
by amrita on June 28, 2005, 09:14:35 PM
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Author  (Read 1871 times)
1) Open the site: www.google.com

i) Click "more" then

ii) Click "Translate Tools"

2) Type in "my mom is nice and cool." and convert it from English to Spanish.

3) Then copy & paste the answer into the translate box and convert from Spanish to English.
«Reply #1 on: June 28, 2005, 09:17:47 PM »
Only over 18 should try that ............. :wink:

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
«Reply #2 on: June 28, 2005, 09:22:15 PM »
Quote from: "NewYorker"
Only over 18 should try that ............. :wink:

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

lolzzz google shud get an award for this....somthing diff
«Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 05:04:01 AM »
basha badal jaati hai to ..........kya kya badal jaata hai :wink:
«Reply #4 on: June 30, 2005, 05:06:44 AM »
New Chinese Proverbs
Tang he say:
* Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon lead to undoing of fly.
* Virginity like bubble, one prick - all gone.
* Man who run in front of car get tired.
* Man who run behind car get exhausted.
* Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
* Foolish man give wife grand piano, Wise man give wife upright organ.
* Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok.
* Man with one chopstick go hungry.
* Man who eat many prunes get good run for money.
* Panties not best thing on earth, but next to it.
* War doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left.
* Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse.
* Man who sleep in cathouse by day, sleep in doghouse by night.
* It takes many nails to build a crib, but one screw to fill it.
* Man who drives like hell, bound to get there.
* Man who sit on tack get point.
* Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
* Man who lives in glass house should only undress in dark.
* Man who farts in church sits in own pew.
* Man who jumps from tall building, jumps to conclusion.
* Crowded elevator smells different to midget
«Reply #5 on: June 30, 2005, 06:20:04 AM »
NIce one amrita LOLZZZZZZ.......and good Unicorn_girl!!!
«Reply #6 on: June 30, 2005, 06:27:42 AM »
thank u isha
«Reply #7 on: June 30, 2005, 06:48:51 AM »
Quote from: "unicorn_girl"
thank u isha
lolzzz good unicorn.....
thanks isha..
«Reply #8 on: June 30, 2005, 11:28:24 AM »
Young man was lost wandering in a forest, when he came upon a small
house. He knocked on the door and was greeted by an ancient Chinese
man with a long, grey beard.

"I'm lost," said the man.
"Can you put me up for the night?"

"Certainly," the Chinese man said, "but on one condition.
If you so
much as lay a finger on my daughter, I will inflict upon you the three
WORST Chinese tortures known to man."

"Ok," said the man, thinking that the daughter must be pretty old as
well, and entered the house.

Before dinner, the daughter came down the stairs. She was
Young,Beautiful, and had a Fantastic figure. She was obviously
attracted to the young man since she couldn't keep her eyes off him
during the meal. Remembering the old man's warning, he ignored her and
went up to bed alone. But during he night, he could bear it no longer,
and sneaked into her room for a night of Passion. He was careful to
keep everything quiet so the old man wouldn't hear. Near dawn he crept
back to his room, exhausted, but Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

He woke to feel a pressure on his chest. Opening his eyes he saw a
large rock on his chest.
"Well, that's pretty crappy," he thought.

"If that's the best the old man can do then I don't have much to worry
He picked the boulder up, walked over to the window and threw
the boulder out. As he did so, he noticed another note on it that read:

"CHINESE TORTURE 2: Rock tied to left testicle."
In a panic he glanced down and saw the rope that was already getting close to the end.
Figuring that a few broken bones was better than castration, he jumped
out of the window after the boulder.
As he plummeted downward he saw a
large sign on the ground that read,
"CHINESE TORTURE 3: Right testicle tied to bedpost."
«Reply #9 on: June 30, 2005, 12:14:03 PM »
oh my god thats so painful......but a very funny joke lol
«Reply #10 on: June 30, 2005, 12:17:24 PM »
oh my god thatsGirls night out
Two women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something. The first woman had nothing to wipe with so she took off her panties, used them and threw them away. Her friend however was wearing an expensive underwear set and didn't want to ruin hers, but was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on a grave and proceeded to wipe herself with it. After finishing, they made their way home.

The next day the first woman's husband phones the other husband and said, "These damn girls nights out have got to stop. My wife came home last night without her panties." "That's nothing," said the other. "Mine came back with a sympathy card stuck between the cheeks of her butt that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station, Well never forget you
«Reply #11 on: July 01, 2005, 04:20:04 PM »
Quote from: "unicorn_girl"
oh my god thatsGirls night out
Two women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something. The first woman had nothing to wipe with so she took off her panties, used them and threw them away. Her friend however was wearing an expensive underwear set and didn't want to ruin hers, but was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on a grave and proceeded to wipe herself with it. After finishing, they made their way home.

The next day the first woman's husband phones the other husband and said, "These damn girls nights out have got to stop. My wife came home last night without her panties." "That's nothing," said the other. "Mine came back with a sympathy card stuck between the cheeks of her butt that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station, Well never forget you
«Reply #12 on: July 02, 2005, 01:18:09 AM »
Quote from: "amrita"
Quote from: "NewYorker"
Only over 18 should try that ............. :wink:

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

lolzzz google shud get an award for this....somthing diff

«Reply #13 on: July 02, 2005, 03:26:58 PM »
Quote from: "TOUCHY"
Quote from: "amrita"
Quote from: "NewYorker"
Only over 18 should try that ............. :wink:

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

lolzzz google shud get an award for this....somthing diff


yea it's different , so is ur avatar :wink:
«Reply #14 on: July 02, 2005, 10:18:35 PM »
Quote from: "amrita"
1) Open the site: www.google.com

i) Click "more" then

ii) Click "Translate Tools"

2) Type in "my mom is nice and cool." and convert it from English to Spanish.

3) Then copy & paste the answer into the translate box and convert from Spanish to English.

omg u shameless
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