by TOUCHY on June 15, 2005, 12:24:36 AM
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Mailinator is an e-mail service that creates on-the-spot e-mail addresses. For this you do not have to visit the site and go through the registration process. Just choose any username and attach the string `@mailinator.com' on to it. For example, suppose you are in the midst of a signing-up process with an on-line service and have reached a stage where you need to provide an e-mail id.

Now, instead of providing your normal e-mail address, create an e-mail id by just typing in some username (say, netspeak) and attaching the string `@mailinator.com' with it (like netspeak@mailinator.com).

Now continue with the registration steps and to finish the process successfully, generally you will have to reply to an e-mail received in this address from the on-line service provider. To retrieve the mail, access the Mailinator site, type the username (here, netspeak) into the box labelled `Check your Mail', click the `Go' button and you will be on your way to read the mail received from the service. The point to note here is that an e-mail sent to Mailinator, as mentioned in its site, will `last only a few hours'.
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«Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 12:25:55 AM »
A `phishing' site detector

It is likely that many of you have received junk e-mails from people claiming to be authorities of organisations such as CitiBank, E-bay and so on. The objective of such fraud e-mails is to trick the user to disclose her personal details.

Such e-mails direct the naïve user to a bogus web site, which collects the user' personal information while he logs on to the service. This act of sending e-mails for collecting private information from netizens is known as phishing
(http://www. webopedia.com/TERM/p/phishing. html).

One possible solution to prevent a netizen from falling prey to such frauds is to introduce a feature into the browser that can warn the visitor while he attempts to access a fraud site of this kind.

The latest edition of the free IE-compatible browser, Deepnet Explorer (featured in an earlier edition of NetSpeak), has been released with a `phishing' prevention feature.

Once the `Deepnet Explorer's `Phishing Alarm' feature is enabled, , whenever you visit a phishing site (whose details are stored in the browser's database) with this browser, it pops up a message window that alerts you of the impending danger. For more details: http://deepnetexplorer.com/support.asp. You may also check out this link at Secunia ( http://secunia.com/multiple_browsers_window_injection_vulnerability_test/) that hosts a `browser vulnerability' test, which can be used to check whether your browser is vulnerable to certain on-line attacks.
«Reply #2 on: June 15, 2005, 01:22:31 AM »
Thanx for sharing this  wid us........................

These are nice news.........................for us.
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