Existence of God [Part-II]

by Karan.sri on February 20, 2006, 04:08:59 PM
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First thing that we need to understand is that we cannot correct even a single person in this world except ourselves. When I was a teenager, I also used to think a lot. Why this, why that? I also wanted to bring a revolution. But, later I realized that there is no fun in becoming a revolutionary. At the time of death, few people would gather around you, make some noise, would weep, and later they would go home, forget you and might remember you on the day you gave away your life trying to correct this world. This is all what you would get by becoming a revolutionary. The world would continue as it is.

So, do not worry unnecessarily about the happenings around you. Everybody is reaping the fruits of his/her previous Karma. If you are in a position to help someone, then you should definitely help that person. If you cannot help someone, do not worry unnecessarily. The person has got a destiny to fulfill. You cannot change anyone’s destiny because you haven’t made this world.

Now, the question is why there is so much misery in the world?

Answer: Misery exists because of Ignorance. Because of lack of true Knowledge. Ignorance is the mother of all evil. That is why Swami Vivekanand has said that ‘True service lies in giving True Knowledge’.
Suppose someone is hungry. You give that person food. Anyone can afford to provide a single time meal to a person. But, what about the next day, still next and so on? There is no end. End comes only with True Knowledge.

Question: What is True Knowledge?

Answer: True Knowledge is knowledge of the self.
What we consider as self is actually a body made up of five elements of nature i.e. earth, space, fire, earth and water. This outer body is called sthula sharir (gross body). Inside this body is a subtle body (sukshm sharir) made up of mann (mind), buddhi (intellect), chitt (the store house of sanskaras or impressions of experiences of this world…it is just like the memory of a computer) and ahankar (the I consciousness). Inside sukshm sharir is kaaran sharir (the causal body). And inside the kaaran sharir is the supreme consciousness which is all pervading and all blissful and which is the cause of all existence.  

That supreme consciousness is termed the Advaita Brahm in Shashtras. In lay man’s language, its called God. And that supreme consciousness is our true self. So, in reality all of us are no different from God. But it would be foolish to call ourselves God till we realize our true nature.

It’s just like the ocean and its waves. The waves of the ocean are no different from the ocean. But as long as some water of the ocean take the form of wave, it appears different but the moment it merges itself into the ocean, it become one with the ocean. Now, how does it matter if a bigger wave falls over a smaller wave? The difference exists only as long as the bigger wave and the smaller wave maintain their different identities. But the moment they know that they both are part of one ocean, it just does not matter which wave kills another wave. It’s all about having true knowledge.

The next question is: From where did that supreme consciousness came?

Answer: It did not come from anywhere. It is always in existence. There must be some point from where everything originated. There has to be a beginning. The point of origination or beginning is that supreme consciousness.

The only purpose of human birth is realization of our true nature. There is no other purpose of this human birth. Because whatever other activity we do, ultimately we will leave everything on this earth. We won’t be able to take even a small peck of dust with us. The only thing that would go with us is our Sukshm sharir. The sukshm sharir would again go into a gross body of one among the 84 lakhs of species on this earth according to the resultant fruit of previous Karmas. But when someone attains self-realization, his sukshm sharir also gets annihilated and his consciousness gets submerged into the supreme consciousness, which is called Moksha, nirvana, liberation or emancipation.

All Bhakti and Sadhna is done for the purpose of attaining that supreme knowledge and getting liberation from re-births which is also the sole purpose of human birth. All other actions are just wastage of precious time and energy.

And there is one more thing. The highest form of bliss possible in this world in the wakeful state is in the physical involvement of a male and female body. And highest form of bliss in the sleeping state is in the Sushupti state of sleep, which can be understood to be dreamless sleep. Of the two states of highest bliss stated above, Sushupti is more blissful than the one said before because in the first one there is considerable loss of energy and if somebody repeats that act too often, then that person would definitely become very weak. And getting into the Sushupti state is not an easy task either. So, pleasures of this world are not easy to get and even if you do get them they come for a price.

The bliss of the Supreme consciousness is incomparable with the pleasures of the material world. It is beyond word.

What do all the people of the world are trying to get by doing all sorts of activities?
They are just trying to get happiness. Isn’t it? And the real happiness is only in Supreme Consciousness, the Knowledge of the Self. All other forms of happiness are just illusions. They do not stay with us permanently. But if we reach the state of self-realization, it belongs to us permanently and we also get freedom from the miseries of the world for all times to come.

