"The Truth"

by 92Sufyan on June 14, 2016, 01:48:43 PM
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Aghaaz ae Shayar

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My Dear Brothers and Sisters Come to "THE TRUTH"
The Hindu scriptures also preached 'ONE GOD'

"There is only one God, worship Him" (Rig Veda, Vol. 6, Hymn 45 vs 16 )
"Do not worship any one beside Him" (Rig Veda Bk. 8, Hymn 1, Vs 1)
"God is only one, - not a second"- (Chandogya Upanishad Ch. 6, Section 2, verse 1).
"na tasya pratima asti
"There is no image of Him." [Yajurveda 32:3]

If you are a true Hindu, Then you have to follow these Teachings of Hinduism that are mentioned in The "Hinduism's Holy Books"


Ustaad ae Shayari

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«Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 08:40:24 PM »
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Dear Sufyan Sahib,
I absolutely agree with you in this matter. I am 82 years old, what is more I do own Rig Veda and Yajur Veda, I have read them. I have discussed this subject with various people and have attended some conferences on the subject. My conclusion is that every Hindu does believe in one God only though it may not appear that way. Hindus at heart are artists and philosophers. If they believe that there is a God, then it must have some form, since they do not know what form to give, they start imagining various forms. That is all that there is to it and there is nothing more. The fact is others who look at what they are practicing they get mislead and start saying and imagining various things and gets more and more complicated. Humans at heart are not at all serious about any thing, this is a natural flaw in them until and unless they are compelled to believe in something and practice the same. Unfortunately that leads to fanaticism which is also not right. Anyway the lesser it is said the better at this time. May be sometime in future I might say more, but I would prefer to say it in the form of a poem. Long time ago I had posted a poem that basically stressed that God is nothing but all the Good put together. Now give it a shape if you can. I was informed the poem was too long.
Here is one sher which I have just compiled.
Duniya bhar kee sabhi khoobiyon kaa ek dher lagaa do...
Abb isse koi naam bhi de.do main kahun yeh khuda hai
Abb aap issey khuda maano naa maano aapkee marzi...
Sahib yahi to abb merii aakhrii khuda se bas ek dua hai
Aghaaz ae Shayar

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«Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 06:11:06 PM »
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Respectful Surindarn Sir, I humbly request you to read the hindi translation of "Al Qur'aan". I am 100 % sure that your heart will begin to fill with the light of true guidance and peace. Its a humble request from me to you my beloved brother
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