One of the Finest Love Stories....!

by luchhaa_lafangaa on November 28, 2004, 10:22:42 AM
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Author  (Read 1061 times)
A True, Touching Love Story That Happened In The NWFP(Border) Areas.
Note: This story might bring tears in your eyes.

The headman of a big tribe had a beautiful daughter who fell in love with a boy who was an ordinary poor person. When the people of the tribe came to know about their love, they did not like it at all, and so began to protest about it. Now it happened that the two lovers left their homes for a happy future. The people of the tribe started searching for the two lovers but they could not find them. At last, they accepted their love and asked them in anewspaper to come back.

The people said that if u both come back we will marry u, we accept that u loved each other truly. So in this way their love won and the age old attitide of the tribe took a beating. The couple went to the city for shopping for the wedding. He was wearing a white traditional dress, and was crossing the road when a car came and hit him and he died on the spot. The girl lost her senses. After a long time she recovered and accepted that her love has died.

One night she was sleeping in her home with her family. Her mother had dream in which she saw a fairy. That fairy asked her mother to wash the blood spots of the guy from her daughter's clothes as soon as possible.
But her mother ignored the dream.

Next night the father saw the same dream, he also ignored it. Then when the girl had the same dream the next night, she woke up and told her mother about the dream.

Her mother asked her to wash the clothes on which there were blood spots. She washed the spots but some remained. Next night she again had the same dream. She again washed the spots but some still remained. Next night she again had the same dream and this time that fairy gave her last warning to wash the blood spots, else something terrible will happen. This time the girl tried her best towash the spots, the clothes tore, but some spots still remained.

In the evening on same day when she was alone, someone knocked the door. When she opened the door she saw the fairy at the door. She got very scared and fainted.

The fairy woke her up... and gave her an object.

That awe-struck girl asked "What is this..?" to which the fairy replied...

"Kaise bhi daag ho, Jaise bhi daag ho, Surf Excel Hai Na..."

«Reply #1 on: November 28, 2004, 10:29:55 AM »
Shocked :lol:
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