@ iAdmin:
You have said, what you have thought.. but from my thinking, it appears repeating one point a couple of times.. I am replying as per your reasons:
When we will have "ONLY one thread to wish one PERSON "-> We will have less clutured birthday wishes threads,
-- Absolutely Wrong, The longer the thread, the more cluttered it will be (year after year)
-> All birthday wishes will be at same place so making it easy for Birthday boy or girl to respond.
-- A birthday boy or girl respond to birthday wishes of the current year only, so whether it is in same thread as of previous year or it is a new thread, he/she will repond it with equal ease.
-> Reading all wishes at one place after few years will be interesting to see.
-- This appears good to some members only. Some members like their name at different places of YoIndia. Also, as per me, Some don't like to remember old memories whether good or bad. It actually depends on person to person.
BUT....-> It may also look bad to one who wanted to wish separately in new threads or sometimes may hurt ego and sentiments.. .but on the other hand, may be you were late to wish then why get hurt ?
-- No reason at all.. This only signifies that, if he/she is not late to wish, he could have open a new thread. Then why this debate over here??
When we will have "Multiple threads allowed to wish one person"
-> Freedom to start new thread and wish in own way.
-- Yeah.. Agreed..
-> No ego problem but rush to first come first wish.
-- Rush is good for YoIndia,
Isn't it??
BUT.....-> Sometimes will get so many birthday wishes threads
-- It never happens, even if someone have two or more new birthday threads opened in single they were merged on first come starter basis. Means, One who is first to open a new thread for his/her friends, remains the starter of the thread. And the next thread is merged in his/her thread only.
-> Scattered birthday wishes
This clarifies after previous point. No scatterd birthday wishes, they are all in that new thread only.
-> Hard to keep record of who wished and who did not !
-- Yahan kisne shagan daalna hai ki jisne wish kiya, hum bhi usey hi wish kareinge.. is liye record rakha jaaye... If anyone don't wish you, do you take revenge from him/her??
-> Hard to follow previous years wishes (if one wants to )
-- Why is search option there on YoIndia.. Just for beautification or what?? Also if any wants to follow previous year's wishes, he/she should have option to get his/her thread merged... We are not forcing anyone to act according to us.
By the way, I or anyone else who agreed to me, have not said, that one who wants to keep his/her wishes in single thread should not be allowed to do so.. Rather we just want, that everyone should not be compelled to keep their wishes in single thread. There should be flexibility for this.
And No Hard And Fast Rule Again... If a New Thread is started to someone, who wants it in single or old thread only, He/She can always ask any Moderator to merge his/her thread... What is the obligation here?? If we don't compel them to keep their wishes as they want, Why we can not keep our wishes as we Want... ??