Those moments

by Amanraj on July 20, 2006, 01:04:41 AM
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Those moments

Those moments...
Those very special moments...
Live to be told,
When you are with me...
And without...
Beside the shore,
A splash of water hits my face,
A fresh reminder it gives...
So gentle the feeling is...
As the water dribbles down my cheeks,
Myriad times,
As the suns rays glisten on my face,
My tears now washed away...
As once again, I am reminded...
Your lips,
Your smile,
Your cherubic face,
Facially impossible to replace,
God, you have been given such grace.
You have lived for so long that you are still with me...
Whenever someone comes to me,
Wherever I go with you,
It is in your face where I see myself...
It is in your eyes where I see us...
Do you still remember?
So long were those fixations...
So long went those conversations...
Endless it seemed,
Our relationship it redeemed.
I can still see it,
In the face of children playing,
In the eyes of two lovers praying,
The secret revealed,
So easily have the happiness of our moments unsealed...
So easily has the world taken advantage of life...
Our personal life...
As the moments dispel,
There remains a story to tell,
Our story...
Do you still remember?
Concealed from the world and its life,
Belonging to our personal life...
Those moments it created...
From the first moment,
To its goldest moment,
Do you still remember?
The sky still suffused with its warm pink colour,
The cool breeze still felt through my lungs,
After that bell had rung...
We came here together...
Agog and young we both were,
Escaping from what is reality,
Thoughts in our prayer,
As God made our dreams an actuality,
No more sorrow...
Living each day of our life like there is no tomorrow...
It feels like yesterday,
Those moments...
The happiness we sought...
The happiness it brought....
To those smiling children,
To those reminding lovers,
Is now shared with me,
You are with me,
Do you still remember?
Whenever someone comes to me...
Wherever I go...
...To meet you...
Where it is considered a better place,
Ideal it would be to create what we had that no one could replace,
Sad but true,
Those moments...
Those very special moments...
Live to be told,
When you are with me...
And without...

Hi everyone I'm aman. Thank you all for welcoming me so openly. I love writing poetry and I thought by sharing my work with you talented writers and hearing your input on it would give me the ability to come up with an even better poem. I sincerely request all of you to visit my dad's website and listen to his music. He is an inspirational figure to me and I would like nothing more but everyone listening to the way he sings so beautifully. The website is: Feel free to email me at
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«Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 06:36:39 PM »
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OMG, again really good!!!!!!!!
«Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 08:38:34 PM »
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Aman welcome to yoindia.. bahut acha likha hai... keep up the good work.... with wonderful smile:)
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