kids jokes

by main_aisa_hi_hoon on February 17, 2005, 02:05:46 AM
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Author  (Read 1131 times)
Little Johnny 's next door neighbors had a baby.
Unfortunately, the little baby was born with no ears.

When they arrived home from the hospital, the parents invited Little Johnny's family to come over and see their new baby. Little Johnny's parents were very afraid that their son would have a wise crack to say about the baby so the dad had a long talk with little Johnny before going to the neighbors.

He said "Now, son... that poor baby was born without any ears. I want you to be on your best behavior and not say one word about his ears or I am really going to spank you when we get back home."

"I promise not to mention his ears at all" said Little Johnny.

At the neighbors home, Little Johnny leaned over in the crib and touched the baby's hand He looked at it's mother and said "Oh What a Beautiful little baby". The mother said "Thank you very much, Little Johnny."

He then said, "this baby has perfect little hands and perfect little feet. Why... just look at his pretty little eyes.... Did his doctor say that he can see good?"

The Mother said "why, yes Johnny... his doctor said he has 20/20 vision.

Little Johnny said "well, its a darn good thing, cause he sure couldn't wear glasses!!!nm
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«Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 02:09:38 AM »
A three year old walked over to the pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctors office.

He inquisitively ask the lady," why is your stomach so big?"
She replied, "Im having a baby."

With big eyes,he asked, "Is the baby in your stomach?"
She said, "He sure is."

Then the little boy with a puzzled look asked, "Is it a good baby?"
She said, "oh yes, its a real good baby."

With even a more surprised and shocked look he said, "Then why in the world did you eat him?"
«Reply #2 on: February 25, 2005, 08:28:01 PM »
«Reply #3 on: February 28, 2005, 01:15:58 AM »
buhat achey jee
«Reply #4 on: March 06, 2005, 01:30:24 PM »
Quote from: "sanya310"

thanks Usual Smile
«Reply #5 on: March 06, 2005, 01:31:40 PM »
Quote from: "fakharenaveed"
buhat achey jee

 Usual Smile
«Reply #6 on: March 06, 2005, 01:31:58 PM »
bahut hi achaa hai..................MAH h
«Reply #7 on: March 06, 2005, 01:33:00 PM »
One day there was a boy at school and his teacher told him to get 4 spelling words.

1st he went to his Brother and asked "Could you give me a spelling word?" His Brother answered "ShutUp" So he wrote down Shutup.

2nd he went to his Mother and asked her. She answered "Certainly" He wrote down certinly.

3rd he wen to his Dad and asked for somthing sweet. His dad answered Lolipop so he wrote down Lolipop.

4th he went to his little brother and asked the question. He answered "In my Little Blue Car"

The next day he went to school and his teacher asked for the words. He said his 1st word Shutup. Then she asked "Do you want to go to the principles office?" He said is second word "Certainly". In the principals office the principal asked what do you think you deserve, the boy answered "Lolipop!!" Then the principal asked "What do you think your punishment should be?" The boy answered "To go in my Little Blue Car!!!!"nm
«Reply #8 on: March 06, 2005, 01:36:00 PM »
«Reply #9 on: March 06, 2005, 01:41:59 PM »
Anna's mother has 3 kids... the youngest daughter's name is Penny... the middle daughter's name is Nickel....... What is the oldest daughter's name?

You think you know it???

Aww.. a smart one you are! You were probably thinking her name was Dime.... but if you were really smart you would know that the oldest daughters name is Anna!!!nm
«Reply #10 on: March 06, 2005, 01:44:58 PM »
Boy #1: Hey! Didja know that my grandfather was once face-to-face with a panther? Boy #2: That's nothing! My granny was once face-to-face with a lion! It was drooling...coming closer...closer...

Boy #1: Gosh! What'd she do?

Boy #2: She moved away from the cage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NM
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