by Brijinder on July 12, 2006, 08:47:52 PM
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Author  (Read 802 times)
Yeh nafarat ki hawaaon pay palnay waalay
Ki mazhab jinkay hamesha khatray main haiN
Apnay khyaaloN ko pahnaai hai khud salaasil
Aur Dil quaid-tanha bahut kurakhat pehray main haiN

Ki jnooN nay jinkay pehna hai mazhab ka naqaab
Gunah-I-Qatl bhi jinko lagta hai swaab
Inki sadaayoN say bachna meray azeezo!

Yeh nanhay haathoN main baNdookayN day kar
Unkay zehanoN main zehar ki fasal bo daiN
Aur Yeh farda ki umeedaiN
Phir bun jaayaN imroz ka khauf

Apnay bemaar khwaaboN ko haqeeqat ka pa_irhun dainay kay liayay
Tw_avun ka zahar baant rahay haiN yeh is daur kay masihaa
Apni garmjoshi aur qumaqali kay sabub-
Yeh maazi kay sach ko bana daiN haazir ka faryub
Nafrat kay numaiNday haiN
Yeh mazaahib kay agwaai
Yeh shaitaan ki khufia fauj
Ghoom rahi hai har dil-o-zehan kay galiyaaroN main
Inki sadaaoN say bachna maray azeezo!

Chinaar-qud pyaam agwaa kar liyay
BonoN ki is jmaat nay
Kabhi hindu to kabhi muslmaN bun kar
Kabhi sikh to kabhi isaai ki shaql main
Is jmaat nay phaiNka hai
Tamaddun pay apna jaal
Aur khauf kay is kohray main har baar
KitnoN kay azeez la-pata ho gayay haiN
Inki sadaaoN say bachna maray azeezo!
Inki sadaaoN say bachna maray azeezo!

Poet: Brijinder "Sagar"
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
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«Reply #1 on: July 14, 2006, 08:26:18 PM »
We have come to the point in terms of humanity that there is very strong need to have courage to say loud and clear that this is not what our religion teaches.Let us say loudly that we are ashamed of this hijackers of religions-hindu,muslim,christian or sikh fundamentalists.
I have seen the horrible times when few of my co-religionists-sikhs,had unleashed a wave of hate and death in punjab.That too was in the name of religion.I also saw the the hindu fundamentalist mobs killing sikhs in delhi and innocent muslims in bhiwandi,bombay n gujrat and have also seen the muslim fundamentalists killing mercilessly all over the world in the name of religion.Same goes for the born-again christian Bush.
Let us say NO to all of them and not pass on our prejudices to our next generation,atleast.Only then is there any hope of love n peace on earth.
But we have to say it loud and clear so that te message goes to these so-called leaders of our repective religions that enough is enough is enough.For me whenever someone is killed he/she is not a hindu,muslim or sikh but a human being.
«Reply #2 on: July 15, 2006, 11:31:02 AM »
you are right brijinder,if we will not speak loudly againest all fundamentalists including the one betwen us,our earth will see more and more hatred and innocent deaths.actually religion of no one is in danger anywhere if these perasites of us stop spreading the hatred betwen humen beings.due to political and economical benifit they kills the innocents,make the minds of youth poisenous.what will a poor sikh get from a sikh nation,or a poor hindu will get from hindu nation.all the gains are for polititians and not for commen man.we need justice,health,electricity,education,employment,roads,economic and social equality,security.they are unable to provide so they uses the religion to get the chairs.we should understand that the real culprit for the deaths of innocent sikhs are sikh fundamentalists and for the hindus the culprits are hindu fundamentalists and their thinking.kick off all the fundamentalists from your own religion first and then speak to save the humanity it is necessary that now we should not act like sheeps.
what do you think?
«Reply #3 on: July 16, 2006, 08:48:17 PM »
Bravo,Ranjeet.I wish that all  have this inner courage to say it loud n clear among themseleves and where ever they move that what is going on in our religions' name is not what we understand by religion.And we are going to speak against it.Only trust n love will make the humanity proud.That is the only heaven which is here n now on this very earth.
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