**My New Year SMS & Mixed Collections**

by Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL on December 29, 2005, 06:08:11 AM
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Author  (Read 10566 times)
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #30 on: January 15, 2006, 03:40:37 AM »
**Morning Greeting SMS Collections**[/color]


Each time I text you good am, it's not just a morning greeting.

There's a silent message saying I thought of you as I woke up

this morning! Good am!

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May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand,
Inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart,
And a clear signal all day long. Good Morning & Nice day!

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U may not think of me when ur happy n having a good time,

It's fine, but please don't 4get me when ur sad n alone coz?

I want to be the first one to make u happy. Good morning!

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No cute sayings to say, no cute graphics to send.

Just a simple good day, hope that will be okay.

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Every morning has: a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope.
It's a perfect day coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day..

to begin with. Good AM.

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To be disturbed by the beep of your phone only means that somehow,

somewhere, somebody is thinking of you and at this very moment..

that's me. Take care always.

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We have a Strange and Unique Friendship..

U-Strange. Me-Unique! Ha,ha,ha? Smile my friend?

its a Beautiful Morning!

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Days are too busy, hours are too few, seconds are too fast,

But there is always time for me to say hello to someone like you.

Smile and enjoy life! Good Morning.

................................................. ................................................. .........

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Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #31 on: January 16, 2006, 03:38:42 AM »


I asked God to make u happy, make u smile,

Guide u safely thru every mile;

Grant u wealth, give u health & most of all give u love & care?

Good Morning Dear.

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YOU are the SUNSHINE of my LIFE...

You take the clouds away and make me RAINBOWS everyday...

Surelly in my HEART you'll forever stay!

Good Morning & have a NICE DAY!

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When God puts a tear in your eye, it's because?

He wants to put a rainbow in your heart?

So don?t worry be Happy & wish you a worry free Day.

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"When you find a dream inside your heart, don't ever let it go....

For dreams are the tiny seeds from which beautiful tomorrows grow."

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Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #32 on: January 16, 2006, 10:55:14 AM »


LIFE is mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter,

pleasure and pain. Just remember, there was never a cloud that the sun

couldn't shine through.

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A warm HELLO doesn?t come from d lips, it comes from d heart,

Doesn't have 2 b told, it has 2 b shown, doesn't have 2 b given,

it has 2 b sent. So?.Hello & Good Morning.

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God smiled at me just this morning thru the rising sunrays.

 I'm sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you?.

A warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing.

................................................. ................................................. .........

Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #33 on: January 17, 2006, 03:43:59 AM »


Of all the smiles you received today, there was a smile you didn't see.

A smile not from the lips, but straight from the heart?.

A smile that came from me to wish u a Smiley Morning.

................................................. ................................................. .........
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #34 on: January 17, 2006, 11:28:46 AM »


Never get tired of doing little things to others,

Because sometimes those little things may mean so much to them.

That's why I won't get tired of sending my little hi at Morning  to you.

................................................. ................................................. .........
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #35 on: January 18, 2006, 03:46:18 AM »
**Love & Romantic English SMS Collections**



There are 12 months a year...

30 days a month...

7 days a week...

24 hours a day...

60 minutes an hour...

but only one like you in a lifetime.

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Great minds contain ideas, solutions and reasons.

Scientific minds contain formulas, theories and figures...

My mind contains only you!

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There is night so we can appreciate day,

Sorrow so we can appreciate joy,

Evil so we can appreciate good...

You so I can appreciate Love.

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When situation gets you down, remember there's Someone in Heaven

who loves you and watches over you and there's someone on Earth who

cares? I do.

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When I dream, I dream of you...

Maybe one day, dreams will come true.

Coz, I really love you.

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Love. All my life I have read about it,
Dreamt of it, Waited for it, Cried for it, Needed it...

Now with You, I have found it.

................................................. ................................................. .........

Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #36 on: January 19, 2006, 03:35:43 AM »


Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life.

But I'd rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest

hour... When your sun isn't around.

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There are 4 steps to Happiness:

1. You,

2. Me,

3. Our Hearts,

4. Together!

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I always think of you, but I always fail to know the reason why,

Is there something else I should know about you?