But there is one problem!
It’s not easy to reach the state of self-realization. Because, if it would have been an easy task, then this world would have a different place. But do not lose heart. If one person can reach somewhere, then all persons can reach there. Many people have reached that state previously. With effort and grace of God, we will also, someday, reach that state.
The only requirements are Shraddha and Saburi (Faith and Patience).

Now, next question is: How to start?

To begin with, the starters can read:
1.Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yoganand
2.Living With the Himalayan Masters by Swami Ram
3.Books by Swami Vivekananda and biographies of him, his brother disciples and Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa
4.Swami Sivananda’s books are also good and in easy to understand language. They are available on Net also on the site of Divine Life Society
5.Search Philosophy Section of the Libraries for autobiographies of saints and philosophers

There is so much to know and understand. It’s not possible to write and explain this subject in a single post. Only advice that I can give is ‘Do not be rigid in outlook. Give everything, benefit of the doubt and a fair chance.’

God bless everyone!
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«Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 04:48:27 PM »
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Thanks for sharing with us!!
«Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 02:11:12 PM »
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Poojaji, sirf thanx se kaam nahi chalega...ranjit ko to bhakt banakar he chodna hay...and i need your help in this...ok...
«Reply #3 on: February 23, 2006, 04:32:43 PM »
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Karan koi bhi baat force se to ho nahi sakati....aor bhagwaan ka bhagat banane ke liye dil ke ander se awaz anni chahiye aor vishwaas hona chahiye.... mera bhagwaan mai poora vishwaas hai magar kisi ko jabardasi yah vishwaas dilaau. Is baat per bilkul bhi vishwaas nahi.....
«Reply #4 on: February 26, 2006, 12:38:38 PM »
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karan bhai,
        thanku for sharing these things with me.....

a.we should not worry about the world because reason of miseries of every one is the deeds of them in previous janma or in this janma.

b.there is a supreme contiousness in between us and if we will know the supreme contiousness we will be free from the rebirth in 84 lach yonis.

c.if we will not  try to know the supreme contiousness we will get the rebirth and get the fruits of my karama of last birth.

d.there are different ways to know the supreme contiousness between us.

       i have simplyfied wat u have said.....please tell me that if anything i havent understood so that i can start asking quistions arousing in my mind.

also please tell me the answer of these quistions.........

a.some religious persons tells us that the manushya janma is rare and it need lot of punya karma to take birth in manushya janma.if it is true that there must be satyug in india and every one is doing good deeds so we have increased population of humen being in india.or chineese are also doing more and more punya karam by not believe in god(80 persent is non belivers there)because they have more population from india.and the girl child which is killed before her birth must have done bad deeds in last janma so it is the reason of decreasing population of girls......please explain

b.how can we fix the species to only 84 lacks because scientists told us in every one hour the 20 species(average) are being fully vanished from the earth and in every one hour five (average)new species are created by the nature because of climatic conditions.......

other friends also please post the answers so that i can get the samadhan of my shanka.

pooja ji mujhe bhakt banakar thora punya aap bhi paa lain to ismain koi burai nahin.aapko kya pata mere andar se aawaaj aa rahi hai ki nahin.
«Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 05:15:53 AM »
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Ranjeet, its not contiousness...its consciousness...

And human birth is indeed rare...but we need some other favorable circumstances with it to make it meaningful...if we get these favorable circumstances in some other birth, for example, affluent people keeping dog...then dog would not be able to make use of the favorable conditions to realise God...so first we need human birth, then we need other favorabel conditions...

u can check my post, Blessing-II, on page 2 of this forum about other favorable conditions...

And indeed, its true that nobody gets hurt unnecessarily...whether we understand it or not, all of us get only the fruits of our Karma...and how do you know that only girl child gets killed...

Dear, perhaps you do not know something serious...when parents go for CT scan to find about the sex of the child...then those people just for the sake of earning some money, sometimes make a misrepresentation that the embryo contains girl child even though the child might have been a boy also...these type of cases have come to light...so do not ever think that only girl child are getting killed...

and do you think that all the boys and males on this earth are living in bliss? Now a days, boys are having a hell of a time...i don't know about you...but there is so much unemployment, which is creating huge pressure on the minds of the young boys...is their mental pressure less miserable than the conditions of the girls...

