The only material during the time of big bang was hydrogen with atomic no. 1. One proton and one electorn.

The question is from where all that hydrogen came? It came from the sankalp shakti of God, the creator.

Let there be light and there was light [Bible]

If i tell you, you are no different from God, you won't understand anything. God is not something living in the skies over our head.

God is universal set which contains all other subsets. Hope you have studied Modern Algebra.

Read the stories of saints, listen regularly to Satsang without a prejudiced mind. Then slowly you will start understanding what is God and who is God?

God bless,
Om Shanti !!!
«Reply #7 on: December 23, 2005, 07:38:52 AM »
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the quistion is still not answered

who created the god?

if hydrozen is created by god only by sankalp shakti and does not exist before then from where this god came

imagine that there was nothing no proton no electron nothing
suddenly god (i dont know from where)awaked from long sleep and started creating atom(why i still dont know)and nature by itself.if god is in every thing he must create every natural power with himself.it means that some power is absolute which is itself creater modifiar and distroyer
you named it god and i named it nature.for me nature(god)is natural power ie meterial and for u its super natural power.

you will ask if we believe in same thing why u dont believe in existense of god.now i will explain the difference between ur(saints) defination of god and my defination of nature (in my veiw real god).

god:the deeds of god be changed by meditation ie if earthquake cames god will save the  person who  prays him and do the punya karam

nature:nature will only save those who make himself able to be saved ie japanise will be saved who makes the homes which can not be distroyed by earthquakes.a person do punya or paap will make no difference.

god:there is a prize and punishment for every punya and paap.ie for indian religions the god will punish the sinful in next janma or in same janma and for the forighen religions he will wait till judgement day.

nature:there is no prize and punishment only results of ur deeds.you can get prize for the deed which is sin in religion and punishment also for good deeds in the view of religion.the women prays more(good deed) then men but the women suffers the most in roits,bhagdar in religious places.

god:every thing is pre determined by god and death is pre determined

nature:nothing is pre determined. age can be changed by more health facialities as americans have higher average age then from indians becouse they have more health facilitis.

god:the only way to know and met the god is meditation by different ways

nature:the only way to know the nature(real god) is controled experiment and scientific reserch and by reserch we can see the butter in curd.by meditation we will only be hypnotised and get the wrong information which differ from men to men.

 there are much more difference between nature and god and we will discuss it later.i also want to know your views about karma theory as i am still ignorent about many things such as modern algebra(i believe nature is set of all the subsets).i only answered anithaji that there is no need to take appointment(meditation and go to agents) to met the god as real god(nature) is every where (although man created god lives in religious places and give appointment only to few one) .thanks for using more good language for the kids(ignorents one).u said that i am not qualified to discuss the god then it is duty of the qualified persons to answer the unqualified one.

please note that these veiws are my personal veiws and i dont want to hurt any specific religion.  

sorry for poor english

hope to see u soon

take care

jai manavta
«Reply #8 on: December 29, 2005, 03:31:37 AM »
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Tell me your age.

You can never understand God by arguments. If you are really intersted in knowing and understanding God, learn to keep your mouth shut. Read Bhagavad Gita, go to Satsang, read the stories of Saints, associate with holy people, give up evil company and do not ask questions for 1 year. U will get some idea of God. Its a promise!
«Reply #9 on: December 31, 2005, 08:01:20 AM »
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how can u say we can not understand the god by arguments.GEETA is also a argument between arjun and lord krishna.

religious person always run from arguments and says to shut the mouth to the rationalists(who dont believe without scintific verification) one becouse they are proved wrong every time by rationalists.some examples are copernikas and galilio who proved wrong the religious books and prefered the death.i want to quote a line about so called saints who are respected because of their miracules power but dont gives the chance to investigate their miracules powers and religious books:

                                                DR.ABRAHAM KOVOOR

please go to WWW.TARKSHEEL.COM to see my evil friends who are doing the evil things stated below:
1. to investigate the miracules powers of the so called saints by controled experiment.
2. gives open challange to win rupee two lakh to all the saints who can do something which can not be done without natural powers.no one have won the challange till yet.
3. do the miracles themselves to educate people how it can be done without preying.
4. to investigate the psychologic illness and cure them with hypnotism which is born by these so called saints and blind faiths about good and evil super natural powers.
5. to apply the scintific laws to religious books and educate people about their truthfullness
«Reply #10 on: December 31, 2005, 08:08:21 AM »
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hmmmmm i'm not gonna argue w/ anyone here and prove if GOD exist or not.......

i just want to add......GOD is a feeling which u can experience through out uor life and obviously u can't prove GOD.....thats like big DUH!!!!!
«Reply #11 on: January 01, 2006, 05:37:44 AM »
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what scientific laws, discoveries, and researches you are talking about. They keep on changing every now and then. Except for some basic principles that are same in both science and philosophy e.g. law of action and reaction. Newton's laws were considered ultimate till Einstein discovered law of relativity.

If you want to understand God, first know yourself. Forget about the God. Tell me who you are. Can you tell me who you really are? I am not asking you your name which has been given to you by your parents. I am asking about the person whom you call 'I'.

Find out that 'I' and you will know all that has to be known!
«Reply #12 on: January 03, 2006, 10:38:39 AM »
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karan ji
         i very well know the person between me.it is a combination of what i think,languages known by me,knowledge stored in me,my skiils,my behaviour and all these are stored in the chemicals of my mind like a software.all these things are stored into me by geans of my perents,envoirement around me,books,and this software controls my hardware.it is the real man between me.it is the real soul of mine which will vanish like other meterial things after my death.

the way to know myself discribed by u (meditation) is merely a way to hypnotise myself and get wrong information about my being.

i am a machine created by nature which is controld by myself and software into me is like a part of body to me.
«Reply #13 on: January 03, 2006, 10:50:31 AM »
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i think before going i should answer the other things written by u

  i know that science is changing day by day.but it is still more reliable from the religious books which has different idea about the god.and also scince proves wat they say and are ready to change the knowledge open mindedly if proved wrong.but religious persons are not ready to change even a word from their books if proved wrong.

wat i wrote before in this thread can be proved by controlled experiment .but it can hurt religious sentiments.

the theory of action and reaction is different in religon and science.if u harm anyone he will harm u is scientific and if u harm anyone and god will write it into his book and harm u in next janma is religious theory.
«Reply #14 on: January 04, 2006, 02:24:35 PM »
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seems you like hard words.......OK.......I will write hard words.......

just do not worry about my sentiments. Nobody cares about what you think about religion. I am answering your posts just because i think you really want to know God. Nobody can change my faith in God. Coz its not self developed. Its HIS grace!

And you take it from me.......you know nothing about yourself, this world, and even science.......and you think meditation is hypnotism.......let me tell you meditation is not hypnotism if you properly understand it.......actually you are under the influence of hypnotism created by science and people around you.......

And you said you will vanish after your death.......don't you know nothing in this universe ever vanishes.......things just change forms, they never vanish.......revise your chapters of science and stop arguing if you really want to know God.......start reading biographies of saints, go to Satsang, then slowly you will begin to understand God.......God can not be understood like chapters of Science.......God is infinite and to know and understand HIM, you should have infinite patience......

Patience and Faith, Shraddha and Saburi are essential prerequisites on the path of spirituality.......

May God show you the path of wisdom,

God Bless You!
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