Why even a good poem may not get appreciation or comments?

by Ricky on July 01, 2007, 05:00:19 PM
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Yoindian Shayar

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Here I am trying to compile a list of few reasons which sometimes hold back people to not to appreciate / comment on good work even if they want to .

Below are few:

1. Unrelated Heading : Many times people give their poems odd names, like.. recently I saw a person named his poem as "Hello everyone", now I think if its in non-introduction section then only a Monitor is going to see it in order to move it to right place.

2. Unreadable text : This one is most common one, many times I find that there is a good poem but it is hard time to read it  because of unreadable words in it, ie. mis-spelled or unclear which ultimately wipes out the charm of poem and hence reader leave it either thinking to read it with peace later or just leaving it.

3. Long Poem : This one is not a fault, but I think a long poem might face some problem in getting comments in the beginning, it happened to few of my poems too, it is actually that whenever a person see a long post then mostly people decide to read it later with peace. Many do come back & they comment too but if you have long poem then have patience because there are many who always love hard work & also you can even remind people if even after 2 days you have not received any comment. But never worry about your poem's length until you are not satisfied from your work.

4. Posted in wrong section : Though this rarely happens & if some one do it then Monitors reactify it. Thing is that, people have their taste, if a person visits Funny Shayari Section then most probably he will ignore a "Dard Poem" posted there. So it is always good to post poem in most appropriate section.

5. Poems with new & rare words : This is another reason for poem to not get much needed comments. When a poem is with relatively new or rare words then reader who are generally not aware of them find it hard to understand and if they are not understanding then how they going to comment ?
Using meaning for those words in the end can be nice but still it reduces chances of comments.

6. Poems with mixed subjects : Sometimes we find poem which is having more emotions / subjects then expected and can sometimes leads to confusion, even today I read a poem which was serious in begining  and then became some humour in end. I don't know if the person did it intentionally or just happened but because of all this, I was unable to comment.

7. Unfamiliar Language / Script Problems : Sometimes, members post their poems in a different script which is unfamiliar to majority of members. (eg Urdu Fonts..) Its would be good if the same post should also be transcipt in English or Hindi Fonts as Many on YoIndia recognize these two languages (fonts) easily. This would also help the Poem to get more comments and appreciations from fellow members.(Point 7 is contribution of Shikha

8. Inactivity of the Author in Other Poet's threads : Recently I noticed this is also a reason being that a poem posted by someone is not getting  much needed attention, appreciation or comments or remarks. The theory is very simple, people who are going to see , read your poems are among us, if all are only going to reply on their own poem then no one is going to get any remarks. So, whenever you appreciate / remark other's poem, that poet automatically develops a tendency to know more about your work & hence more chances that the person is also going to post on your thread as you posted in his thread. 

9. Multiple Poems in Single Thread : If you post multiple poems in single thread then it will be real hard for reader to keep track or comment any of the poem. eg. if you want to read a single poem but you are presented with atleast 10-20 pomes at once, you will not even bother to read even single or will decide to see this thing later. Something similar to long poem. Hence I suggest that one should always dedicated separate new thread for every poem.

10. Negative Comments/Suggestion for Improvements- Specially for Newcomers: Here on Yoindia Shayariadab our motive is to spread and encourage original poetry. We have many members who improved a lot with time and now are very good poets. In order to improve new comers, experienced poet / senior members can give you suggestion, can tell you way to improve your poetry. Can be a negative comment but Please do not get discouraged from those comments, you may find them negative but they are to improve your skills. Though I request senior members to give suggestion in friendly way and with required explanation. Also, I request members to take suggestion in OPEN instead of PM, that way other members will also get benefit from it.
(Point 10 is based on inputs from salma786)

11. Posting too many poems at once or too frequently : If you are writing from long and found Yoindia Shayariadab just recently then posting your all poetry altogether is not a good idea. Instead post one poetry and give atleast 1 day or 24 hour time before posting another so that other poets and member of Yoindia Shayariadab  can get time to give comment and feedback on your poetry.
(Point 11 is based upon discussion here).

These are the reason I always felt to share so sharing, in the above given points, the second one is the most affecting one.
Also, if Anyone else has more point to contribute then please do here, would be so nice & will list it here with thanks !

Thankyou !

< Copyright © Ricky >
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Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 07:42:35 AM »
I added two more points today..
Point 5 and point 6 .

Comment please !
«Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 10:55:46 AM »
Absolutely True Points Ricky...

Case 3.. is my Personal Experience also. Usual Smile

One more Point I would like to add here is.. :

Unfamiliar Language / Script Problems : Sometimes, members post their poems in a different script which is unfamiliar to majority of members. (eg Urdu Fonts..) Its would be good... if the same post should also be transcipt in English or Hindi Fonts... as Many on YoIndia recognise these two languages (fonts) easily.  This would also help the Poem to get more comments and appreciations from fellow members.
Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #3 on: July 03, 2007, 11:04:21 AM »
Well, really nice addition !
Have added it .
«Reply #4 on: July 03, 2007, 11:13:45 AM »
Beside from all the above points.... there are many other factors that are responsible.... like some of us like to read Shayri's or poems by selected people only.... less members visit yoindia on a regular basis.... and many others....
Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #5 on: July 03, 2007, 12:05:30 PM »
Ya.. its true that few people love to read poems of their friends and sometimes the poet they feel is good.

Basically I think it will be helpful for new people because we get older on Yoindia we used to understand the things!
Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #6 on: August 12, 2007, 09:00:57 PM »
Updated :

Added point No. 8 Today
«Reply #7 on: August 13, 2007, 02:29:32 AM »
Very Right... Puzzled !
«Reply #8 on: September 02, 2007, 03:02:21 AM »
I read your Points ...

Ricky you always analyse things very clearly ...

I agree with your Point 1 and Point 8

I differ your saying that people dont read long poems..
I agree that long poem do take little time... but when
the shayri is well writtern ... with lots of emotions..
i dont think people will ignore reading those beautiful
creations only bec it is too long...

I also wanted to convey that there are members
(including myself) keep their shayries in threads..
Threads of their views... of their creations..

Do you think Mr Ricky, that members wont like
these threads and they avoid reading them???

If it is so, than i vl avoid this...

Await for your valuable comments..
Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #9 on: September 02, 2007, 03:33:42 AM »
By long poems, I meant that people do read but for example.. if a member is online just to see what is going on Yoindia then chances are he will not read the long at that time as he is on Yoindia just for quick overview. But it never means that not to write long poems.

What do you mean by keeping shayari in threads ? Means that posting many poems in one thread ?
«Reply #10 on: September 02, 2007, 04:44:45 AM »
What do you mean by keeping shayari in threads ? Means that posting many poems in one thread ?

Yes....Posting many in one heading just like some members
(including myself) did
Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #11 on: September 02, 2007, 05:42:29 AM »
That is fine but to give more importance to every poem, I suggest to write poem separately.
Even I was thinking to add this to list from few days.
Yoindian Shayar

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«Reply #12 on: July 29, 2008, 10:26:14 PM »

Added Point No.9 today.
«Reply #13 on: November 12, 2008, 01:39:30 PM »
true point ricky
«Reply #14 on: January 17, 2009, 04:49:58 PM »
I appreciate all your points Ricky
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