And i would like to point out one more thing...for the present situation of girls and females, only females themselves are responsilbe...its only in small number of cases that a male member of family has objections for having a female child...in most of the cases, the female members, like mother-in-law, of the family have objections in having a female child...so what could anyone do about it...its actually females against females and not males against females as all the media is making it out...

And i don't believe in theories of scientists because their theories keep on changing...i have been a science student myself, so i know and understand science very well...so plz do not give me examples of science theories...

and species do get extinct and new species do get formed...but the total no. of species is around 84 lakhs...don't be so rigid, ranjeet...thora bahut farak to chalta hay yaar...ek ek baat ko puri baariki se dekhoge to perfection to kahin nahi milega...because perfection is only in God...

any other queries?
«Reply #6 on: February 28, 2006, 07:22:24 AM »
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thank u for correct my spellings sir,u re my guru so u should answer the quiries and shanka of my mind.......

you havent explained that if humen janma is rare why population is increasing in india and china are they do lot of punya karam from the people of forign countries?

you are wrong in saying that women are responsible for killing of girl or male(according to u) child u are a religious person and u shuld say that its the paap of last karma that they are being killed and it is doing by the laws made by god.my quiry is why women is responsible(it should be god kyonki uski raza ke bina patta bhi nahin hilta) for this killing and why should they suffer in next janma for their bad deeds.......

aur bhai mere thora bahut fark hota to main ye baat uthata hi nahin,maine fifth class main parha tha ki dharti par lagbhag 10 lach tarah ke known jeev hain par agar maan bhi leen ki aur 10 ya bees lakh unknown hain to bhi bahut farak hai

par fir bhi main maan leta hoon ki shayad naye banne aur purane ke khatm hone par bhi total barabar hota hai aur ye 84 lakh ho sakte hain haalanki khatm hone waale jyada hain (because of man created pollution)aur naye banne waale kam hain.

ab main poochnaa chahunga ki kya hamare karmon ke hisab se jo ham 84 lakh yoniyon main janam lete hain wo janma sirf dharti par hi leete hain ya kisi aur grah par bhi ho sakta hai.kripya apni dharmik pustak ke aadhaar par spasht karain.

to ye teen prashna huwe.....

a) the unanswered  part of my first quiries
b)why humen is responsible for the bad deeds of god (if it is done by god )
c)kya dharmik pustakon ke anusar next janma dharti par hi milta hai ki kisi aur grah par bhi mil sakta hai?

main apne prabudh saathiyon ke vichar bhi jaroor janna chahunga.......

kya unki baat(scintists) ko sach maana jaye jo woh kahte hain use prove karte hain aur galat prove hone par apni theory change kar lete hain.yaa unki baat ko(who realised the truth only by meditation and dont agree with each other as hindu saints not agree with muslims and not even ready to change their books) jo kahte to hain par prove nahin kar sakte aur sirf god ka dar dikhakar apni baat manwate hain.ye prashna karan ji ke liye nahin hai kyonki uska jawaab woh de chuke hain.
«Reply #7 on: February 28, 2006, 04:55:47 PM »
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hmmm nice karan!!!!!!!!!!
«Reply #8 on: March 01, 2006, 02:41:03 AM »
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glad you like it, Isha...........

time out, ranjeet.........i need some time to reply..........
«Reply #9 on: March 01, 2006, 06:05:20 AM »
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Good discussion...
«Reply #10 on: March 01, 2006, 10:00:07 AM »
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guru ji,
     main intjaar karoonga abhi teen prashnon kaa uttar baaki hai.aage ke main fir poochoonga.
   jai manavta.
«Reply #11 on: March 10, 2006, 02:14:13 PM »
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Ranjeetji, I asked you to read my post Blessings II on the second page of this Forum…perhaps u did not read it…

Suppose, someone has only that much money in which he can bring flour from the market…now, is it possible to make a decent meal just from the flour, in the absence of salt and all other ingredients…

Similarly, due to some punya karma, jivatma gets human birth…but we need some other favorable conditions also, to make it successful and reach the state of self-realisation…please read Blessings II…

