tired of your job!......try this

by shakeel_saif on June 25, 2005, 01:14:52 AM
Pages: [1]
Author  (Read 534 times)
Run one lap around the office at top speed.
-Ignore the first five people who say "Good Morning" to you.
-Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say "Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye."
-To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.
-In the middle of a meeting, suddenly shout out "Yahtzee!"
-Walk sideways to the photocopier.
-While riding the elevator, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.
-Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him/her with double-barreled fingers.
-Babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask "Did you get all that? I don't want to have to repeat it."
-Page yourself over the intercom (do not disguise your voice).
-Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle (there must be a colleague within sight).
-Shout random numbers while someone is counting.
-At the end of a meeting suggest that for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem
-Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch off and on 10 times.
-For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as 'Bob'.
-Announce to everyone in a meeting that you really have to do "number two".
-After every sentence, say 'mon' in a really bad Jamaican accent. As in "The report is on your desk, mon." Keep this up for an hour.
-While an office mate is out, move their chair into the elevator.
-In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter "Shut up, damn it, all of you just shut up!"
-At lunch time get down on your knees and announce "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again!"
-In a colleagues diary, write in 10:00 am.: "See how I look in tights."
-Carry your keyboard over to a colleague and ask "You wanna trade?"
-Repeat the following conversation 10 times to the same person: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."
-While talking to a colleague, pick your nose.
-Come into work wearing army fatigues and when asked why, say "I can't talk about it."
-Find the vacuum and start vacuuming around your desk.
-Hang a 2 foot piece of toilet paper from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised (or perfectly calm) when someone points it out.
-Tuck one pant leg into your sock and when queried, say, "Not now," and walk away.
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