Sardaar is back !!!--

by Pooja on July 28, 2005, 07:59:34 PM
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«Reply #15 on: August 03, 2005, 06:07:15 AM »
Fifteen minutes into the flight from Mankuwa City to Sukhpur city, the
captain announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, one of our engines has failed.. There is nothing to worry about. Our flight will take an hour longer than scheduled, but we still have three engines left." Thirty minutes later the captain announced, "One more engine has failed and the flight will take an additional two hours. But don't worry ... we can fly just fine on two engines." An hour later the captain announced, "One more engine has failed and our arrival will be delayed another three hours.But don't worry ... we still have one engine left." A sardarji passenger turned to the man in the next seat and remarked, "If we lose one more engine, we'll be up here all day!"
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«Reply #16 on: August 03, 2005, 06:44:54 AM »
An Indian was sitting with a Pakistani and a Malaysian in Saudi Arabia, sharing a smuggled barrel of beer, when all of a sudden Saudi police entered and arrested them. They were initially sentenced to death but they contested this and were finally imprisoned for life.

But, as it was a national holiday, the Sheikh decided they should be released after receiving 20 lashes of the whip.
As they were preparing for their punishment, the Sheikh suddenly said: "It`s my first wife`s birthday today, and she asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping."
So the Malaysian guy thought for a while and then said: "Please be tieing a pillow to my back."
This was done but the pillow only lasted 10 lashes before the whip went through.

The Pakistani guy, watching the scene, said: "Please fix two pillows on my back".
But even two pillows could only take 10 lashes before the whip went through again.

Before the Indian fellow could say something, the Sheikh turned to him and said: "As you are from a small country, and your football team and your golfers are terrible, and your women skinny (Saudis love fat women)you can have two wishes!".

"Thank you,Most Royal and Merciful Highness", the Indian replies.
"My first wish is: " I would like to have 40 lashes."
"If you so desire", the Sheik replies with a questioning look on his face, "and your second wish?"...

"Tie the Pakistani to my back", the Indian answers :hunter:  :lol:  glasses2
«Reply #17 on: August 04, 2005, 04:48:37 PM »
wowoowoowow good job Saeed and mithi mirch..................................
«Reply #18 on: August 04, 2005, 05:26:46 PM »
wow gud job everyone....Arreee...Mithi mirch...Long time no c?
how r u doing?
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