And as far as increase in population is concerned, I can only say that the criteria for human birth is defined by the Creator…I am not the Creator, so I can’t answer this question…I can only tell u the path which leads to the Creator…and that path is the path of Satsang…It would be proper if u follow the path, reach the Creator and ask the question yourself…

Ranjeetji, you have to stop asking questions for some time, because your concept about God and people is not clear…please do not mind…it’s the harsh truth…first you need to understand, who is man and who is woman?…the outer body which you see is made up of five element of nature…fire, water, soil, air and space…its called gross body, sthula sharir…inside it is sukshm sharir i.e. subtle body which consists of mann, buddhi, chitt [the store house of Sansakars] and ahankar [the I consciousness]…inside that is kaaran sharir i.e. the causal body…and inside that is the supreme consciousness which we call God…so in essence, its God everywhere…then, who is suffering and who is killing…its just illusion…just as we, sometimes, get scared on seeing a bad dream and when our eyes get opened, we take a sigh of relief…similarly, this world is just illusion and we need to come out of this illusion to end our misery…

Moh nisha sab sovanihara, dekhahin sapne anek prakara

Please stop worrying about others…no body is going to weep for you or disturb his sleep, just in case, you have to face testing times…help others as much as you could but do not worry unnecessarily…u have not made people miserable…every person comes with his/her destiny… they have to fulfill their destiny…do you know about anyone’s past Karmas?…if not, then why you worry so much…may be, we also got killed before or immediately after birth in some previous birth and may be we also had miserable existence in previous lives…how do you know that you have got a full and decent life to live every time you have taken birth…

You can never make anyone happy for all the time…the only way to end miseries is to know our true self…in other words, to know God…

True service lies in giving true knowledge!
Swami Vivekanand   

And the people, who seem to suffer in this lifetime will surely get to live their full lives with all the comforts in some future birth…be sure about that…

The thing we need to understand is that, the comforts are given for using them for the purpose of God realization and not for possession…and this wisdom comes only through Satsang…


I read in Class XI in my Biology book that there are about 8 million species, i.e. 80 lakhs, in both Plant and Animal Kingdom and if we include the species of other kingdoms also [like Kingdom Fungi and others] then they come very near to 84 lakhs…ab ranjeetji, agar ap ek ek paee ka hisaab karenge to kaise chalega…thora bahut fark to hota hay na…sansaar hay…parivartan chalta rehta hay…

I read in ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramhansa Yoganad that we do get birth on other planes according to our Karmas…but God-realization is possible only in human birth on this earth i.e. mrityulok!


Why human is responsible for the bad deeds of God?
Nice question! First we need to understand ourselves and God, only then we can understand whether this question deserves to be answered.


And, how do you know that Muslim and Hindu Saints do not agree with each other…take it from me…they have always agreed…because truth is only One…ever heard of Mansoor, Baba Farid, Baba Bulleshah…they have always agreed with Hindu theory of Vedanta…Mansoor was killed by the then King because he used to say ‘Analhak’ which meant ‘I Am God’ which is Hindu theory of Vedanta…

Last year, a song written by Baba Bulleshah during his time became very popular, which was sung by a Sikh…’Ke jana main kaun bulle aa, ke jana main kaun’…that song is nothing but Acharya Shankar’s Sivoham in a new format…

Those who do not agree are all ignorant people…do not worry about them…

Among Hindus also, there are many theories…e.g. the theory of Advaita or Vedanta, the theory of Vishisht Advaita, the theory of Dwaita and other theories…

The theory that has all the answers is only one…the theory of Advaita or Vedanta!

Lastly, I would like to tell you one incident that happened with Swami Ram.

Swami Ram was brought up by the Himalayan Sages. Like everyone, he also loved to ask questions. Once he went to one enlightened sage, to whom his Master has referred him. The sage used to live on high altitude mountains. Swami Ram went to him and asked certain questions. The sage’s answer sums up the whole of spirituality and tells us the way to find answers to all our questions:

The answer was: ‘Be Still and Silent and you will know without being told’

‘All the man’s miseries arise because of his not being able to sit silently in a room’

The most difficult part is to be both still and silent at the same time. All sadhna is done to attain that state of being still and silent at the same time. For that you need to read and understand Patanjali’s Yogsutras.