But there is one thing that I know is true,

That life will always be sad without you.

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Nobody tells fish to swim, birds to fly,

Cows to moo, dogs to bark - they just do.
Just like nobody tells me to remember you. I just do!

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I have you! If you hate me, shoot me with an arrow,

But please not on the heart coz......

That's were you are!

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I have heard from the Phone company, The Water company,

The electric company, but haven't heard from You. Too bad,

it's Your Company I love the most.

................................................. ................................................. .........

Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #37 on: January 20, 2006, 03:26:34 AM »


Can I say I love you today? If not, can I ask you again tomorrow?

And the day after tomorrow? And the day after that? Coz...

I'll be loving you every single day of my life.

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I hate when you smile at me because you make me crazy about you.

I hate when you talk to me because you make me run out of words.

I hate you when I see you because you make me love you more.

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You greeted me hi, I didn't reply.

You gave me a sweet smile, I responded with a sigh.

You showed me your love, you received a shrug.

But when you bid goodbye?

I began to cry.

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A person you love is an extension of yourself.
Without it, you're not complete so better take care of yourself because?

I don't want to lose a part of me.

................................................. ................................................. .........

Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #38 on: January 21, 2006, 03:49:17 AM »


I'm afraid to close my eyes coz I might think of you.

I'm afraid to open them coz I might see you.
I'm afraid to move my lips coz I might speak of you.
I'm afraid to listen coz I might hear my heart fall for you.

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Love is magic. The more we hide it, the more it shows,

The more you suppress it, the more it grows.

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Love is something special, a treasure I want to find...

To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, Coz..

When I fell in love...I saw you.

................................................. ................................................. .........


Whenever you feel blue, I will be there for you,

Whenever you are sad, I will stay by your side,

Whenever you need someone to love..

I will always be there for you to have.

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I believe that God above,

Created you for me to love,
He picked you out from all the rest,

Coz He knew I would love you the best!

................................................. ................................................. .........
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #39 on: January 22, 2006, 03:23:03 AM »


Falling in love with you is the second best thing in the world...

Finding you is the first!

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If u open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It's you;

True loves are hard to find so I kept you.

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God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...

and I just caught one that's so nice and true...it's YOU !

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My lips want to kiss you; my eyes want to see you,
My hands want to touch you; every part of me wants you,

Maybe bcoz? I was made just for you!!

................................................. ................................................. .........
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #40 on: January 23, 2006, 03:47:40 AM »

Aarz kiya hai....

Dekh kai tumko dil ye bindas bola,

Dekh kai tumko dil ye bindas bola,

Aao duno milke Sar uthake pithe hai COCA- COLA!!!

Wah, Wah....

Piyo Sar Uthake.....

................................................. ................................................. .........
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #41 on: January 24, 2006, 03:31:49 AM »

Phool aachchi lagti hai Baago mai,

Mehendi aachchi lagti hai Hato mai,

Aur  Tum Aachchi lagti ho...

Jab rahte ho Tum Mera sath Mai!!

................................................. ................................................. .........

Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #42 on: January 25, 2006, 04:33:15 AM »

Zindegi ka bare mai aur kya batao yaar,

Samondar sa bhi gehra hai ya matter,

Chahe jitna bhi kawsish karo esa Suljane mai?

Fasjawoga yaar tum utna hi Uljan mai.

................................................. ................................................. .........
Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #43 on: January 26, 2006, 03:39:51 AM »
** Night Greeting SMS Collections **



As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight.

Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night!

................................................. ................................................. .........


The night is silent but I can't sleep.

Maybe because I am waiting for my cell phone to beep.
Before I dream, what I want is get your message and read.

................................................. ................................................. .........

Shafiquzzaman Khan UZZAL
«Reply #44 on: January 28, 2006, 11:22:04 AM »


You are the reason why I have sleepless nights.

You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight.

And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying? Good Night.

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Begin the day with a light heart.
Let all your worries be swept aside at night.
Smile a moment and thank God, for every moment..

He cares for you all the way. Good Night.

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My day may be hectic. My schedule may be tight.

But I would never let the day end without saying good night.

Sweet dreams!

................................................. ................................................. .........

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