Fundings to Yoindia -- Views of every Yoindian Invited

by yoindia on May 16, 2008, 08:14:38 PM
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Yoindian Shayar

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Yoindia was started as a common community but soon it became a benchmark on internet for Shayari! Though we Yoindia is now role model for many such community and I have seen really a lot. Being a site with a very precise subject ie. Poetry and that too as Shayari ie. in Hindi / Urdu, revenue from advertisement (which you see around) are not enough, infact owing to its useractivity, it needs a lot more resources than a normal community site do. Earlier Yoindia was on shared host so was easy to maintain as shared host expenses are minute as compared to dedicated hosting. Yoindia runs on Dedicated hosting from a year or so and seems that Yoindia need more funding in order to run smoothly.

There is lot more to come for Yoindia but we are actually out of resources to implement them. Yoindia is dedicated to poetry and will always be. But now Yoindia seeks member's support too.

I am already with some ideas, will implement them only when members approve them.

1. We thought of asking members to donate to Yoindia but that is not really a viable option because expenses are now so steep that we need something more prominent. So I am not in favour of this option.

2. We may have some paid membership too, that will provide some extra benefit to paid members as well as supporting Yoindia and that too on neglible amount.

3. Members may sponsor Yoindia or ask people who run work / institution which may get benefitted through Yoindia to sponsor Yoindia.

More ideas and views are highly appreciated. Also if anyone agrees on 1,2 or 3rd point then please give your detailed view on its implementation like what possibility you find  etc.

Even if nothing works out, still Yoindia will be there as its more passion for us than anything else.

«Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 08:40:22 PM »
First, you need to edit the title "Fuding Or Funding", Don't make any haste and hopping.

On No. 1
I will happily share or divert my portion of funds if possible easily. I also discuss it later by other means.

On No. 2

Right you don't need to do that paid membership may discourage the members to sign in. Let it be free, keep it free.
Yoindian Shayar

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Waqt Bitaya:
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«Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 09:14:37 PM »
Paid here means a sort of premimum membership so that who want to contribute can contribute to Yoindia by taking that membership. Normal Yoindia and registration is going to be there as it is. It will be optional.
Ps: Thankyou for pointing out the error, ofcourse its not any hurry.
«Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 09:29:50 PM »
Thanks for being so kind.

Premium membership concept is way too far to achieve, but still you can promote and make an advertisement and promotional campaign to gain profits from  premium advertisements from other resources such as Government and NGO public service messages on the website.
Yoindian Shayar

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Waqt Bitaya:
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«Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 10:23:27 PM »
Well, premimum membership wont be premimum that way, normal membership but a way to contribute to Yoindia. Advertisement from other sources is already under consideration.

May be you can add this also in your signature about Urdu tallaffuz -(Get meaning of Urdu words).

«Reply #5 on: May 16, 2008, 10:29:36 PM »
I will add that too.
One thing I observed about YoIndia that it is least optimized for search engines database, keywords bring results from even least ranked websites first and barely I see YoIndia name in every search engine I tried. Search engine optimization is good if you add external meta tags and top keywords to promote YoInida Free of Cost, I will take some steps to add some strong searchable keywords inside my posts.

Thanks and Regards
«Reply #6 on: May 16, 2008, 11:24:44 PM »
Good observations syednaami!! You are indeed a keen observer.  SEO is very necessary for yoindia. I’ve talked about it often, but since my technical knowledge is limited I cannot give many suggestions.
Premium membership is a good idea. This will  be completely voluntary and will not withhold the basic benefits of being on yoindia as a registered used. As I understand this type of membership will come with some benefits worth paying for. Usual Smile
I don’t have many ideas for now. But I will think of some and will get back
Yoindian Shayar

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Waqt Bitaya:
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«Reply #7 on: May 17, 2008, 03:54:17 PM »
I will add that too.
One thing I observed about YoIndia that it is least optimized for search engines database, keywords bring results from even least ranked websites first and barely I see YoIndia name in every search engine I tried. Search engine optimization is good if you add external meta tags and top keywords to promote YoInida Free of Cost, I will take some steps to add some strong searchable keywords inside my posts.

Thanks and Regards

Yoindia is heavily optimized for Search engine but somehow Major Search engine google is not giving proper ranking to Yoindia from two years. Probably its because of some reasons(we do have idea about them) which will get resolved with time as Yoindia is huge site. Adding keywords in posts wont help. This the reason we started providing support to Yoindia via external sites.
Just to add, eg. for term "Shayari", Yoindia is top in every search except Google, also Yoindia was dominating Google two years back for term Shayari.
I want to assure members of Yoindia that Yoindia is being served with top in the class SEO (search engine optimization).
«Reply #8 on: May 17, 2008, 06:36:43 PM »
Yeah, But I guess you need more attention on keywords as the main search engine google accepts names of members in account for search terms, previously, I was on a least famous website, but whenever I searched website member nicks and names, google ranked them on the top. But in case of YoInida either we need to click page 2 or has to look for YoIndia in the bottom of the page.
Well, I know my name is on the third rank on google for YoIndia. hehehehe
Yoindian Shayar

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Waqt Bitaya:
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«Reply #9 on: May 18, 2008, 09:12:52 AM »
There are few glitches which are far complicated than basic SEO and that can only be fixed gradually and in coming time. Few more things are yet to come for Yoindia, hope that will help Yoindia.

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