When I started, I also had certain questions in my mind that got answered with time. Nobody becomes a spiritual person without having any doubts in his/her mind. Everyone has doubts. Sometimes, I also felt whether I am treading the right path? Whether God really exist? But on contemplation on the miseries of the world, I came to the conclusion that I am on the right path. Its all HIS grace. What we need is Faith and Patience.

And its by HIS grace, that the curiosity to gain knowledge about HIM arises in a person’s mind. Since you have got curiosity, it means your time has come. What you need is right advice.

I can tell you one way to become a spiritual person. Whenever you have any doubt, just think of Gautam Buddha’s life. All your doubts will vanish.

I won’t be arguing anymore. No one has understood God by arguments. You need to make some effort. Moreover, I do not find much time to think so much deeply to answer your queries. I need to settle my life first. Only then I can think of helping someone else. Charity begins at home.

Only thing I can do for you is to tell you, what books to read and whose Satsang to listen. You need to be extremely patient. God is not like a chapter of a school—book that you would understand in a few classes. People had spent their lives in finding God. And you have just started. So, be patient. And read good spiritual and philosophical books.

To start with, read the biographies of famous saints of the past. It will give you inspiration to move on, on this path.

May God lead you to Himself,

God bless all!
«Reply #12 on: March 11, 2006, 12:23:33 PM »
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guru ji,
    you have not answer two of mine quistions.
1.i asked quistion of population and u said creteria is known by god .i dont know if it is known by god how u can say he give rebirth according to punya karams?so you have no answer and left it to god.

2.u left the quistion for some other time that why people should suffer for the deed of god so u havent answer this one also.

its strange that their is difference in our biology book.i will confirm it why and answer it to u about the difference and i agree with u that there may be approximately 84 lakh yonis and dont ask further.but if u says that their are living things on other planets then the yonis should be thousend of crores in other planet because there is no chance of same species lives on other planets because of different climatic conditions.so it is not a perfect answer but i leave it here.........

because u re not in mood to answer any of my quistions further i will not ask any quistion more but as u have written in blessing 2 and in this post it is a prerequstie  that u have to blindfaith in god then u will realise it can not be wise in this time of rational and logical world.if u can not get the answers of these quistions by joining this path how can i......

to bhai logon ye thread band ho gaya aur aap logon ne bhi kaafi gyan hasil kar liya............i will answer the answers of these quiations rationaly in other discussion forum and u all will get the chance to argue with me.

jai manawta
«Reply #13 on: March 12, 2006, 04:41:02 AM »
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ranjeetji, yr problem is that u read only that much which u want to read...i wrote that first u should understand the concept of God...only then u will be able to understand other things...but, perhaps, u forgot to read all that...
«Reply #14 on: March 16, 2006, 08:40:50 AM »
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karan ji,
    i have read everything very carefully but wat u have said is always just like that....

1.there is a pre requistie that u blindfaith to know god(blessing-2)
2you should stop asking quistions
3read wedanta theory which have all the answers

i can not understand if there is answers in that theory why u dont answer my quistion

i dont believe that there is a thing like soul in our body......to make me believe please answer where it lies?

in my mind,in my heart or in my whole body

actually we dont die at a time always,cells of our body dies every day and become new every day.when mind stop working cells dont get food and power and starts dying.to die all the cells it takes time.our eyes heart and kidny is alive to be transplanted to others even after our death.what is the role of soul here?

when we cut ameba(one cell living thing)into two it become two, can we cut the soul and make two souls.if we cut the head of that amiba it gets two headed.

it is due to more health facialities that americans have less death rate from india.if it is already written time of death why soul remains more time in american body?

in recent days we can born a child in test tubes where does soul came in test tubes?

there is an explanation of all these in science but not in your theory that there is a soul like thing in our body......only one that god knows

it is wrong that all religions agree with each other.all is agree to only one point that there is a power behind creation.the explanation of every religion is different.for someone god lies upon seven skies (islam) and for someone it is everywhere.budha is ignorent and mahavira not believes in brahma(god) and only believes in souls.every religion has different stories about creation.even u dont agree with salma in one post that god can not take birth on earth.every one has different punya and paap,the god of sikhs can made happy by obtaining the hairs but god of brahmin become happy by mundan.the god of someone lives in temples and in so many forms and for the others it lives in other religious places.for someone earth is like a plate and for someone it is on the head of a bull.

no one has solid proof what they say.......
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